
6.           the key to the car when my boss came towards me.Finally I could drive him home as usual.(  )
A.Never had I foundB.Seldom did I find
C.Hardly had I foundD.No sooner did I find

分析 我一找到车钥匙,老板就朝我走来了.最后我像往常一样开车将他送回家.

解答 答案:C.

点评 本题考查hardly′′′when′′′引导的倒装.首先要注意hardly′′′when′′′的固定搭配,然后要注意当hardly置于句首时,主句部分须倒装且用过去完成时.

7.If you're thinking about reaching for another biscuit to get you through the working day,think again.Eating unhealthy snacks at your desk makes you pile on almost half a stone a year,a survey has revealed.The waistlines of women suffer the most,with the average female putting on 6lb 3oz-the equivalent of a whole dress size-while men see their weight increase by 5lb 2oz.
The report into our eating habits found that,on average,we eat at least two snacks a day,with 30 per cent of us tucking into three or more.Women admit eating more than men,with a further 13 per cent of ladies scoffing four or more snacks a day.The research,by The Village Bakery,found biscuits are the most common vice,with 42 per cent regularly opening a pack,closely followed by chocolate (38 per cent),crisps (32 per cent) and cakes (13 per cent).
And office workers are worse than most.Cakes and biscuits brought into work by colleagues are one of the main temptations office staff give in to.In addition,33 per cent admit reaching for nibbles to cope with stress and 22 per cent say they need a sugar rush to perk them up in the afternoon.
Simon Staddon,of The Village Bakery,said:"We were aware time-poor office workers can find it difficult to easily access a nutritional lunch.But we were really shocked by the extent to which‘quick fix'lunches are affecting weight gain and general wellbeing.Popular mid-afternoon pick-me-ups such biscuits,chocolate and cakes are high in calories,fat and full of sugar,all of which affect your blood sugar levels and ultimately lead to weight gain."
The survey of 2,000 British men and women suggests we are often ashamed of our unhealthy eating.Twenty-four per cent of Britons admit lying about how many snacks they eat with 33 per cent of women lying,compared to 20 per cent of men.Unfortunately,it's not as if we are likely to do anything positive to counteract the sweet treats.

61.According to the passage,women usually put weight on firstD
A.on the face       
B.on the legs         
C.on the feet     
D.in the middle
62.What's the main reason of eating snacks in office?C
A.Colleagues eat them to save money.
B.Staff use them to cope with their lunch.
C.Colleagues often bring them to office.
D.Bosses invite staff to eat them.
63.Why do office workers eat a"quick fix"lunch?D
A.Because it has much of nutrition.
B.Because it has little effect on weight gain.
C.Because it has little effect on general wellbeing.
D.Because they have short time to have their lunches.
64.It can be inferred that British women areB.
A.less likely to lie on snacks than men       
B.more likely to lie on snacks than men
C.more ashamed of eating snacks than men      
D.less ashamed of eating snacks than men
65.What does the underlined word possibly mean?A
A.act against       
B.appeal to           
C.cope with       
D.get in.
1.Israel has passed a law banning the use of underweight models in advertising.Known as the"Photoshop Law",it also requires that agencies tell their audience if they've digitally changed pictures to make models look thinner.
The new law prohibits the use of models with a body mass index of 18.5 or less,a designation based on internationally accepted measures.The figure matches the set of fixed limits by the U.S.Department of Health.
The law doesn't set a money amount that can be gained in court from such a suit.Lawmakers realize that it may be a long and difficult process to prove in court that a company broke the new law,but they feel that simply having the law in place will accomplish what they want; stopping advertising companies from continuing to influence Israelis with images of unhealthy-looking models as the gold standard of beauty.
Some modeling agencies in Israel aren't happy.
They say that the indexes on which the law is based are arbitrary and are not appropriate for every model.Many models who are totally healthy girls might be disqualified because of the law.Some models are naturally thin and unable to gain weight and the new law would unfairly prevent them from finding jobs.
However,plus-size American supermodel Emme told CNN that she thinks the law will cause other countries to make similar measures against showing underweight models."I think this is fantastic because so many young women and men are suffering to look in a way that is unrealistic and unhealthy,"she said.
60.What is"Photoshop Law"about?B
A.Banning the use of underweight models.
B.Banning underweight models in advertising.
C.Banning changing pictures digitally.
D.Banning models in advertising.
61.The underlined word"suit"in Paragraph 3 meansC.
A.a set of clothing
B.a group of rooms
C.an action in court
D.a fitness to the case
62.What can we know from the passage?D
A.All models are happy about the law.
B.All advertising agencies are happy about the law.
C.The law makes no sense.
D.There are arguments over the beauty standard of models.
11.In 1857 Louis Pasteur accepted a position at the Ecole Normale Superieure,a prestigious school in Paris.There,he continued the research on fermentation(发酵) that he had started earlier.
Ultimately,his research led to the process of pasteurization(巴斯德氏杀菌法),which uses heat to kill harmful germs in a variety of food products.Later,Pasteur took on industry-related cases such as a disease affecting the silk industry.Beginning in 1865,Pasteur spent three years investigating the bacteria that were the culprits and developing ways to prevent their spread.
In 1866Pasteur lost two daughters to typhoid(伤寒)fever.Two years later he became partially paralyzed(瘫痪)as a result of grief and stress.But despite these difficulties,Pasteur pressed on to even greater accomplishments.
In the late 1870s,Pasteur began research in the emerging scientific field of immunization and developed a vaccine(疫苗) for the deadly disease rabies.Following this success,the Pasteur Institute was founded to support Pasteur's work.Pasteur headed the institute until his death in 1895.Since then,the institute has continued to grow.Today,the institute's headquarters in Paris contain over 130laboratories along with extensive teaching facilities and the institute's own medical center.Over the years,the institute has also extended through the establishment of around thirty research centers in other countries.At each one,researchers help local authorities monitor public health and provide medical treatment.
Unlike many research organizations,the Pasteur Institute is not government funded.Instead it relies on financial gifts that it receives from institutions and ordinary people.This insures the institute's independence and enables it to respond quickly when health needs arise.

31.Who does this article introduce?C
A.A modem philosopher.                   B.An international diplomat(外交官).
C.An important scientist                  D.A conservative politician.
32.What happened to Pasteur in the late 1860s?C
A.His sales decreased.                   B.His career ended.
C.His health suffered.                   D.His personality changed.
33.What did Pasteur focus his attention on in the 1870s?D
A.Contributing to French art and literature.
B.Designing products that people would buy.
C.Using his fortune to enjoy life in France. 
D.Protecting people against a terrible illness.
34.What does the Pasteur Institute provide?A
A.Instruction.      B.Entertainment.
C.Legal advice.     D.Economic news.
35.According to this article,what do ordinary people do?B
A.Apply for jobs at the Pasteur Institute.  B.Give money to the Pasteur Institute.
C.Tour the Pasteur Institute in Paris.      D.Contact the Pasteur Institute for advice.
15.A visit to the village of Kitaisa,Uganda
There are not many visitors to Kitaisa,and not much that would bring them there unless they know someone living there.Most of the villagers live a distance from the main road and where they live are paths that are difficult to travel,especially during the rainy seasons.
There are a few shops selling oil,sugar,tea,flour,candles.There is no petrol station,but one will find a school and a small government hospital.But there are no doctors,just a few nurses and medically trained staff.
It is still early and most people are outside cooking their meals over firewood.Children in uniform and without shoes are going to school,making their way through muddy paths from the night's rain.
You can see some adults picking beans,or cultivating the ground around corn plants.Some children are carrying water from the nearby river.People are sitting outside having breakfast.Children will have porridge,the family will eat leftover posho,or plantain bananas called matoke.Meat is not often eaten,protein comes mostly from beans.
Here life is tough,there is simply a lack of everything.Some chickens are running around and I am told that they are basically for eggs,though one was caught and given to me for later.Life here is very simple.There is no library here,no newspapers.There was a little restaurant with some outside chairs,a beauty shop,and about eight places where food and other supplies were sold.
People in villages don't live long for the most part,since there is no infrastructure here.There are no ambulances,and if you do get sick there is no money to pay for treatment.The nearest hospital is 15kilometres away in Busunju,but even that larger town lacks facilities,though a medical clinic is there with a doctor,unlike the small facility in Kitaisa which has few things.
Other obvious problems are with water and sanitation.Water taken from creeks should be boiled and treated.It is not and because it has to be carried from a distance it is used sparingly.Children become ill with diseases that could be prevented through the use of soap and water.
There are no jobs in the village,except cultivating your garden.You can try selling food along the road,but there is no way to make money.You learn to live on little and to make every shilling count.Some support comes from relatives and if you visit someone in the village,you bring those things that they do not have and when you leave you leave them some cash.
Village people in Uganda are friendly and hospitable.They are kind and show their graceful ways to outsiders.Kids hover,adults greet you like they have known you forever.

69.What is the most likely reason for people to Kitaisa?A
A.To visit some relatives or friends.
B.To enjoy the beautiful scenery.
C.To know more about Uganda.
D.To help people away from diseases.
70.Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe the life in Kitaisa?D
A.Hard.  B.Peaceful.  C.Boring.  D.Ideal.
71.The word"infrastructure"(paragraph 6)is closest in meaning to"C".
A.enough nutrition
B.systemic transportation
C.basic services
D.high-quality education
72.The passage mainly talks about the author'sB.
A.expectation of the under-developing village
B.experience and feelings of the visit to the village
C.suggestions on the development of the village
D.description of the beautiful scenery of the village.

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