5£®Global warming refers to the fact that the earth's atmosphere is warming near £¨61£©its £¨it£© surface---in other words£¬it's getting hotter£®Some scientists say it is human activity £¨62£©that has caused global warming£®However£¬there are other theories as well£®One popular theory relates to the"greenhouse effect"£®Gases that make up the atmosphere are similar to£¨63£©a greenhouse because they allow sunlight £¨64£©to pass £¨pass£© through£¬and then trap £¨ÎüÊÕ£© much of the heat from £¨65£©escaping £¨escape£©£®This naturally occurring phenomenon£¬£¨66£©which is called greenhouse warming£¬keeps the earth's surface£¨67£©warmer £¨warm£© than it would be£®
While scientists agree that human-produced compounds £¨»¯ºÏÎ like carbon dioxide and others are being released into the atmosphere£¬some argue it's not clear how his leads £¨68£©tothe changes in temperature£®
Global warming can£¨69£©greatly £¨great£© affect human life on many levels£®Scientists have made great £¨70£©contributions £¨contribute£© to finding out how long the earth has been warming£¬at what rate it is warming£¬and what factors are causing it£®These answers may better prepare people to handle its effects£®
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A£® | breaks | B£® | has broken | C£® | were broken | D£® | had been broken |
A£® | end | B£® | edge | C£® | tip | D£® | side |
Ask yourself how the criticism will affect you£®Will you lose your job because of the criticism£¿Will you lose what is important to you because you are criticized£¿Will life stop existing if your opinions are not accepted£¿Surely not!So£¬don't worry about it£®Instead£¬remember that some criticism actually helps you make some improvements£®
You absolutely cannot stop what people say£®What you can do£¬however£¬is to change the way you react to criticism£®If you are upset about it£¬then the blame is on you£®You have the right to decide what to do with the criticism you receive£®
Be brave to accept criticism£®No one likes to be told that he is wrong£®Yet£¬every single person has£¬at one time or another£¬been blamed for something£®Realize that it's normal£®You may have received some strong criticism£¬but it doesn't mean that you are foolish£¬or that you are unable to do something properly£®If you are afraid to put your work out for others to see£¬you'll never know if you are a capable person£®Try not to think of it in that way and don't take it seriously£®If you can learn to be optimistic£¨Àֹ۵ģ©£¬you will remove some stress and nervousness about what people think£¬thus becoming happier£®
Consider where the criticism comes from£®It may help you step back and examine what causes the criticism£®Is the critic just trying to offer constructive criticism£¿It is much easier to accept correction or guidance from someone that has good intentions£®This type of criticism is known as valid£¨ÓÐЧµÄ£© criticism£¬because there is a valid point or reason to it£®On the other hand£¬there are critics that offer their advice just to be negative£®This is commonly referred to as invalid criticism because it is often not of any use at all£®
Do your best£®And if someone doesn't like what you've done£¬so what£¿It's either valid criticism or invalid criticism£®But you have the power to decide how you will allow it to affect you£®
Title£ºHow to deal with criticism
The author's opinion about criticism | Criticism is a £¨n£©£¨71£©common part of life and it is up to you to decide your reaction to it |
Ways of dealing with criticism | ¡ñUnderstand the £¨72£©effects that criticism has on you£º 1£©Some criticism won't make a difference to you£¬so don't feel £¨73£©worried about it£® 2£©Some criticism can help you £¨74£©improve£® ¡ñChange the way you respond to criticism and try not to be£¨75£©upsetabout it£® ¡ñAccept criticism £¨76£©bravely£º Receiving criticism doesn't mean you are stupid or you are£¨77£©unable to do things£® ¡ñBe optimistic about criticism and you will become less stressed or £¨78£©nervous£® ¡ñThink about the £¨79£©reasons for criticism£º It may be valid criticism or invalid criticism£® |
£¨80£©Conclusion | Take criticism as it is and remember you decide how you respond to it£® |
When you ask for positive and good things to occur in your life£¬you are thinking positively£®Positive thinking is nothing but channelizing £¨Êèµ¼£© your energies in one positive direction so that the things you wish for are attracted towards you£®If you wish for something from your heart and work towards achieving it£¬sooner or later£¬you'll get it£®
To make your life better£¬you have to train yourself to think positively in any situation£®You can design some positive thinking affirmations £¨¶ÏÑÔ£© for the things you desire in life£®For example£¬if you want success in life£¬then a positive affirmation for success could be"I'm going to be successful because I'm working hard for it"£®You must call out£¬write£¬or remember positive affirmations at least a couple of times throughout the day and you'll see your life changing for better£®
You can form a combination between positive affirmations and imagination£®For example£¬if you wish for a happy family£¬imagine that you're happily playing with your kids and spouse £¨Åäż£© with your parents looking at you all with satisfaction£®It'll immediately make you feel good£®You can also repeat the affirmations every morning before going out and you would certainly feel positive£®However£¬you must link your positive affirmations to actual daily actions£¬and they'll surely come true£®
Title£ºPositive thinking | |
£¨76£©Benefits/Advantages | l Help people balance and £¨77£©acceptall the ups and downs in life£® l Keep a person £¨78£©energetic£¬motivated£¬powerful and patient to live each day£® l Make a person keep happy even though in £¨79£©trouble£® l Bring confidence£® |
Meanings | l Asking for the£¨80£©occurrenceof positive and good things in your life£® l Channelizing your energies positively to £¨81£©attractyour desired things towards you£® |
Tips | £¨82£©Designpositive affirmations |
Call out£¬write or remember positive affirmations several times a day | |
£¨83£©Combinepositive affirmations with imagination | |
Repeat the affirmations before £¨84£©leaving home every morning | |
Link positive affirmations to actual daily £¨85£©actions£® |