
People Born in Autumn Live Longer
People born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist.
Using census(人口普查)data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, scientists at the Max Planck Institute in the northern German town of Rostock found the month of birth was related to life expectancy(预期寿命)over the age of 50. Seasonal differences in what mothers ate during pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age. “A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer,” said Gabriele Doblhammer, one of a team of scientists who carried out the research. “When she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it’s in the hot weeks of summer when babies are prone (易于)to infections of the digestive system.” In Austria, adults born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April-June), and in Denmark adults with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months. In the southern hemisphere, the picture was similar. Adults born in the Australian autumn—the European spring—lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring. The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data. Although nutrition at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists, Doblhammer said.
But on the other hand, according to a study of more 40,000 people, those born in spring and summer report themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter. Professor Richard Wise-man who led the research explained that the temperature at the time of birth might influence the development of the brain and seasonal factors make a difference as well.
小题1:The underlined word “outlived” in the text probably means ________.
A.lived out ofB.depended on
C.had a shorter life thanD.lived longer than
小题2:The census data of the following countries is used for research EXCEPT _______.
小题3:What’s the main idea of this text?
A.Nutrition at all times of the year has improved since the beginning of the 20th century.
B.In Austria, adults born in autumn (October—December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April—June).
C.People born in autumn live longer than those born in spring and are less likely to fall ill when they are older.
D.Babies are prone to infections of the digestive system.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Infections occurring at different times of the year influence the health of a new-born baby.
B.The study focused on people born in the late 20th century.
C.A mother giving birth in spring eats less vitamins during the last phase of her pregnancy in winter.
D.What mothers ate during pregnancy could have an impact on the babies’ life expectancy in older age.
小题5:The right sentence of the following is ________.
A.The month of birth was not related to life expectancy over the age of 50.
B.A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, eating more vitamins than in summer.
C.Stopping breast-feeding and starting giving babies normal food must make babies prone to get infected with the digestive system in the hot weeks of summer.
D.Adults born in the Australian autumn―the European spring―lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring.


小题1:词义理解题。根据文中In Austria, adults born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than…判断,答案应选D。
小题4:辨别正误题。根据文中The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data.来判断。
“I Love You”Virus
On May 21,1999,some American scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed.Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright red spots crossing the computers’screens.At the same time the computers were working much slower.To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers.To their horror,they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer virus! Obviously all these computers had been infected by computer virus.
It is said that the computer virus was made by two or three Philippine young men fond of playing tricks.They all had excellent education.They created the virus just to show their intelligence.The kind of computer virus is named“I Love You”Virus.This virus can hide in computers for long.When the time comes it will attack the computers by lowering the important functions,damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of a great deal of information which operators of the computers often use or store;even worse,it still can reproduce itself in great quantities within a short time.
We come to know that “I Love You”Virus often attacks computers on Mondays and that it is spreading to many computers in the world.Among the countries that suffered computer viruses last year are Britain,Australia,Switzerland and the US.Those who made the computer viruses have been found out slowly and carefully.But till now,how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.
61.In 1999,the virus made American scientists’information______.
A.all lost            B.partly lost                  C.none lost        D.mostly lost
62.The most terrible character“I Love You”Virus is______.
A.it can hide in computers for long
B.it can damage computer’s normal programs
C.it can get rid of all the information that the operator stores
D.it can reproduce itself in great quantities in a short time
63.All the following countries have been attacked by“I Love You”Virus EXCEPT______.
A.Britain            B.Australia                   C.Switzerland     D.Japan
64.According to the passage,which is NOT true about“I Love You”Virus?
A.Have found who made it                      B.Have found the solution to it
C.Have been attacked by it                      D.Have no effective method to it
There is an old saying in English: "Laughter is the best medicine". Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really can improve people's health.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group which tolerated the pain for the longest time was 'the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins (内啡肽) in the brain. These are natural chemicals which diminish both stress and pain.
There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body's immune(免疫的)system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group - in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their white blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.
As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists (精神病学家) in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
小题1: We learn from the first paragraph that laughter____________________.
A.is good for one's health
B.is related to some illness
C.has been investigated long since
D.has no effect on the body
小题2:Doctors have found that laughter_______________________.
A.keeps down blood pressure.
B.has similar effects to physical exercise
C.decreases the heart rate
D.increases stress
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter, according to the passage?
A.It reduces pain.
B.It exercises the body.
C.It improves the body's immune system.
D.It can cure cancer.
小题4:The writer's attitude towards laughter is__________.
The high noise of modern life may affect speech and language development in the very young, according to a study that found the auditory (听觉的) parts of the brains of young mice are slower to organize properly in the presence of continuous sounds.
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, reared a group of rats in an environment of continuous background noise and found that their brain circuits that receive and interpret (解释) sound did not develop at the same rate as animals that were raised in a quieter environment.?
Edward F. Chang and Michael Merzenich, co-authors of the study appearing in the journal Science, said that the continuous noise delayed the organization of auditory neurons (神经细胞) during a critical two-to-three-week period after the rat pups were born.?
For rats not exposed to the noise, the auditory cortex(皮层) neurons during this period gathered into a smaller area and began developing a selective response to sounds.?
But for the noise?exposed rats, this organization was slowed, causing a delay in the development of the ability to discriminate(辨别) specific sound tones. The researchers said it took three or four times longer for the rats raised in a noisy environment to reach the basic bench marks (基准) of auditory development seen in the rat pups not exposed to noises.?
Although the rat is not a perfect model for what happens in humans, the authors note, the study does suggest that high levels of noise might possibly affect some language learning in babies.?
“These findings suggest that environmental noise, which is commonly present in contemporary child-rearing environments, can potentially contribute to auditory and language-related development delays,”the authors wrote in Science.?
The authors noted that although the brain development was delayed in rats exposed to the noise, their brains did eventually mature (成熟的) normally.?
小题1:The scientists at California University studied rats_______.?
A.of different age groupsB.with different habits?
C.in different environmentsD.from different areas?
小题2:The rats exposed to noise, compared to those not exposed, _______.?
A.were more sensitiveB.were duller?
C.grew up more slowlyD.gathered together more quickly
小题3: The result of the research mainly tells us that noise _______.
A.delays brain developmentB.stops baby growth
C.affects speech and languageD.destroys brains?
小题4: The findings of the research are said to have special connections with _______.
A.causes of noisesB.medical science?
C.other living thingsD.human babies??
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion(混淆) over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.
Sudan?1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.
Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.
Last week Sudan’s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye’s name.
Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan’s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.
  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."
The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.
 "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."
Sudan dyes, which include Sudan?1 to 4, are red dyes(颜料) used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
小题1: What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?
A.Causing cancer.B.Having side effect.C.Containing poison.D.Poisonous.
小题2:How did the Sudan?1 get its name?
A.The dye is often produced in Sudan.
B.The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.
C.Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.
D.Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that.
A.the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety
B.Sudan?1 is often used to be added to the food
C.people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan?1 until 2003
D.many food shops will be closed down
小题4:Which of the following is the best title?
A.Keep away from Sudan?1
B.No Sudan?1 dye links to the country
C.How Sudan?1 dye got its name?
D.Pay attention to the food safety
You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving. If you give and give without making time to fill your own needs, then it’s likely you will burn out, or feel upset. When you take and take without giving anything back, you never feel fulfilled, so you are always searching for ways to fill the void in your life.
The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving is to know and then live by your values. I break values up into two groups which I call being and having values. Your being values are the character traits of the ideal person you would like to be. I suggest to my clients that they choose three being values that they are willing to make a commitment to live by. An example of some being values are: kind, loving, generous, inspirational, peaceful, wise and even powerful. By acting on these values you give to others through your actions and you inspire others by being a positive role model. Mastering being these character traits becomes your life purpose.
Your having values are feelings you need to create in order to be happy. These could be companionship, achievement, support, being valued or financial security. This is what you receive. You take responsibility for filling your own needs by taking steps to create these feelings and conditions in your life.
When you make a commitment to live by being values, it becomes easier to make conscious choices rather than reactionary ones. If your usual pattern is to talk about your problems, you could choose to think and act like a calm person. A clam person might go for a walk, meditate(沉思), or set a time limit before responding. If your usual pattern is to worry, you could choose to act like a responsible or wise person. In other words, you would act like the person you choose to be-this is the key to personal power.
When you choose to act on your values, you not only feel good about yourself, you reinforce(加强)your chosen beliefs. Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world, and in turn the way other people think of you.
小题1:The main purpose of this passage is to _____
A inform the readers how to be truly happy
B explain to the readers what personal values are
C persuade the readers to make a commitment
D instruct the readers how to make wise choices
小题2:According to the text, living by your being values, you would_____
A gain a lot of power                 B fill your own needs
C seek all human virtues              D form positive personality
小题3:The underline word “void” in Paragraph 1 means______
A a break of continuity                B an absent of one’s mind
C a feeling of emptiness               D a state of confusion
小题4:What can be inferred from the text?
A Having values are better than being values
B A calm person does not choose to complain.
C The way other people think of you decides who you are.
D A responsible person does not care about financial security
CANBERRA (Reuters Life!) - Think twice before eating those dropped crumbs off your computer keyboard -- you might as well be eating off a toilet seat, according to a new study on the amount of germs on keyboards.
A study by British "Which? Computing" asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on 33 keyboards in a typical London office, a toilet seat and a toilet door handle.
Four keyboards were judged potential health hazards and the microbiologist recommended the removal of one keyboard as it had 150 times the pass limit of bacteria -- five times filthier than the swabbed toilet seat.
"Most people don't give much thought to the grime that builds up on their PC, but if you don't clean your computer, you might as well eat your lunch off the toilet," said Sarah Kidner, the consumer magazine editor of "Which? Computing" in a statement.
The study found that eating lunch at desks is the main cause of a bug-infested keyboard. Dropped crumbs and food encourages the growth of millions of bacteria.
Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, may also add to the dirtiness of keyboards.
But despite the health hazard of a dirty keyboard, a survey of 4,000 people by the magazine found one in 10 people ever cleaned their keyboard while another two in 10 never cleaned their mouse.
Almost half -- or 46 per cent -- cleaned their keyboard less than once a month.
To clear out bugs, the magazine recommends users unplug keyboards, turn them upside down and shake them.
小题1:The purpose of the passage is             .
A.tell us something about the keyboards.
B.warn people to clean the keyboards often.
C.tell us how to clean the keyboard
D.tell us the germs on keyboards
小题2:What do you think the expression “Think twice before eating those dropped crumbs off your computer keyboard” stands for?
A.Think several times before eating beside your computer
B.Don’t drop foods onto the computer keyboard.
C.Don’t eat foods dropped onto the computer keyboard.
D.Be careful when you are eating by the computer.
小题3:What are the main causes of a bug-infested keyboard?
A.Dropped crumbs and food encourages the growth of millions of bacteria.
B.Poor personal hygiene
C.Much dirt on the computer keyboard.
D.Dropped crumbs and food and Poor personal hygiene
小题4:"Which? Computing" is probably a name of            .
A.An organizationB.a newspaper
C.a reportD.a magazine
Seeing a volcano erupt (喷发) is a wonderful experience, and you can really feel the beat by climbing to the summit(山顶) of Pacaya for a close-up view. There are guided tours every day up this highly active volcano from Antigua. Giving travelers a chance to see Mother Nature at her most powerful.
Pacaya is an easy drive from Antigua, a beautiful city with many colorful houses along its old streets that are turned into art-works during its Holy Week festival. No matter when you come to Antigua, you won’t miss the Pacaya-tour companies.
But climbing Pacaya is no easy job: it is 2560 metres high, and reaching the summit takes two to three hours of seemingly one-step-forward and two-step-back movements. As you climb, you hear the dull sounds of eruptions high above. Steaming. Hot remains from recent eruptions begin to line the path as you near the active summit; the McKenney Cone(火山锥). Just as though you were going to walk over to the edge of the cone, the road turns to the left and up to the relative safety of the old, inactive summit.
Many tours are timed so that you arrive at the cone of the volcano is plenty of time for sunset and the full contrast between the erupting red lava(熔岩) and the darkening sky. On a good day the view from the summit is extremely exciting. The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air. There is a strong bad smell in the air even if you take care to be upwind of the cone. As evening turns deeper into the night. the burning lava quietly falls down tae side of the volcano. For you, too, it is time to get down .
小题1: What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To attract tourists to Pacaya. B.To describe the beauty of Pacaya.
C.To introduce guided tours to Pacaya.D.To explain the power of nature at Pacaya.
小题2:Antigua is a city      .
A.where people can enjoy cultural festivalsB.where the daring Pacaya tour starts
C.that gives a close-up view of ParayaD.that is famous for its tour companies
小题3:Climbing to the McKenney Cone, people will    .
A.walk directly to the active summitB.hear the continuous loud noise from above
C.make greater efforts than to other summits
D.see a path lined with remains of earlier eruptions
小题4: Many tours are timed for people to      .
A.get down the mountain in time when night falls
B.avoid the smell from the upwind direction of the cone
C.enjoy the fantastic eruption against the darkening sky
D.appreciate the scenery of the 2560-metre-high mountain
To be a real gentleman, you should know that true forgiveness is one of the most remarkable qualities a human can possess!
In the fighting between two countries in the 1970s, a young man was walking from one village to the next when he was     by an armed guerrilla fighter from the enemy country.The fighter  the young man down the hill where he was to be    .
But a(n)  thing happened. The young man, who had    military training, was able to disarm the fighter.Now, the table was    and it was the fighter who was ordered down the hill.
As they walked,      , the young man began to reflect on what was happening.Recalling the      of his mother, "Love your enemies; do good to those who       you." He found he could go no farther.
He 10  the gun into the bushes, told the fighter he was    to go and turned back       the hill.
Minutes later, he heard footsteps53 behind him as he walked."Is this the end after all?" he      . Perhaps the fighter had got the gun and wanted to finish him off.But he continued on,       glancing back, until his enemy reached him, only to grab him in a hug and pour out        for sparing his life.
Mercy often wears the face of        .And though it usually isn't an enemy in uniform-that we are challenged to forgive, we have   for mercy every day. Family members and friends, co-workers and neighbors and even strangers have       for our forgiveness. You know who they are.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, "The      can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. " Be strong. Forgive.
A.forgive B.hateC.instructD.help
A.packed B.draggedC.forcedD.threw
A.forB.into C.upD.down
A.seldom B.never C.alwaysD.sometimes
A.awarenessB.kindness C.safenessD.forgiveness
A.opportunitiesB.explanations C.hopesD.lessons
A.lonely B.weakC.healthyD.calm

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