阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。
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There's nothing more disappointing than arriving at an airport overseas to discover that your baggage has been left behind. At best you will have to put up with wearing the clothes you stand up in for hours or days,until the airline reunites you with your baggage. At worst,you may be in a different climate zone,thousands of miles from home and forced to wear wholly unsuitable clothes.
No airline is free from mistakes. Although airlines,rarely reveal(透露) how many cases they lose,it's a fact of life that sooner or later regular travelers will be parted from their baggage. Even the best airlines slip up from time to time,and it's impossible for any carrier to guarantee that a passenger,s checked baggage will go on the same flight,particularly when a journey calls for one or more changes of aircraft.
Although airlines make special efforts to avoid errors,unexpected events can still result in baggage going missing. In normal circumstances the baggage system works well. But extra security checks at airports and problems with air traffic combine to cause delayed flights. All this can cause the baggage system to fail. Then there is the possibility of human error,or an accident in which the destination(目的地) label is tom off.
Busy airports are likely to have more problems. These problems can become extremely frious,at large transfer(换乘) airports,known as“hubs”, because of the large number of bags that are processed. Last year,for example,London's Heatlxrow airport handled more than 41 million passengers,of whom nine million were changing planes. British Airways alone handled two million transfer passengers at Heathrow.
No airport can guarantee the safe handling of baggage. Even efficient transfer airports have their bad days. The risk of baggage being lost when changing planes is higher than average at most airports. Miami airport is well known for baggage going missing when transatlantic passengers make immediate connections for destinations in Latin America.
You should choose direct flights whenever possible and check in well before the official time.If a change of plane is unavoidable,or makes your flight less expensive,then try to fly the same airline throughout. Make sure you label your baggage inside and out with your home and holiday addresses.
1. What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 1 ?
A. Many travelers often miss their homes.
B. It is important to wear suitable clothes.
C. Traveling by airline is uncomfortable.
D. Losing baggage puts people to inconvenience.
2. The underlined phrase “slip up” in Paragraph 2 probably means .
A. find a problem B. make an error
C. keep a secret D. know a fact
3. What do we learn about Heathrow airport?
A. It is a very busy hub.
B. It mainly processes large bags.
C. It seldom has ba^gageproblems.
D. It serveq nine million planes last year.
4. Passengers’ baggage is more likely to lose when .
A. they cross the Atlantic
B. they are changing planes
C. they use a new baggage system
D. they get normal security checks