
―Betty promised me to come round to keep you company today.

― But she _______. I’ve been alone all day.

A. won't              B. hadn't             C. hasn't              D. doesn't


解析:考查动词时态的省略。根据语境,Betty没有来陪我,我已孤单了一整天了。即Betty的行为对现在造成的影响。因此,用But she hasn’t (come round to keep me company.)


My parents have always raised me to be very money-conscious, so I guess, in that sense, they are rather untraditional. Since I was a little girl, if I ever wanted to purchase anything, my parents would sternly(严厉地) remind me of the value of every cent, prompting me to spend my pocket money only when necessary. My mom actually came up with a system that we strictly abide (遵守)by in regards to money-spending. She gives me a certain amount of allowance(津贴) every month, and whenever I buy anything with my accumulated(积聚) money, I keep track of my receipts and record it in a little notebook, essentially a tiny version of my mom’s own accounting booklet.

Being in control of my own money has really taught me to be careful in how I spend my money, giving me a sense of responsibility and ownership over it.

As for earning money, aside from my allowance, my parents never really encouraged me to go out and find a job at typical American occupation locales(现场), such as restaurants or clothing stores. Instead, they would prefer that I spend my time focusing on my schoolwork, which I guess is where my parents become more traditional. Yet I still earn money here and there in little jobs, such as teaching students at my school, and of course, writing for the paper.

Though I have several friends already working, I am pretty happy with my current situation. I am able to focus on my studies, all the while earning quite a bit of money, and also learning monetary (货币的) skills that are crucial to survival in the real world, and for that I am grateful.


41. What happened when the author bought anything with her accumulated money?

A. She asked her parents to give her a large amount.

B. She controlled her own money without using it.

C. She kept track of her receipts and recorded it in a little notebook.

D. She wanted to go out and find a job at typical American occupation locales

42. We can know that the author from the passage___________.

A. loves a little notebook               B. likes spending money

C. needs working at restaurants     D. satisfies the current situation

43. The word “crucial” underlined in Paragraph 2 means _____________.

A. dangerous        B. important        C. impossible         D. deadly

44. The purpose of writing the passage is to help people ___________.

A. learn to be money-conscious    B. increase their savings 

     C. manage their work well            D. test their power of self-control

Sometimes you can’t believe what is happening before your eyes.  With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our four-year-old daughter, Becky, felt   36  at home.  Cattle and horses were too big for her to   37  with.  Oh, my poor daughter.

One day I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when Becky rushed in with   38   .  “Mama!” she cried, “Come to see my new dog! I gave him water two times already.  He’s so thirsty. ”

I   39  , another of Becky’s imaginary  40  .

“Please come, Mama. ” She pulled  41  my jeans, her brown eyes pleading(肯求).  “He’s crying―and he can’t walk!” “Can’t walk?” I could   42   it must be a certain animal this time.  “All right, honey,” I said.  By the time I tried to   43   her, Becky had already disappeared into the   44  .  “Where are you?” I called.  “Over here by the oak stump(橡木桩).  Hurry , Mama!” I   45  the branches and raised my hand   46  the glare of the sun.  To my   47  , she was touching an unmistakable head of a wolf!

“Becky,” My mouth felt dry.  “Don’t move. ” I   48   closer.  Yes, it was a big wolf which was badly hurt.  Suddenly the wolf   49  .  “It’s all right, boy. ” Becky   50   it.  “Don’t be afraid.  That’s my Mama, and she loves you, too. ” Then the unbelievable thing happened.  As her tiny hands 51   the great shaking head, I found the wolf   52   down and waved his tail gently.  “Honey,” my   53   tightened.  “Put his   54   down and come to Mama.  We’ll go and find help. ”

Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my arms.  With Becky  55  in my arms, I ran home quickly.  I can’t understand why my little girl could get along well with the wolf, but I always think if only all of us could get on well with other animals, like my slaughter and the wolf.

36. A. lonely

B. afraid

C. free

D. happy

37. A. go

B. deal

C. play

D. compete

38. A. sadness

B. excitement

C. caution

D. fear

39. A. regretted

B. complained

C. laughed

D. sighed

40. A. plans

B. dogs

C. tricks

D. discoveries

41. A. on

B. over

C. up

D. at

42. A. recognize

B. suspect

C. say

D. declare

43. A. follow

B. catch

C. trust

D. convince

44. A. gate

B. house

C. crowd

D. woods

45. A. parted

B. split

C. struck

D. surrounded

46. A.  to

B. for

C. from

D. against

47. A. joy

B. astonishment

C. curiosity

D. disappointment

48. A. reached

B. sought

C. stepped

D. watched

49. A. shook

B. attacked

C. jumped

D. stood

50. A. stopped

B. comforted

C. blamed

D. ordered

51. A. beat

B. felt

C. waved

D. held

52. A. went

B. slowed

C. calmed

D. got

53. A. teeth

B. mind

C. feet

D. throat

54. A. body

B. tail

C. head

D. hand

55. A. safe

B. happy

C. nervous

D. proud

       Age has its special advantages in America .  And one of the more impressive of them is the senior citizen discount .  Anyone who has reached a certain age ― in some cases as low as 55 ― is automatically entitled to plenty of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life .  Eligibility (资格) is determined not by one’s need but by the date on one’s birth certificate .  Practically the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses ― as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners .  

       People with array hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them ; yet , millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent (有支付能力的) .  Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans .  The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “ elderly ” and “ needy ” are synonymous (同义的) .  Perhaps that once was true , but today , to be sure , there is economic variety within the elderly , and most of them aren’t poor .  

       It is impossible to determine the effect of the discounts on individual companies .  For many firms , they are a stimulus to income .  But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense , directly or indirectly , of younger Americans .  Moreover , they directly annoy some politicians and scholars who consider it a coming conflict between the generations .  

       Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits , which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old .  Employment is another point .  Supported by laws and court decisions , more and more older Americans are refusing the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job ― thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers .  Far from a kind of charity they once were , senior citizen discounts have become a powerful economic privilege (特权) to a group with millions of members who don’t need them .  

       It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others .  Senior citizen discounts only enrich the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves and need special treatment ; and they threaten the creation of a new myth , that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups .  Senior citizen discounts are the heart of the very thing older Americans are fighting against ― discrimination by age .  


72. We learn from the first paragraph that ______

A. offering senior citizen discounts has become routine commercial practice

B. senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a good life

C. giving senior citizen discounts has increased the market for the elderly

D. senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount

73. The reason to gibe the senior citizen discount is that ____________

A. the elderly need humane help from society

B. businesses should do something for society in return

C. old people are entitled to special treatment for their contribution to society

D. the senior discounts can make up for the lack of the Social Security system

74. What does the author think of the Social Security system ?

A. It encourages elderly people to retire in time

B. It opens up broad career chances for young people

C. It benefits the old at the expense of the young

D. It should be strengthened by laws and court decisions

75. What does the author mainly argue in the passage ?

A. Senior citizens should fight hard against age discrimination

B. The elderly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted

C. Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination

D. Discounts should be given to the economics needs of senior citizens

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