
1. motor

A. opposite

B. object

C. official

D. ocean

2. heavy

A. merry

B. cheap

C. break

D. meter

3. trunk

A. twentieth

B. strange

C. thunder

D. language

4. increase

A. desert

B. design

C. wise

D. promise

5. rush

A. dull

B. butcher

C. sugar

D. push


The penny is getting a change. The United States Mint (制币厂) revealed four new designs for the 1-cent piece, to celebrate the coming 200th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's birth. United States Mint Director Ed Moy announced the new looks for the penny today in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. "These coins are a tribute (赞辞) to one of our greatest Presidents, whose legacy (遗教) has had a lasting impact on our country," Moy said.

The heads side of the new pennies will continue to bear the profile (侧面) likeness of President Lincoln and the motto "In God We Trust." The back sides will pay tribute to four major parts of Lincoln's life.

The first redesigned penny will feature a log cabin that represents Lincoln's birthplace, near Hodgenville, Kentucky. The second design shows Lincoln reading a book while sitting on a log with his ax beside him. It shows how young Lincoln educated himself while working as a rail-splitter in Indiana. The third design shows Lincoln as a young man in front of the Capitol (议会会堂) in Illinois. The fourth and final design shows a half-finished United States Capitol dome, which was completed in 1863 despite the violent Civil War. The writing, on the back sides of the coins will remain "United States of America," "E Pluribus Unum" and "One Cent."

The first penny will be released into circulation on February 12, 2009, Lincoln's 200th birthday. This day is also the 100th anniversary of the release of the first penny, on February 12, 1909. One new coin will be released into circulation every three months in 2009.

"This is an important occasion in the history of our nation's coin-age because these designs represent the first change in the Lincoln cent in half a century," said Director Moy. A commemorative (纪念性的) Lincoln silver dollar will also be released in 2009.


56. Why does the United States Mint get the Lincoln cent changed? ______________

A. Because the design is out of date.

B. Because the design doesn’t match Lincoln’s life.

C. Because the old coin is hard to be released into circulation.

D. Because the country wants to honor Lincoln on his 200th birthday.

57. Which is the correct order of the new coins according to the description in the passage?

A. a, b, c, d                B. b, a, d, c               C. c, d, a, b                 D. b, c, a, d

58. How many new Lincoln coins will be released in 2009? ______________

A. One.                       B. Three.                     C. Four.                       D. Five.

59. All the newly designed coins feature the following EXCEPT _____.

A. the profile likeness of President Lincoln            B. the motto "In God We Trust"

C. the portrait of young Abraham Lincoln            D. the writing "United States of America"

60. Which of the following does Penny Image 4 show? __________________

A. Professional Life in Illinois.                  B. Presidency in Washington, DC.

C. Formative Years in Indiana.                  D. Birth and Early Childhood in Kentucky.

    The concept of Emotional Intelligence(EQ or EI)was first given by Peter Salovey and John Mayer.but it became widely popular after the publication of Daniel Coleman’s best seller“Emotional Intelligence”in 1995.The meaning of emotional intelligence is“Knowing how you and others feel and what to do about it.”

    The control center of our emotions is a small part of oily brain called the amygdala,,which scans incoming signals from our sensory organs(eyes,ears…)and acts as the emotional alarm center of our bed.When it detects a condition that we hate,that we fear,or that could hurt us,it sends an immediate signal to the other parts of our brain that controls our actions.

    The amygdala's widespread web of neural(神经系统的)connections allows it,during an emotional emergency.to take control of much of the rest of the brain including the mind.This explains why we sometimes do things “without thinking’’ like closing our eyes just before a flying insect hits our face or losing control during the course of a heated argument.

    Emotions are important for good decision-making and to keep friendly relationships with others around us.We admire people with determination when have the ability to control their emotions when they face pressure,arguments or aggression(attack).We also enjoy being with people who can express co-operation and forgiveness.We need these emotions to be happy in our professional life as much as we need them in our private life.

    The majority of problems at work are caused by unmet emotional needs.The emotional-intelligent manager knows bow to make out and manage the emotional needs of both the customers and his team.He or she.wants to help others feel respected,supported,helped,trusted,important,special,useful,needed and valued.

    When our emotional needs are satisfled, we feel better,and when we feel better,we are more productive,patient,creative,open-minded,and caring.

    Emotional intelligence requires that we develop our abilities in four main areas:

    1) self-awareness

      being aware of our emotions as they happen;

    2) managing emotions

      keeping a healthy balance of emotion and thinking;

    3) recognizing emotions in others

      it’s a great communicating skill;

    4) handling relationships

      managing emotions in others increases our popularity.our leadership ability and our

      communication effectiveness.


72.when did EQ become popular?

    A.After Peter Salovey and John Mayer defined the term.

    B.After computers became widely spread in our life.

    C.After Daniel Coleman published his book on EQ.

    D.After an expert said it was quite important.

73.Which of the following controls our emotion?

    A.Amygdala in our brains.

    B.Our sensory organs.

    C.Our mind.

    D.Our head.

74.What is the reason for most of the problems we meet at werk?

    A.Our emotional needs cannot be satisfied.

    B.We cannot get along well with others.

    C.We do not have the nerves of steel.

    D.We are extremely tired.

75.According to the passage,“managing emotions”suggests that       

    A.we should always control our emotions

    B.we should not always control our emotions

    C.we should not care so much about our emotions

    D.we should neither control nor free our emotions too much


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