
Paul Frederic Simon is a famous 1. (music), singer and songwriter. He was born on October 13, 1941 in the USA. It’s been more than half a century since he 2. (write)his famous song The Sound of silence with his partner Art Garfunkel. They also adapted 3. old English folk song Scarborough Fair, which is still popular all over the world now.

Recently Paul Simon released 4. (he) latest album Stranger to Stranger and received excellent reviews. And Wristband, which is one of the songs from the album, is often played on college radio.

5., Simon is ready to hang up his guitar and stop 6. (make)music. “Show business doesn’t hold any interest for me,” said the 74-year-old man.

Simon is planning 7. (begin) a month-long tour of Europe on October 17, shortly after his 75th birthday. After that, he’s going to travel for a year, perhaps 8. his wife. “It,s an act of courage to let go,” said Simon. “I am going to see 9. will happen if I let go. Then I’m going to see who I am.”

If he does quit music, Simon will bring a great career to a close, which has spanned sixty years. He has won more than a dozen Grammys and produced a lot of 10. (amaze)songs. Paul Fredric Simon has been named by Time Magazine one of the “100 People Who Shaped the World”.


Is there link between humans and climate change or not?This question was first studied in the early 1900s.Since then,many scientists have thought that our actions do make a difference.In 1997,the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earth's changing atmosphere and set international limits for gas emissions from 2008 to 2012.Some countries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020.More recently,the Paris Agreement,struck by nearly 200 countries,also aims to limit global warming.But just now how much warmer it will get depends on how deeply countries cut carbon emissions.

This is how much temperatures would rise by 2100 even if nations live up to the initial Paris promises to reduce carbon emissions;this rise could still put coastal cities under water and drive over half of all species to extinction.

To meet this minimum goal,the Agreement requires countries to tighten emissions targets every five years.Even this increase could sink some islands,worsen drought and drive a decline of up to a third in the number of species.

This is the most ambitious goal for temperature rise set by the Paris Agreement,after a push by low-lying island nations like Kiribati,which say limiting temperature rise to 1.5℃ could save them from sinking.

This is how much temperatures have risen since the industrial age began,putting us 40% of the way to the 2℃ point.

The baseline here is average global temperature before the start of the industrial age.

1.It can be concluded from paragraph 1 that .

A. gas emissions have been effectively reduced in developed countries

B. humans have made continuous efforts to slow down global warming

C. the problem of global warming will have been quite solved by 2020

D. the Paris Agreement is more influential than the Kyoto Protocol

2.If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement,what would happen by the year 2100?

A. The human population would increase by one third.

B. Little over 50 % of all species would still exist.

C. Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets.

D. The Agreement’s minimum goal would not be reached.

3.If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive,the maximum temperature rise,since the start of the industrial age,should be .

A. 0.8℃ B. 1.5℃ C. 2℃ D. 3.5℃

The news of Harper Lee’s second novel broke the internet. Go Set a Watchman would be published in July. Lee became a recluse (隐士)after the publication of her first book, To Kill a Mockingbird, in 1960. Although the author has been out of the public eye for more than 50 years, the wave that followed the announcement showed her novel’s beloved place in the American literary works.

In 1991, The Book of the Month Club and the library of Congress conducted a survey that made readers identify books that had made a difference in their lives. Lee’s book followed only The Bible. Alongside the works of Shakespeare and Twain, To Kill a Mockingbird remains one of the most widely taught books nationwide, reaching an estimated 70% of American public schools. What makes it such a perfect read for young people?

English class is a place where young Americans come to know themselves. In the folds of dusty books, students can make contact with humanity beyond the superficial(肤浅的) conversations of the school hallways. Literature promises relief, a place to figure out one’s problems and get to know oneself better.

To Kill a Mockingbird particularly distinguishes itself in this regard. It speaks in child’s voice without treating its readership as children. People have called it an ‘impossible’ achievement, a children’s book penned in the prose(散文) of a well-educated adult—it’s unlikely that a child like

Scout could exist in the real world. But that’s exactly what makes it such a charming read for young people. It alludes to (转弯抹角地说到)the consciousness of a well-educated adult going through difficult realities, but shows it through the light and playful voice of a curious little girl.

1.In which year might Go Set a Watchman come out?

A. 2015 B. 1960 C. 1910 D. 1991

2.Which book leaves the deepest impression on American readers?

A. Go Set a Watchman B. To Kill a Mockingbird

C. The Bible D. Shakespeare’s works

3.Which of the following statements is right about To Kill a Mockingbird?

A. Its author may be a playful child.

B. It’s a story about a well-educated adult.

C. Young people can see themselves from it.

D. It’s impossible for children like Scout to exist.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. The Great Writer: Harper Lee B. The Great Young People Novel

C. Voices from Children D. Differences Harper Lee made

Unlike most other holidays,the history of April Fools’ Day.Sometimes called All Fools’ Day,is not totally clear.The only point in time that can be agreed on as the beginning of this tradition was 1582,in France.Before that year,the New Year was celebrated for eight days,beginning on March 25.The celebration reached the highest point on April 1.With the reform of the calendar under Charles 1X,the the Gregorian calendar(公历,阳历)was introduced,and New Year’s Day was moved to January 1.

However,because in those days communications were not as developed as they are today,many people did not receive the news for several years.Some people refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1.These backward people were considered”fools” by other people.They were often sent on “fools” errands(徒劳无益的工作)or were made the targets of jokes.

This developed,over time,into a tradition of playing a trick on someone on the first day of April.The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century.It was later introduced to the American colonies of both the Britain and France.April Fools’ Day thus developed into an international fun feast,so to speak,with different nationalities specializing in their own kind of humor at the expense of their friends and families.

1.According to an earlier calendar,New Year’s Day in France was .

A. March25 B. January 1 C. April 1 D. April3

2.Which of the following first had the tradition of celebrating the April Fools’ Day?

A. France. B. England. C. Scotland. D. America.

3.What was people’s attitude towards the new calendar?

A. They accepted it happily. B. They refused it immediately. C. Some recognized it. D. Some laughed at it.

4.The passage mainly tells us .

A. what the French did on April Fools’ Day B. How April Fools’ Day come into being

C. when was the new calendar introduced D. why some people were fooled in France

British engineers at a company called Reaction Engines, have successfully tested a whole new kind of jet engine, named Sabre, Financial Times is reporting, so that the time of long-distance flight could be halved, or even quartered. Britain’s Orange News says jets with the new engine could fly from London to Sydney in four hours, instead of the usual twelve to sixteen hours and Mail Online adds that new engine not only allows for faster travel but pollutes less and the fuel for it costs less as well.

The secret to the new engine is patented(获得专利) and this new technology very quickly changes air from normal temperature to super-cold temperature. This means the engine can run faster without breaking apart due to overheating, which keeps most modern jets from traveling faster. The engine is air-breathing and use hydrogen as its fuel source. In addition to flying faster, a jet with the new engine would also fly much higher, allowing for an even faster flight in the very thin air. Because of the very high speed produced by the engine and the high altitude, a jet with Sabre in it would not have any windows.

This is the biggest breakthrough in jet technology since the invention of the jet engine, and they expect new aircraft with the new engine to be traveling in the sky in just ten years. They also note that tests of the engine were overseen by the European Space Agency which has now wholly supported the new engine and has even begun talking about booking flight time with future jets that could be used to deliver satellites into orbit around the earth.

This technology is not something that happens overnight. Instead, it is the result of many years’ hard work by thousands of engineers from over seventeen countries. Research has suggested that, with advances in jet plane technology to match the engine, flights could eventually reach speeds of nearly 20,000 miles per hour, making travel to distant parts of the globe as quick and simple as driving across town.

1.Which advantage of jets with the new engine is NOT mentioned?

A. traveling faster B. polluting less

C. costing less D. flying more safely

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to ?

A. Reaction Engines. B. A long-distance flight.

C. A jet with the new engine. D. Mail Online.

3.The modern jets without the new engine can’t travel faster mainly because ________.

A. their engines can’t stay cool

B. they use a normal fuel source

C. they just fly at very high altitudes

D. their engines can’t allow jets to fly in the thin air

4.The European Space Agency hoped to ________.

A. be in charge of testing the technology

B. play the leading role in jet technology

C. use jets with the new engine to launch satellites

D. buy all the products made by Reaction Engines

Writing an article for your school newspaper can be exciting and rewarding, especially when you proudly see your name in print.

Decide on a topic.1.If you plan to write a news article for a monthly newspaper, you will need to take into consideration whether the topic will be relevant before printing. To get ideas for stories, listen to your fellow students and find out what has them talking. Follow developments within your school and community to get information on what would interest your readers.

Do your research. There is an old saying in law that a good lawyer never asks a question that they don’t know the answer to. 2. To sum up, the more, the better.

Attract the readers with a lead. As the beginning of a newspaper story, a lead has to be direct, but it does not mean you don’t need to entertain the reader as well. 3.Your lead must be short, but it must also state as many of the essential parts of you story as possible.

Consider the 5 Ws and H. These are the meat and potatoes of your news articles. You article must answer all of these questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Once you have answered these things, you can feel confident. 4.

Write, edit, rewrite and repeat as necessary. So, much about having a successful final product is about being willing to spend time and effort in editing and reviewing process. 5.After that, make changes as a result. Having taken some useful suggestions, you are to make your article readable not only for their content, but also for their quality.

A. Think about what is happening on campus.

B. You have effectively informed your readers.

C. Get them interested with an interesting beginning.

D. Do not be afraid to accept positive comments.

E. News articles are suitable for the date of publication.

F. Take note of anything particularly unusual.

G. Try to find out as much as you can on the subject.

In Washington, Virginia and Maryland, the final months of the year have many festivals. Whether you are into a theatre environment, medieval times or a book festival, there is an event for you.

1. Maryland Renaissance Festival

The festival, now in its 38th season, features 12 stages and hundreds of costumed actors offering entertainment such as music and theatre performance, sword swallowing and a human chess match. Sept. 21 through Oct.19.

2. Baltimore Book Festival in Maryland

This three-day fair features talks and book signings from more than 275 locally and nationally known authors, including Alice McDermott and Andre Dubus III. The festival also includes live music and literary hands-on projects for kids. Sept. 26-28.

3. Middleburg Film Festival in Virginia

The festival offers a relaxed theatre environment, and the events include a dancing party, an orchestra performance of horror film music by Marco Beltrami, and a discussion with Colleen Atwood, who is a famous costume designer. Oct. 30 through Nov.2.

4. Temple Hall Corn Maize and Fall Festival in Virginia

The 286-acre farm offers a lot of family-friendly entertainment, including pig races, farm animals and camel rides. Grab seasonal goods at the farmers’ market, take part in the corn harvest, and hear live bluegrass and folk music. Friday through Sunday, Sept. 26 through Nov.2.

5. Kids Euro Festival in Washington

Here is a chance to celebrate and experience European arts and Culture, no passports required. Twenty-eight European countries will be represented during the multicultural children’s event, which features more than 200 performances and workshops. The festival is for children ages 2 through 12, librarians and educators. Activities include puppet shows, cooking and theatre workshops. “It really brings Europe to the children, ” said organizer Sandi Auman. Oct. 24 through Nov. 9

1.When can you enjoy the performance of sword swallowing in a festival?

A. Oct. 30 through Nov.2. B. Oct. 24 through Nov. 9.

C. Sep. 26 through Nov. 2. D. Sept. 21 through Oct. 19.

2.In the Temple Hall Corn Maize and Fall Festival, you can ________.

A. raise pigs in person

B. play bluegrass music

C. work in the corn fields

D. learn how to train camels

3.Both the Baltimore Book Festival and the Kids Euro Festival ________

A. offer live music B. invite famous writers

C. have activities for kids D. show European culture

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