Body language is means of unspoken communication£¬which people use to express his feelings£®Body language is different based on each culture£®For example£¬not all cultures greet each other by the same way£®Shake hands is the most popular way to greet each other while people meet£®However£¬in some western country people exchange greetings by kissing£®Some people prefer to stand quite closely while others would like keep more physical distance from each other£®Since there are so much differences between people in body language£¬so we have to learn something to avoid misunderstanding£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄΪ˵Ã÷ÎÄ£¬½éÉÜÁ˲»Í¬ÎÄ»¯Àï¶ÔÖ«ÌåÓïÑԵIJ»Í¬Àí½â£®
½â´ð Body language is¡Ämeans of unspoken communication£¬which people use to express his feelings£®Body language is different based on each culture£®For example£¬not all their cultures greet each other by the same way£®Shake hands is the most popular way to greet each other while people meet£®However£¬in some western country people exchange greetings by kissing£®Some people prefer to stand quite closely while others would like¡Äkeep more physical distance from each other£®Since there are so much differences between people in body language£¬so we have to learn something to avoid misunderstanding£®
1£®ÔÚisºó¼Óa ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£® ¾ä×ÓÀï´Ë´¦ÊÇÒ»¸ö¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓï a means of¡µÄÒ»ÖÖ·½Ê½£¬ÊֶΣ®
2£®his¸ÄΪtheir ¿¼²éÎïÖ÷´ú´Ê£®Ç°ÃæÖ÷ÓïΪpeople£¬ËùÒÔÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÔÎïÖ÷´ú´Ê¼°ÓÃtheir£®
3£®by¸ÄΪin ¿¼²é½é´Ê£®in the same wayΪ¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓÒâΪÓÃͬÑùµÄ·½·¨£®
4£®shake¸ÄΪshaking ¿¼²é¶¯Ãû´Ê£®´Ë´¦ÊǾä×ÓµÄÖ÷Óï³É·ÖËùÒÔÐèÓö¯Ãû´Ê½á¹¹£®
5£®while¸ÄΪwhen ¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê£®whenΪµ±¡Ê±ºò£¬Ç¿µ÷Á½¸ö¶¯×÷¼¸ºõͬʱ½øÐУ®
6£®country¸ÄΪcountries ¿¼²éÃû´Ê£® countryΪ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Ç°ÃæÓÐsomeÐÞÊÎÐèÓø´Êý£¬
7£®closely¸ÄΪclose ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ´Ë´¦ÐèÒªÓÃÐÎÈÝ´Êstand close£¬Õ¾µÄºÜ½ü£®
8£®ÔÚlikeºó¼Óto ¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓïwould like to do ÒâΪÏëÒª×ö£®
9£®much¸ÄΪmany ¿¼²é´ú´Ê£¬ÐÞÊÎdifferenceΪ¿ÉÊýÃû´ÊÐèÒªmany£®
10£®È¥µôso sinceÒýµ¼ÔÒò×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬²»ÐèÒªso£¬Öظ´£®
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A£® | that£» puzzling | B£® | which£» puzzled | C£® | which£» puzzling | D£® | where£» puzzled |
A£® | deal | B£® | solve with | C£® | handle | D£® | settle down |