
       “Dad! He took a book without paying!” I yelled .
My father looked surprised. Before the boy could say anything, his mother grabbed his arm and shook it. “Is it true? You stole? Tell me!”
Everyone was quiet. The boy began to cry, and he nodded his head. He pulled out the comic book (漫画书) from under his shirt. 
“Oh, Mr. Kim. I am sorry! My Ted made a big mistake!” Mrs. Diaz told my father. She tried to take the comic book, but Ted wouldn’t let go.
“It’s OK. He can keep it,” my father said with a smile.
“Oh no,” Mrs. Diaz said. “Let me pay right now ...” She dug in her purse. “How much?”
“Three seventy-five.”
Mrs. Diaz’s eyes widened, and she dug deeper. I saw her mouth make a small line. “Three seventy-five?” she asked.
“It’s OK. You can pay later,” my father said.
“No,” Mrs. Diaz said. She kept looking in her purse. “I have money here.”
I felt bad for yelling, for I realized that Ted had tried to steal the comic book because he didn’t have the money. Maybe the boy could have a job, I thought.
I had an idea.
“What if he worked with me?” I asked. They turned to me.
I said, “He can work with me to pay for the comic book.”
“Good,” my father said smiling at me. Mrs. Diaz nodded. She turned to her son, “You hear? You will work and buy the comic book!”  
“Yes, Mama,” Ted said, hanging his head.
As they left, Ted looked back, and though he still seemed sad, he stuck out (伸出) his tongue at me.
Ted has been working here for two weeks. He has paid for the comic book, but my father says he is such a good worker that he can work with me as long as he wants. We are friends now. 
小题1: Where did the story most probably take place? 
A.In a classroom.B.In a supermarket.C.At a bookstore.D.At a library.
小题2: By saying “but Ted wouldn’t let go” in Paragraph 4, the author means Ted ______.
A.took the book by mistakeB.wanted to keep the book
C.didn’t want to go homeD.didn’t think he was wrong
小题3:From the underlined sentences in the eighth paragraph, we may infer that Mrs. Diaz ______. 
A.didn’t think her son stole the book
B.had been out of work for a long time
C.forgot to take money with her that day
D.couldn’t afford to pay for the book
小题4: In the last paragraph, what does the author mainly tell?
A.His idea was successful.B.Ted didn’t like the job.
C.He liked Ted very much.D.Ted was a naughty boy.

Dear Seth,
You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you___36___, I hope you will find something __37__in what I am going to share with you.
Life can be __38__ . There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll __39___ you because you are different,  40 for no good reason . You will also face heartbreak and might be __41__ by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face these too much , but such things __42__.
Be open to life anyway. You’ll find cruelty(残忍) and  43 in your journey through life , but don’t let that__44__   you from finding new things . Don’t retreat (退却)from life , and don’t __45__ or wall yourself off . Be open to new things , new experiences ,and new people . You will __46__ many times ,but if you allow that to stop you from trying , you will __47_ many chances . Do remember failure is a stepping stone to __48__.
You will meet many people who will try to do __49__ than you , in school, in college, and at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on. . To __50_ , life is a competition.However, I believe life is a __51_. If you always try your best to __52__ others, you are wasting your life . Learn to enjoy your life__53_ and you will make it a journey of __54__ ,of learning and of love.
Finally , know that I love you and always will. You are _55__ a really wonderful journey , and I will always be there for you.
A.grow upB.show upC. cheer upD.give up
A.look atB.run afterC.laugh atD.look after
On my birthday this year, I decided to do something very different. I had been   31  so much and I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else. So, that   32 , I bought some flowers and went to a hospital. I had no   33  who I was going to present the flowers to, but I would find someone who needed   34  .
I asked the nurses in the hospital, who thought it   35  that I didn’t have anyone in particular to see.   36 , they gave me the room number of a(n)   37  lady, who needed some comfort.
I entered the room with the flowers. The elderly woman looked up, staring at me   38 . She was greatly moved when I told her about my   39  in being there. She was an amputee(被截肢者) and she explained to me that she was very worried   40  they were going to fit her with prosthetic leg(假肢). She knew that as she was getting used to the “  41 ”leg, she would be in  42  .
Later, in the following two hours, we  43  a lot and both felt very happy. I  44  until it was dark. I will always remember how   45  she was the moment she received the flowers from me—a   46  . She called me her angel and said she had no more   47  .
I   48  that story with my neighbor and she   49  that she was going to do the same thing on her birthday. And I hope that she will   50  others to be kind and do the same thing. You never know you might be considered someone’s angel one day.
A.shownB.told C.givenD.bought
A.week B.afternoon C.hour D.night
A.belief B.sense C.message D.idea
A.paying attention toB.cheering up
C.looking afterD.looking down upon
I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.   61 , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to   62  them.
My aunt and I were   63 for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two   64 on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her  65 nearby and the other one was  66 . So, I decided to sit down. While I was   67 my own thing there, I  68 that the family were not in front of the   69 anymore. I saw the girl  70 and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in  71 , crying.
I knew that she  72 her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or   73 big before and we all know that feeling.   74 I went up to her and asked what was   75 and in between tears she told me she was lost. I   76 her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the  77  on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and  78 them what happened. People there promised to  79 her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the   80 . Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.
A.get upB.come upC.give upD.make up
A.look out forB.take care ofC.wait forD.call up
A good friend of mine was complaining about her son the other day.“Did you notice,” she started, “how he didn’t wait for me to get my salad before he dove into his?”
True enough, the boy attacked his plate faster than a cat in the wild.Without manners, we’re no more than animals.Actually, that’s not true.I’ve been watching and feeding a group of wild cats, and they show unusual politeness toward each other.Even when food is scarce, they take turns, leaving at least a small part for the next in line.
My mother educated her three children to have good manners all the time.We were made to feel very uncomfortable as if we were sitting on pins and needles until we got used to saying please, thank you, pardon me, and I’m sorry.And I have to say, while it was a painful learning experience, it was one of the most valuable.
I can’t tell you how often I sat with my friends, eating at their dinner tables, and their parents thought highly of my good manners.While it was a little embarrassing, I knew even then that my mother’s teachings were paying off.
Many years later, when I was attending seminars across the country, my manners were quite useful.
While I regret that I haven’t been a perfect example, I’m still working on it.I suppose, in this regard, my mother lives on through me.I didn’t have her beautiful singing voice or her green eyes, but she did make sure I received one of her finest characteristics.
小题1:What did the writer’s friend most probably complain about?
A.Her son’s eating too quickly.
B.Her son’s not having a healthy diet.
C.Her son’s not having good table manners.
D.Teenagers’ not having good manners.
小题2:The underlined word “scarce” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
A.too muchB.not delicious
C.not enoughD.quite hot
小题3:We learn that the writer’s mother __________.
A.was strict about her children’s manners
B.never punished her children
C.had beautiful blue eyes
D.was not good at singing
小题4:What does the writer think of her experience of learning good manners?
A.Easy and relaxingB.Painful and valuable
C.Easy but uselessD.Too horrible
小题5:We can infer from the passage that the writer _________.
A.is surely liked by everyone around her
B.is not satisfied with most people’s manners around her
C.thinks she has been a perfect example to the young
D.thanks her mother for teaching her the good manners a lot

Everything speeds up with people’s lives. People often eat fast food __36__ nice meals cooked by mother __37__. They go to the shop, where the meal is __38___ cooked. They can take __39__ from the shelf when they ___40___ their dollars and in ten minutes eat it and ___41__ their dinner. This is not good for __42___.
People move a great __43__ from city to city, ___44___ their jobs. Airplanes go ___45__ between cities. Every twenty-five seconds planes are taking off from the airports. When people move __46__ the cities, they leave their friends ___47___, moving from place to place. They leave their old mother and father, their children, and leave their __48___. And people become without roots, without a place ___49__ they can really call “home”. This has very__50___ effects. One thing is that the old people often live so far from their children that, ___51__ they become old, there is nobody to __52___ them. Brothers and sisters move far away from each other. They telephone each other. But the families are very __53___. The society doesn’t have the __54___ ways any more, which kept people ___55___ together. And many people feel rather lonely today.
36. A. without               B. together with           C. instead of                       D. as
37. A. at school             B. at home                   C. in the house                    D. in the kitchen
38. A. already              B. still                      C. not                                 D. just
39. A. them                  B. it                            C. everything                       D. little
40. A. put                            B. get                           C. set                                  D. pay
41. A. finish                 B. cook                        C. fetch                        D. bring
42. A. families                     B. children                   C. old people                      D. business
43. A. many                 B. much                       C. deal                        D. far
44. A. doing                 B. to do                       C. changing                 D. change
45. A. usually               B. immediately             C. constantly                        D. fast
46. A. from                  B. to                           C. in                           D. aroun
47. A. behind                      B. away                       C. out                                 D. off
48. A. friends                      B. parents                     C. teachers                   D. students
49. A. or                   B. and                         C. where                             D. that
50. A. bad                    B. surprising                C. exciting                          D. great
51. A. if                             B. when                       C. since                       D. because
52. A. see                            B. look after                 C. hear from                 D. telephone
53. A. scattered            B. different                  C. large                        D. separated
54. A. new                   B. old                          C. easy                                D. same
55. A. close                  B. near                         C. live                          D. friendly

Africa is now facing many problems. People are suffering(遭受) from a shortage(短缺) of food. They do not have enough health care. Deserts (沙漠) are spreading (扩大) in many places.
In Africa millions of people starved (饿) to death, and two thirds of them were children. Harry Belafonte, a famous singer in America, felt sad when he saw a film about the starving people in Africa. He said to himself, "I should do something to help them. What can I do?" He thought of a plan to gather the stars from the music world and make a special record. The money from the record would help the starving people in Africa. Those famous singers and musicians were always very busy. "How can you gather them?" everyone said to Belafonte. But they were willing to come to the event(活动) from all over the country.
Then who wrote the words and music for the record?
During the Christmas holidays in 1984, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie were writing the words and music for the record at Jackson’ s home in Los Angeles. They often talked about the music far into the night. When they finished the music, they called it "We Are the World". On the evening of January 28th, 1985 ,forty -five superstars made a historical(历史性的) recording in a Hollywood studio(演播室)." Everyone should do something active like this, "said Cyndi Lauper. "We have to be the voice," Stevie Wonere said," to help those people that have lost their future. "A sign was put at the door of the studio: "Please cheek your ego (自我) at the door!"
At 10 P.M. they began their work. They finally finished recording at 8 A.M. that morning. Just at that moment Diana Ross sat down with tears in her eyes and said, "I just don’ t want this to end!"
On April 5, more than 800 radio stations all over the world played "We Are The World" at the same time.
53. What did Harry Belafonte think he should do?
A. He thought he should tell other people about it.
B. He thought he should send a lot of food to Africa.
C. He thought he should ask the government to help them.
D. He thought he should do something to help the starving people.
54. Who was he going to make a record with?
A. With Michael Jackson.           B. With the movie stars.
C. With the baseball stars.           D. With the stars from the music.
55. What would help the starving people in Africa?
A. The special record.              B. The money from record.
C. The money from the stars.        D. The money from the government.
56. What did Diana Ross want?
A. She didn’t want to continue such kindness.
B. She wanted to continue doing such kindness.
C. She didn’t want to stop recording.
D. She wanted to have a good rest.
When you want to go shopping, you’d better decide how much money you can spend on new clothes.
Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.
There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”, for washing may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions(说明) on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.
Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well done. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily(不一定) better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
小题1:The label inside the clothes tell you           
A.how to keep them looking their best.
B.how to save money.
C.whether they fit you or not.
D.where to get them dry cleaned.
小题2:If you want to save money, you had better buy clothes that__________.
A.don’t fit youB.don’t last long
C.need to be dry cleanedD.can be wash
小题3:We learn from the passage that cheaper clothes         
A.are always worse made
B.must be dry cleaned
C.can not be washed
D.can sometimes fit you better
小题4:Give the best title(标题)for this passage.
A.Buy Less Expensive Clothes
B.Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C.Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
D.Choosing the Label inside New Clothes

Pretoria, South Africa – Hundreds of swimmers play in the water along a South Africa beach. Suddenly a huge shark appears off shore and heads for the bathers. Before it can get close to the swimmers, the shark, for some mysterious reason, starts swimming parallel to the beach. Then it turns away from the shore and heads out to sea, leaving the swimmers untouched.
Such a scene will soon become common along shark-in-fasted (鲨鱼成群的) shores. An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed an electrical system that repels (击退) sharks by controlling their movements. Confused by this action, the sharks end up turning away from the beach.
In this unusual shark-repellent method, an insulated (绝缘的) cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim. When an electric current is sent through the cable, an electric field is produced in the water above the cable.
When shark swims into the electric field, nerve cells just below the shark' s skin will sense the field. The electricity produces a reflex (反射作用) action in the shark' s muscles, causing the dangerous animal to swim parallel to the cable. Confused by increasing loss of control of its muscles, the shark suddenly changes its direction and heads seaward, away from the electric field.
In a test of the invisible new shark-repellent system, a cable was placed around a beach in St. Lucia, an island around the beach a long time ago to keep sharks away from swimmers, and a net was left in place during the experiment.
When the electric field was left on for more than a year and a half, no sharks were found in the net. However, when the power was turned off,89 sharks ended up in the net.
Using the electric-wall method instead of net to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks, said biologists. Currently, thousands of sharks die each year when they become trapped in protective nets that surround holiday resorts in Africa and Australia.  About 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks annually.
1.Why doesn' t the shark attack the swimmers according to the passage?
A.Because there are so many swimmers in the water.
B.Because the shark isn’t so hungry as to eat the swimmers.
C.Because of some mysterious power from the heaven.
D.Because there is an invisible electric field confusing the shark.
2.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed __      .
A.a protective net   
B.a new shark-repellent system
C.the electric field        
D.an insulated cable
3.An electric field is produced in the water above the cable         .
A.only when a shark swims into the electric field
B.only when an insulated cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim
C.only when an electric current is sent through the cable
D.only when the sharks are trapped in protective nets
4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Protective nets had been fixed earlier than the new shark-repellent system.
B.The new shark – repellent system will probably replace the protective nets.
C.Thousands of sharks have died each year since this new system was put into use.
D.Using the electric-wall instead of nets would avoid the needless death of many sharks.

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