

              The planned “migration” of BBC3 from broadcast to the Internet in the autumn of 2015 means the “Youth” section of the BBC’s audience with the least political power and the fewest public voices will become an afterthought (事后想起的事) .

              I don't watch BBC3. Equally,I question its credentials(资格) as the home of yoythfiil innovation when I note a lot of Doctor Who md Top Gear reruns on an evening-only channel. But BBC3 isn’ t aimed at me. For me,and for the rest of the white,middle-aged licence-fee payers who have arguments over the company's output,there are plenty of alternatives(替代品) .

              Some would say the company's rapid expansion at the start of the century now looks like overconfidence. The attempt to provide an excellent service to all ages and all interests in a multi-channel world might have been considered as a modem version of the old BBC mission to educate,inform and entertain; but it appears to have been misjudged.

             You could ask how the hard financial choices are made and why. BBC3 has 13 million viewers a week. In August last year, Radio 4  hit a “record-breaking” weekly score of 10. 97 million.

Which group is better placed to influence those who run the BBC? To whom would politicians listen?

             The answer is obvious. If yOU believe that the Today programme is a bit more important to society than Snog Marry Avoid?, you' 11 probably think the obvious answer is the right answer. But the BBC3 viewer base consists of about a million of the young unemployed — less likely to be white and middle class than the Radio 4 fan base; more likely to be excluded from the political process. They are no match for the grey power of pensioners.

             To my taste,most of the things on BBC3 are rubbish. But I'm delighted to see that the BBC will go on trying to cater to (迎合) my interests and tastes for a long time to come,just as it will go on serving up EastEnders and witless talent shows to those numerous enough not to be seen as a minority.

             For whom does the BBC exist? The minority — young Britain — just got pushed to the back of the queue.

6. Among whom is BBC3 popular?

   A. The old. B. The youth.

   C. The adults. D. The middle-aged.

7. The BBC's attempt to satisfy all audiences.

   A. attracted more viewers

   B. proved to be a big success

   C. suffered financial difficulties

   D. got support from the government

8. The underlined part “excluded from” in , Paragraph 5 can be replaced by .

   A. lost in   B. kept out of

   C. involved in   D. taken care of

9. What does the author think of BBC3?

   A. It is an awful channel.

   B. It will have a bright future.

   C. It should be aimed at all ages. 

   D. It cannot be replaced by other channels.

10. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. Who should run the BBC?

   B. For whom does Radio 4 exist?

   C. What programmes should BBC3 run?

   D. Who decided BBC3's online migration?

6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D



6. B. 细节•理解题。由第一段的the “Youth” section of the BBC's audience 和 第五段的 the BBC3 viewer base consists of about a million of the young unemployed可知,BBC3频道深受轻人的喜爱。

7. C. 推理判断题。由第三段的it appears to have been misjudged 和第四段的 You could ask how the hard financial choices are made可知,虽然BBC公司想满足所有观众的需求,但其遭遇了经济困难。

8. B. 词义猜测题。由第一段的the “Youth” section of the BBC’s audience with the least political power and the fewest public voices 和第五段的 They are no match for the grey power of pensioners


9. A. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段的To my taste,most of the things on BBC3 are rubbish可知,作者认为BBC3频道的节日非常糟糕。

10. D. 主旨大意题。由倒数第三段可知,虽然BBC3频道的观众人数众多,但真 正决定其发展方向的并不是它的观众群体,而是那些在政治领域中更有话语权的中产阶级。由此可知,本文旨在探讨BBC3频道转为线上播送背后的原因。



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                            ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

                 Production of bottled water has grown over the past thirty years from nothing into a $16 billion-per-year business. 41,more and more people have been against bottled water use,and environmentalists are 42 people to go back to the tap(水龙头) .

                 The first reason why you should seriously think about 43 bottled water,they say,is that it's bad for the 44 . Producing plastic bottles 45 vast quantities of oil. 46 ,factories create poisonous waste and send it into the environment. What is more,the vast majority of plastic water bottles aren’t 47 . In almost every part of the world,unwanted water bottles take up landfills(垃圾填埋地) and send 48 gases into air and water when they are burned. In other words,bottled water is a major 49 to global warming.

                 Secondly,the 50 of bottled water requires a lot of fuel. In the USA alone,one billion bottles of water are moved around each week in trucks,51 polluting gases and wearing down the roads. In fact,some high-priced water is 52 from one side of the planet to the other.

                 Finally,bottled water isnt even better for your 53 . Tap water rules in many countries are far 54 than those for bottled water. Furthermore,tap water 55  fluoride, which is added to help build 56 teeth and prevent tooth decay (龋齿) . Consequently,as the use of bottled water has 57 ,tooth decay has become more serious.

                 To sum up,by stopping the use of 58 water,and encouraging others to 59 so,you will be doing the planet an enormous favour and 60 your own health as well.

41. A. Besides   B. Moreover   C. However   D. Therefore

42. A. allowing   B. training   C. urging   D. commanding

43. A. giving up  B. turning to  C. preparing for  D. believing in

44. A. business   B. industry   C. price   D. environment

45. A. creates   B. attracts   C. requires   D. shares

46. A. By all means      B. In the wild  

    C. On the contrary   D. As a result

47. A. sold   B. recycled   C. found   D. limited

48. A. harmless   B. dangerous   C. natural   D. clean

49. A. answer   B. solution   C. contributor   D. service

50. A. test   B. design   C. competition   D. distribution

51. A. absorbing   B. preventing   C. giving off   D. turning off

52. A. shipped   B. wasted   C. developed   D. collected

53. A. safety   B. future   C. health   D. country

54. A. older   B. fewer   C. stricter   D. simpler

55. A. lacks   B. avoids  C. produces   D. contains

56. A. big   B. strong   C. white   D. straight

57. A. dropped   B. changed   C. increased   D. disappeared

58. A. polluted   B. cold   C. bottled   D. boiled

59. A. do   B. talk   C. report   D. donate

60. A. damaging   B. benefiting   C. challenging   D. respecting

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