As a sculptor,Gregory Kloehn often felt his sculptures that stayed in one place for years on end,lacked a meaningful purpose. So he decided to channel his artistic energies into creating homes.

               Over the years,he built lots of small houses,bars and restaurants from recycled shipping containers. But the thought of doing the same for the homeless never occurred to him. That idea hit in 2013 when a homeless couple in search of a tarp(防水布) ,knocked at his door. While Gregory did not have a tarp,he did have a small wooden structure complete with a water tank and built-in kitchen that he offered them. They were so grateful for his generosity that Gregory decided to build more for other people in similar situations.

               Since starting the Homeless Homes Project in 2013,Gregory has donated ten homes to the most needy. The brightly colored houses that are the size of a regular sofa,are not fancy,but they do provide a safe place for the homeless to sleep in.

               Gregory often goes hunting for raw materials by digging through dumpsters(垃圾箱) in an industrial area of Oakland. Everything he finds is usable — refrigerator doors become house doors,pizza delivery bags turn into insulators (隔热层) , while washing machine doors often serve as windows. Wheels at the bottom allow the homes to move around easily,while pitched roofs (斜屋顶) help make the shelters rain-proof. Gregory says that each mobile shelter which is built with a team of volunteers,costs between $30-$50 in screws,nails,glue,and the gas that he uses to search for materials.

                Like any other project,Gregory has seen his fair share of challenges. The original house which inspired the whole movement was firebombed,while another was stolen. One homeless recipient (接受者) sold his home for $80,which has since been used as a dog house. But those incidents are few and far between. Most are thrilled with their houses. A woman named Wonder calls her new home,which is made from an unwanted picnic table,the best one she has had in five years.

6. Gregory decided to create homes because.

   A. he had no house of his own

   B. he was inspired by other artists 

   C. he wanted to become an architect

   D. he would like to try something different

7. How did Gregory treat the homeless couple who knocked at his door?

   A. He invited them to dinner.

   B. He gave them some money.

   C. He provided a house for them.

   D. He offered them what they wanted.

8. The houses Gregory has donated .

   A. are made of high-quality material

   B. can move around with their owners

   C. are built completely by Gregory himself

   D. have refrigerators and washing machines inside

9. What can we learn about the Homeless Homes Project?

   A. It receives much support from the public.

   B. Its (Jonations are all kept in good condition.

   C. It was actually created by a homeless couple.

   D. Its donations are unpopular with the homeless.

10. How does Wonder feel about her new home?

   A. It needs improving.

   B. It truly meets her needs.

   C. It isn't worth a penny.

   D. It should be sold at a good price.


              Opening in 1934,the Brookfield Zoo quickly received a worldwide reputation for its special displays and unique exhibits.

Address: 1st Avenue between Ogden Avenue and 31st Street,Brookfield,Illinois 

Phone: 708-688-8000 

Getting to the Brookfield Zoo by Public Transportation:

              The Metra Rail Burlington Northern line runs from Union Station downtown to the “Zoo Stop”(Hollywood Station) and from there itfs only a 2-block northeast walk to the zoo.

Driving from Downtown:

              Dnve along the Eisenhower Expressway west to First Avenue exit. Head south about 2. 5 miles and follow the signs to the zoo entrance.

Parking at the Brookfield Zoo:

              Parking fees are $9 for cars and $12 for buses. 

The Brookfield Zoo Hours:

              The Brookfield Zoo is open 365 days per year. 

              Monday-Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00p.m.

              Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The Brookfield Zoo Tickets:

              Adults (ages 12-64) , $13. 50;

              Seniors (ages 65+) , $9. 50;

              Children (ages 3-11) , $9. 50;

              Children (ages 2 and under) , free The Brookfield Zoo Featured Exhibits:

              Tropic World; Wolf Woods; Living Coast; Seven Seas; Fragile Kingdom; Australia House; Habitat Africa.

About the BrookHeld Zoo:

              The Brookfield Zoo is located just 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. It's home to a variety of animal species,and its use of natural barriers and moats(壕沟) is so much more relaxing and enjoyable than watching a lion pace back and forth in a cage. The absence of bars also makes for great wildlife photo opportunities. The Brookfield Zoo also focuses on education,with detailed displays about the animals being viewed and the interactive program that lets kids get some hands-on experience to learn what it takes to run a zoo as well as face painting and crafts.

               For more information about the Brookfield Zoo,visit www.brookfieldzoo.org.

33. Where is the entrance to the Brookfield Zoo?

   A. At 31st Street.

   B. At First Avenue.

   C. At Ogden Avenue.

   D. At the Hollywood Station.

34. How much should a couple in their thirties and their 5-year-old twins pay if they want to visit the zoo?

   A. $23.        B. $32. 5. 

   C. $36. 5.     D. $46.

35. What make(s) the Brookfield Zoo more attractive and enjoyable?

   A. Its cheap tickets.

   B. Its various activities. .

   C. Its cage-less displays.

   D. Its geographical advantage.


              The planned “migration” of BBC3 from broadcast to the Internet in the autumn of 2015 means the “Youth” section of the BBC’s audience with the least political power and the fewest public voices will become an afterthought (事后想起的事) .

              I don't watch BBC3. Equally,I question its credentials(资格) as the home of yoythfiil innovation when I note a lot of Doctor Who md Top Gear reruns on an evening-only channel. But BBC3 isn’ t aimed at me. For me,and for the rest of the white,middle-aged licence-fee payers who have arguments over the company's output,there are plenty of alternatives(替代品) .

              Some would say the company's rapid expansion at the start of the century now looks like overconfidence. The attempt to provide an excellent service to all ages and all interests in a multi-channel world might have been considered as a modem version of the old BBC mission to educate,inform and entertain; but it appears to have been misjudged.

             You could ask how the hard financial choices are made and why. BBC3 has 13 million viewers a week. In August last year, Radio 4  hit a “record-breaking” weekly score of 10. 97 million.

Which group is better placed to influence those who run the BBC? To whom would politicians listen?

             The answer is obvious. If yOU believe that the Today programme is a bit more important to society than Snog Marry Avoid?, you' 11 probably think the obvious answer is the right answer. But the BBC3 viewer base consists of about a million of the young unemployed — less likely to be white and middle class than the Radio 4 fan base; more likely to be excluded from the political process. They are no match for the grey power of pensioners.

             To my taste,most of the things on BBC3 are rubbish. But I'm delighted to see that the BBC will go on trying to cater to (迎合) my interests and tastes for a long time to come,just as it will go on serving up EastEnders and witless talent shows to those numerous enough not to be seen as a minority.

             For whom does the BBC exist? The minority — young Britain — just got pushed to the back of the queue.

6. Among whom is BBC3 popular?

   A. The old. B. The youth.

   C. The adults. D. The middle-aged.

7. The BBC's attempt to satisfy all audiences.

   A. attracted more viewers

   B. proved to be a big success

   C. suffered financial difficulties

   D. got support from the government

8. The underlined part “excluded from” in , Paragraph 5 can be replaced by .

   A. lost in   B. kept out of

   C. involved in   D. taken care of

9. What does the author think of BBC3?

   A. It is an awful channel.

   B. It will have a bright future.

   C. It should be aimed at all ages. 

   D. It cannot be replaced by other channels.

10. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. Who should run the BBC?

   B. For whom does Radio 4 exist?

   C. What programmes should BBC3 run?

   D. Who decided BBC3's online migration?

第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

            Sometimes people around you can change your life. The change may not be sudden or 41 ,but little habits can produce big 42  that make you think about what is important in your life. The person who changed my life is Julia Masi. She has 43 me so many things that I will carry with me 44 my life.

            One thing I've learned from Julia is how to balance 45 . Julia has shown me how to 46 ahead so that I can finish all my school work,enjoy sports and 47 have time for my friends. She has taught me that you can do anything if you are 48 and if you never give up. I've also learned that you can find anything fun or 49 if you connect it with something that you enjoy.

            Last year I hated studying vocabulary,but I loved playing on my computer. Julia 50  the two and showed me a website called “freerice.com” where you can 51 a word game that gives you 5 grains of rice to donate to the poor with every correct word. She 52 me to learn a hundred new 53 by filling up the rice bowl. I liked playing the game so much that I 54 about 1,000 words in just one month.

            Julia has always 55 me to try new hobbies. She showed me that going to the theater could help me become a better writer. 56 ,she taught me that discussing a play can excite an interest in reading.

            57  it wasn’t for Julia I probably wouldn’t  have 58  how easy it is to help the poor. There are so many ways that one person can 59 . I’ve learned to be more appreciative of what I own. I am 60  for the opportunities that I have been given. I will continue to think of ways to help those less fortunate for the rest of my life.

41. A. simple   B. impressive   C. necessary   D. slight

42. A. results   B. problems   C. ideas   D. decisions

43. A. taught   B. served   C. offered   D. bought

44. A. for   B. of   C. throughout   D. into

45. A. work   B. money   C. career   D. time

46. A. plan   B. get   C. move   D. stay

47. A. never   B. seldom   C. yet   D. still

48. A. excited   B. determined   C. careful   D. patient

49. A. important   B. easy   C. possible   D. interesting

50. A. shared   B. remembered   C. combined   D. separated

51. A. watch   B. play   C. raise   D. improve

52. A. challenged   B. invited   C. permitted   D. reminded

53. A. lessons   B. skills   C. words   D. stories

54. A. learned   B. read   C. used   D. spelled

55. A. allowed   B. warned   C. forced   D. encouraged

56. A. Therefore   B. Besides   C. However   D. Otherwise

57. A. Unless   B. Since   C. Although   D. If

58. A. realized   B. noticed   C. imagined   D. dreamed

59. A. turn away  B. make a difference

    C. show off   D. make a mistake 

60. A. ready   B. sorry   C. thankful   D. anxious

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