
The World Health Organization (WHO) planned to study the relationship between the eating habits of the people and the disease. Two doctors were chosen to make the study. They flew to Africa south of the Sahara and during the next two months visited ten countries. They found that serious diseases of poor eating, often mistaken for other diseases, existed in all parts of Africa. The diseases were similar and could therefore all be named kwashiorkor. The diseased children are usually from one to four years old. As the illness progresses, the child’s stomach becomes swollen by liquid collecting in the body. The skin changes color and may break out in open sores(疼痛). The hair changes color and starts to fall out. The patient loses all interest in his surroundings and even in food, and becomes so weak that he wants to lie down all the time. Stomach liquids are no longer produced.
The doctors reasoned that kwashiorkor was found in the young children of this age in many parts of Africa because of lack of milk or meat. Their mothers, after stopping their breastfeeding, gave them foods full of starches(淀粉)instead of greatly needed proteins. They found that the addition of milk to the food of the children suffering from kwashiorkor saved many lives.
The unbelievable thing about kwashiorkor is that the very existence of the disease—which has been killing thousands of children for centuries—was not even recognized in Latin America as recently as ten years ago. The deaths of those children were mistakenly listed as due to other diseases. It was the WHO’s work in Africa that led to the discovery of the problem in Central America.
小题1:From the passage we learn that kwashiorkor is a disease caused by __________ .
A.poor living conditionsB.lack of proteins in food
C.breastfeedingD.lack of food
小题2: It is difficult to discover kwashiorkor because ____________________ .
A.it has no symptoms at all
B.it is hard to identify signs of it
C.it doesn’t last long enough for careful observation
D.it is hardly different from other diseases
小题3:What is mentioned as a simple but reasonable way of curing this disease?
A.Taking a special medicine.
B.Avoiding any food containing starch.
C.Having more meat or milk.
D.Taking medicine full of proteins.
小题4:What’s the best title for the article?
A.Milk and Meat Are Daily Necessities
B.Kwashiorkor and Improper Eating Habits
C.A New Form of Illness in Africa and Latin America
D.A Case of Eating Habits


试题分析:世界卫生组织的调查表明,蛋白质营养不良造成了非洲大量的儿童死亡。针对这个状况,WHO 采取了相应的措施来挽救儿童的生命。
小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:The doctors reasoned that kwashiorkor was found in the young children of this age in many parts of Africa because of lack of milk or meat. Their mothers, after stopping their breastfeeding, gave them foods full of starches(淀粉)instead of greatly needed proteins.可知kwashiorkor这种病是由于食品中缺乏蛋白质造成的,选.B
小题2:细节题:从第一段的句子:They found that serious diseases of poor eating, often mistaken for other diseases, existed in all parts of Africa. The diseases were similar and could therefore all be named kwashiorkor. 可知kwashiorkor.很难被发现因为他的症状和其他的病没什么不同,选D
小题3:细节题:从第二段的句子:They found that the addition of milk to the food of the children suffering from kwashiorkor saved many lives.可知治疗这个病的简单的方法是在食物中增加更多的肉和牛奶。选C
小题4:标题确定题:这篇文章讲的是因为饮食不适当引起kwashiorkor.的疾病,所以Kwashiorkor and Improper Eating Habits是最恰当的标题,选B
Bad teeth can be painful and even be deadly. Infections of the gums(牙龈) and teeth can release bacteria into the blood system. Those bacteria can increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke and worsen the effects of other diseases. And adults are not the only ones at risk. For example, a 12­year­old boy died when a tooth infection spread to his brain in 2007 in Washington. Experts said it might have been prevented had he received the dental care he needed.
Experts say good dental care starts at birth. Breast milk, they say, is the best food for the healthy development of teeth. Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth. But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding by using a cloth with a little warm water. Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give only water.
When baby teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet toothbrush. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies and to use them very gently. The use of fluoride(氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world. For example, it is often added to drinking water supplies. The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质), the hard surface on teeth, to help prevent holes from forming.
But young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems. So young children should be carefully watched when they brush their teeth. And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, the size of a pea, should be used.
Parents often wonder what effect finger sucking might have on their baby's teeth. Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life. Most children stop sucking their fingers by the age of four. If it continues, experts advise parents to talk to their children's dentists or doctors. Because it could interfere_with the correct development of permanent teeth.
Dentists say children should have their first dental visit at least by the time they are one year old. They say babies should be examined when their first teeth appear—usually at around six months.
小题1:According to the passage,what is the function of fluoride?
A.Making the surface on teeth much cleaner.
B.Protecting gums from being infected.
C.Keeping holes on teeth from forming.
D.Slowing down bacterial growth and acid production.
小题2:The underlined phrase “interfere with” in Para.5 probably means “________”.
A.do harm toB.account for
C.contribute toD.stand for
小题3:What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?
A.To warn us of the deadly infections of gums and teeth.
B.To introduce the advantages of fluoridated toothpaste.
C.To draw our attention to the dental care of young children.
D.To present the research results about dental care.
The research tracked the health of 101,000 US nurses over three decades.
Light-to-moderate smokers were twice as likely to die of sudden heart problems as those who had never smoked.
But those who quit smoking saw their risk begin to go back down within years, a journal of the American Heart Association reports.
During the study, there were 315 sudden cardiac deaths(心脏性猝死)——where the heart unexpectedly stops working.
In people aged 35 or younger, this usually because of a heart condition that runs in the family.
But in people who are older than this—as most of the nurses in the study were —it can be the first sign of coronary heart disease, where the heart’s arteries become blocked by fatty deposits.
Of the 315 sudden deaths in the study, 75 were among current smokers, 148 were among recent or past smokers and 128 occurred in people who had never smoked.
Reason to quit
After taking into account other heart risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and family history of heart disease, Dr Roopinder Sandhu and his colleagues found the women who smoked were twice as likely as likely to die suddenly even if they smoked “light-to-moderate” amounts —between one and 14 cigarettes a day.
For every five years of continued smoking, the risk went up by 8%.
But women who quit saw their risk fall to that of someone who had never smoked, after 20 years of cessation.
Dr Sandhu, of the University of Alberta, Canad, said: “What this study really tells women is how important it is to stop smoking. The benefits in terms of sudden cardiac death reduction are there for all women, not just those with established heart disease.”
“It can be difficult to quit. It needs to be a long-term goal. It’s not always easily achievable and it may take more than one attempt.”
Ellen Mason, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This study shows that smoking just a couple of cigarettes a day could still seriously affect your future health.”
“As we approach the new year, many of us will be making resolutions and giving up smoking will be the top of the list for lots of people.”
“If you’re thinking of quitting and need a nudge, this research adds to the wealth of evidence that stopping smoking is the single best thing you can do for your heart health.”
A recent study in The Lancet of 1.2million Women found those who gave up smoking by the age of 30 would almost completely avoid the risk of dying early from tobacco-related diseases.
Latest figures suggest a fifth of women in England smoke.
小题1:According to the research, light smokers____________.
A.are not likely to suffer from heart problems
B.are more likely to suffer from heart problems than moderate ones
C.can go on smoking only if they don’t smoke much
D.have a high possibility of dying of heart disease
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Nonsmokers wouldn’t die of sudden cardiac death
B.Most of the nurses concerned in the research were middle aged.
C.All age groups of people were involved in the research.
D.If the smokers had quit smoking, they wouldn’t have died of heart disease.
小题3:Which of the following is best suitable for the blank in the passage?
A.Raised riskB.Ways of quitting smoking
C.Diseases related to smokingD.Signs of heart disease
小题4:The underlined word “nudge” in the passage probably means “____________”
Malaria, the world's most widespread parasitic(寄生虫引起的) disease, kills as many as three million people every year—almost all of whom are under five, very poor, and African. In most years, more than five hundred million cases of illness result from the disease, although exact numbers are difficult to assess because many people don't (or can't) seek care. It is not unusual for a family earning less than two hundred dollars a year to spend a quarter of its income on malaria treatment, and what they often get no longer works. In countries like Tanzania, Mozambique, and the Gambia, no family, village, hospital, or workplace can remain unaffected for long.
Malaria starts suddenly, with violent chills, which are soon followed by an intense fever and, often, headaches. As the parasites multiply, they take over the entire body. Malaria parasites live by eating the red blood cells they infect. They can also attach themselves to blood vessels in the brain. If it doesn't kill you, malaria can happen again and again for years. The disease passed on to humans by female mosquitoes infected with one of four species of parasite. Together, the mosquito and the parasite are the most deadly couple in the history of the earth—and one of the most successful. Malaria has five thousand genes, and its ability to change rapidly to defend itself and resist new drugs has made it nearly impossible to control. Studies show that mosquitoes are passing on the virus more frequently, and there are more outbreaks in cities with large populations. Some of the disease's spread is due to global warming.
For decades, the first-choice treatment for malaria parasites in Africa has been chloroquine, a chemical which is very cheap and easy to make. Unfortunately, in most parts of the world, malaria parasites have become resistant to it. Successful alternatives that help prevent resistance are already available, but they have been in short supply and are very expensive. If these drugs should fail, nobody knows what would come next.
小题1:According to paragraph 1, many people don't seek care because___.
A.they can remain unaffected for long
B.it is unusual to seek care
C.they are too poor
D.there are too many people suffering from the disease
小题2:People suffering from malaria___.
A.have to kill female mosquitoes
B.have ability to defend parasites
C.have their red blood cells infected
D.have sudden fever, followed by chills
小题3:Which of the following may be the reason for the wide spread of the disease?
A.Its outbreaks in cities with large populations.
B.Its ability to pass on the virus frequently.
C.Its resistance to global warming.
D.Its ability to defend itself and resist new drugs.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that___.
A.no drugs have been found to treat the disease
B.the alternative treatment is not easily available to most people
C.malaria has developed its ability to resist parasites
D.nobody knows what will be the drug to treat the disease
小题5:Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage?
A.How can we know one is suffering from malaria?
B.How many people are killed by malaria each year?
C.Why are there so many people suffering from malaria?
D.What has been done to keep people unaffected for long?
According to the survey conducted by some scientists, it is common to have difficulty sleeping during the day. Humans are naturally wired to sleep best at night and be awake during the day. However, modern work schedules require some people to try to accommodate the unnatural schedule of shift(轮班)work — being awake at night and sleeping during the day.
In order to make this adjustment, you need to pay special attention to your sleep environment and your preparation for sleep. If shift work is a necessary part of your work life, here are some suggestions that may help.
Arrange to sleep uninterrupted in a quiet, dark room. This means you may have to turn off or unplug your phone, hang darkening curtains on the windows or wear a sleep eye mask, and train your family and friends to leave you alone while you sleep.
Fit in a nap (小睡). When your daytime sleep period is too short, taking a short nap of less than 30 minutes just before work or on a break has been shown to improve alertness and enhance performance.
Develop and follow a sleep routine. It's best if you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Try not to vary this too much on weekends. Your body likes routine.
Take extra care to make healthy choices. You may be tempted to reach for unhealthy foods or nicotine to stay awake or alcohol to try to sleep. But ultimately these choices are more harmful than helpful.
If you have tried all these things and are still having problems getting enough quality sleep during the day, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. Sometimes medications (药物治疗) may be helpful and safe. In other cases, there may be an underlying sleep disorder that needs to be addressed.
小题1:The purpose of the text is to_____ .
A.persuade workers to have a good sleep
B.advise night workers to keep healthy
C.encourage workers to do day work
D.help night workers to sleep well
小题2:What does the author recommend?
A.A suitable amount of alcohol to help sleep.
B.A regular life on weekday’s and weekends.
C.A bright room without phones to sleep in.
D.A break for sleeping anytime during the day.
小题3:On which condition should a person turn to a sleep specialist for help?
A.If he suffers from a sleep disorder for the first time.
B.If a good sleep environment is greatly needed for him.
C.If he fails to get quality sleep through his own efforts.
D.If he has the problem of falling asleep in the daytime.
小题4:We can learn from the text that_____________.
A.night workers need a long time to fall asleep
B.constant breaks at work help to improve performance
C.it is difficult to create a good sleep environment
D.night work requires people to adjust their body clocks
People who cannot tell all colors apart are said to be color-blind. Most color-blind people can see yellows and blues, but confuse reds with green. It is very rare for a person to be blind to all colors, but they may see everything in shades of black, white and gray.
It is interesting to point out that many color-blind people don’t even realize that they are color-blind, they don’t know that the colors they are seeing and naming are not the actual colors that people with normal vision can see. This can be dangerous when a color-blind person confuses the red and green of a traffic light.
Color blindness is thought to be inherited(遗传)and although doctors have tested color blindness, there is no cure to treatment for it.
小题1:There are four cards here, and each has two colors. Which card’s colors do you think a color-blind person can tell correctly?
A.Red, GreenB.Green, YellowC.Red, BrownD.Brown, Yellow
小题2:A color-blind person______.
A.always knows how color-blind he is
B.often gives the wrong name of colors
C.see everything as the same color
D.can hardly see something of strong colors
小题3:It’s especially dangerous for a color-blind person to cross a street when_____
A.it is crowded
B.it is a dark night
C.there are no traffic lights at the cross of the streets
D.the traffic light turns red
小题4:A person who is color-blind is believed to have something to do with_____.
A.his old age
B.his poor eyesight
C.his parents or grandparents
D.his living condition
小题5:Up to now, doctors______.
A.have found a way to prevent a person from getting color-blind
B.have found a way to free a person from his color blindness
C.have been able to tell whether a person is color-blind or not
D.have made it quite clear the cause of color blindness
As we get older, the fear of not having a good memory grows for many people. A lot of people  48  that the loss of memory can be the sign of Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症).
It is true that as we grow older we are more    49   to develop Alzheimer’s. But with a proper lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and exercise, one can stay mentally     50   into their old age.
There are many causes of memory loss that have nothing to do with Alzheimer’s. As researchers come    51   to understanding Alzheimer’s, the outlook(前景) is    52   for people with this illness. New treatments are becoming available. With improved diagnosis(诊断), medications and treatment, one day we may be able to    53   or even reverse (反转) memory loss as we age.
Memory loss is    54   a topic of concern for people. Having Alzheimer’s can lead to increased dependency on others. Not being able to manage basic daily    55  on your own or even not being able to recognize family members would be a serious hit to anyone. This is why many elderly people often have questions and concerns.
A.makeB.take C.preventD.protect
“Some day, there’ll be no Americans left in the NBA,” said 12-year-old Xing Tao, who joined his school team two weeks ago after watching Yao Ming in a televised NBA game, “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”
To China, Yao is a home-grown superstar who helped make the world’s first basketball league closer to Chinese players. To the NBA, the 2.23-meter center offers an opening of a different sort into the world’s largest new market. Yao’s NBA first appearance against the Indiana Pacers in October reached 287 million families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao’s fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(篮板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10 rebounds. “This was one of the most exciting games I’ve had,” Yao said after Houston’s 95-83 victory. The NBA has to be excited about his on-count success. In all his games, he’s averaging 12.7 points and 7.7 rebounds, quite good for a new star. “Yao Ming has brought the NBA closer to the Chinese,” said NBA spokeswoman Cheong Sau Ching, “That makes the dream seem practical for other people in China and proud to be Chinese.”
The 22-year-old Yao is not the country’s first player in the NBA: Wang Zhizhi broke down the Dallas Mavericks in November 2003. But Yao’s combination of modesty and skills make him a favorite back home.
小题1:What’s the direct reason for Xing Tao to join the school basketball team?
A. He watched an NBA game
B. He liked basketball.
C. He hoped to play for the NBA.
D. He had dream that he would become a basketball star.
小题2:How many points did Yao Ming win in his first game in the NBA?
小题3:What does the word “letdown” in line 4, Paragraph 2 mean?
A.failureB.surpriseC.disappointment D.sadness.
小题4:Why does Yao Ming win more popularity than Wang Zhizhi at home?
A.He is modest and performs excellently.
B.He is too kind to others.
C.More and more Chinese people like to watch his games.
D.He is very modest but proud.
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. Middle school students want to play basketball
B. Yao Ming makes NBA closer to China.
C. There’ll be no Americans left in the NBA
D. There are many new stars from China in the NBA.
Researchers in the United States have developed the first wirelessly controlled device that can supply a drug directly into the body. A small chip is implanted (植入) under the skin. It contains the medicine, which it releases at preset times. The developers say the device could improve the lives of millions of people who take medicine for long-term illnesses. A company called Microchips began developing the device about fifteen years ago. Last month, the company released the results of its first successful tests in humans. The tests took place in Denmark with seven women with osteoporosis(骨质疏松症).
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and break easily. The disorder is common among older people especially women. Many patients have to give themselves daily injection(注射)of medicine. One type of treatment requires injections for two years. The patients stop taking the medicine because of the pain and stress of the injections. As a result, only twenty-five percent of the patients will go through the entire twenty-four months of treatment.
The microchip is a few centimeters long. It has small sections and each section holds a single dose(单次剂量)of medicine. The device has to be programmed with the times to release the drug. Doctors will be able to reprogram the device from a computer or even a cell phone.
For osteoporosis, the physician will program the device, and the device has the ability to release a dose at a given time, every single day. For other diseases, where the physician may want to change the dosing schedule, they will have the ability to wirelessly reprogram that dosing schedule.
The seven women in the study were ages of sixty-five to seventy. The researchers say the implants were just as effective as daily injections. And they say the medicine amounts were more exact than patients often give themselves.
小题1:The best title for the passage should be ______.
A.A New Company Called Microchips
B.A New Way to Take Medicine Every Day
C.Good News for Women with Osteoporosis
D.Taking Medicine, with Microchip under Skin
小题2:What does the underlined word “released” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Announced.B.Planned.C.Got rid of.D.Caught hold of.
小题3:We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ______.
A.older people especially men easily develop steoporosis
B.bones’ becoming weak and breaking easily causes steoporosis
C.a quarter of the patients will go through the entire two years of treatment
D.pain and stress of the injections lead all patients to stop taking medicine
小题4:What advantages does the microchip have?
a. effective implants  
b. less exact medicine amounts
c. purposely—changed dosing schedule
d. only one centimeter long and having small sections
e. improving the lives of millions of people
A.a, b, cB.c, d, eC.a, c, eD.b, c, d
小题5:In which column of a newspaper could we find this passage?

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