

1I can’t ____________ my work when I think of my sick child.

2The disabled child has received thousands of things—wish cards and gifts from ____________.

3I’ll try to calm myself down ____________ the meeting.

4“The green train in this city was retired on Tuesday and will ____________a modern, red-painted train with air conditioners,” the report said.

5____________ we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.

6If you want to eat hot food, you can ____________ red pepper ____________ the soup.

7The teacher lined up the students and told them not ____________ the line.

8As usual, volunteers from different cities ____________ groups and team leaders will be chosen to organize activities.


1concentrate on

2all over the country

3at the start of

4be replaced with

5Now that

6add to

7to get out of

8are divided into



1考查动词词组。句意:一想到生病的孩子,我就无法专心工作。分析可知,所填空之前有情态动词can’t,因此应填动词原形,结合后文“when I think of my sick child(想到我生病的孩子)”,concentrate on sth, 意为“集中精力做某事”符合句意要求。故填concentrate on

2考查名词词组。句意:这个残疾的孩子收到了来自全国各地的成千上万的祝福卡片和礼物。分析可知,所填空应为名词词组,作之前介词from的宾语,结合前文“thousands of things(成千上万的东西)”,all over the country(全国), 符合句意。故填all over the country

3考查介词词组。句意:我会在会议开始时设法使自己平静下来。分析可知,所填空应与之后“the meeting”构成短语结构,作状语。at the start of 意为“在……的开始”,符合句意要求。故填at the start of

4考查动词短语和被动语态。句意:报道称:“本周二,北京的绿皮列车已经退役,取而代之的将是一辆装有空调、刷成红色的现代化列车。”分析可知,所填空应为动词短语,且与will 搭配作谓语,与之前的主语“the green train”为被动关系,应用被动结构:will be done 。结合句意,绿皮火车将会被取代,故填be replaced with

5考查原因状语从句。句意:既然我们都是地球村的一份子,每个人都是我们的邻居。分析可知,所填空应为连词短语,前后句之间为因果关系。now that 意为“既然;因为”,可引导原因状语从句,符合句意要求。故填Now that

6考查动词短语。句意:如果你想吃辣的食物,你可以在汤里加点红辣椒。分析可知,所填空之前有情态动词can, 因此需填写动词原形。结合句意,add sth to sth 意为“将……添加到……中”,符合要求。故填(1). add (2). to

7考查动词短语和固定结构。句意:老师把学生排好队,告诉他们不要站在队伍外面。分析可知,所填空应在固定结构tell sb. not to do sth 中,“告诉某人不要做某事”,因此所填空应为动词原形。结合句意,与前文lined up(排起队;整队)对应,get out of the line符合句意要求。故填to get out of

8考查动词短语和被动语态。句意:和往常一样,来自不同城市的志愿者被分成小组,并由组长来组织活动。分析可知,所填空应为谓语动词,结合句意可知,divide into groups (分组)符合句意要求,且与之前主语为被动关系。故填are divided into


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