
17. Li Lei, for      English was once difficult, can speak English fluently as though he were a native speaker.

A. whom     B. whose

C. him     D. his

17.   A考查非限制性定语从句。句意:对李雷而言,英语曾经是如此困难,但是现在他可以说一口流利的英语,就好像他是英国本土人似的。whom是关系代词,代替先行词Li Lei (人)在从句中作介词for的宾语。由句意可知选A。





A 72-year-old grandmother, who once weighed 250 pounds, has defied age. With the help of a personal trainer, she has lost 115 pounds, nearly half her body weight. She even set a Guinness World Record in 2011.

"I had been on a diet for my whole life,"Betty Sweeney said. "I lost weight, and then gained it back, plus more. It had become a bad cycle for me. I just couldn't keep the weight off. "So, at the age of 69, the old lady asked a dietitian(营养学家)to suggest an eating plan. It is thanks to her diet that she credits her ability to maintain the weight loss. Now,she eats vegeta?bles ,fresh fruit and protein powder to help get enough protein for her work?outs. She eats chicken breasts with no skin, fish or very lean pork. All meats are either baked, or fixed in a hot air oven where all the fat drips away.

She joined an Anytime Fitness centre which opened near her home. But because the weight was coming off at a slow pace, she decided to ask a trainer for help. "When we started,I couldn't get up from a chair to stand on my own. Dave?my trainer, was very patient and encouraging as he slowly helped me get better,"she explained. Now,she is able to do a pull-up for the first time in her life,20 push-ups and sit-ups as well as running more than three miles regularly. And in 2011, she set a world record for the longest time in an abdominal plank (腹部训练板),at 36 minutes and 58 seconds.

"I have more energy, I feel younger than ever, and I have never been happier in my life. My trainer is like a grandson to me; I love him so much. Who knows where my life will take me ! "Betty Sweeney said.
1.Betty Sweeney set a world record for_____ .

A.the only old woman with a strong will

B.the longest time in an abdominal plank

C.the healthiest woman in the seventies

D. her great success in weight loss

2. What happened to Betty Sweeney after she turned to a dietitian for help?

  A She gave up losing weight completely.

B.She changed her diet and the way she cooked food.

C.She stayed away from her relatives and friends.

D. She took part in a lot of outdoor activities.

3. Who was Betty most grateful to for her healthier life?
A.Her grandson.                    B. Her doctor.

C Her personal trainer.          D Her friends.

4. From the passage we can know that regarding her weight loss, Betty Sweeney felt .

A. satisfied        B.  concerned    C.  negative      D. regretful


With arms spread wide and smiling with joy, Bobby and Margaret Valsechi meet for the first time. It's a(n)17which captures happiness so much that you can almost touch it. The story behind it, 18 , is really sad. Just 23 months ago, Margaret's son Stephen 19 in an accident. With great sadness, she decided to 20 his organs for transplant(器官移植).It was a decision that was to  21  Bobby's life.

Born with a heart illness, Bobby 22to live a normal life. But he had become increasingly 23 over the past two years. In March 2010, Bobby was placed on the waiting list for a new heart. His condition got 24 so rapidly that he'd spent five months in hospital, waiting for the 25 . Without it, he had possibly only weeks to live. "While I was waiting for the transplant? it was a(n) 26 of excitement and fear," Bobby recalled. " 27 , the hospital got a possible heart and it turned out to be a good enough 28 ."

   29 Margaret's brave decision, now Bobby is able to live his life to the 30 Grateful for the second chance to 31, Bobby sent Marga?ret a letter expressing his thanks. To their joy, they did 32 with each other two weeks ago and everyone was moved at that moment. "I wanted her to 33 me and how well her son has made me," says Bobby. "I was nervous about meeting Margaret. But the moment I saw Margaret, I could see how 34 she was to meet me. To be able to thank her in person was wonderful. There are no words to 35  how special it was."

   "I never felt it was 36to have another person's heart beating in my body, because my body has accepted it happily. Now I feel I'm looking after it for someone else, and it's looking after me as well."

17.  A. honour        B.  place         C.  chance         D. moment

18.  A. besides        B.  at least      C.  as well         D. however

19.  A. died          B. escaped             C.  appeared       D. suffered

20.  A. sell           B.  check           C.  donate         D. take

21.  A. risk           B.  save            C.  gain            D. join

22.  A. aimed         B.  hated          C.  managed            D. pretended

23.  A. ill             B.  busy            C.  clever         D. free

24.  A. better           B. worse            C.  rarer          D. higher

25.  A. medicine         B.  doctor         C.  family           D. transplant

26.  A. exercise       B.  mixture        C.  light             D. dream

27.  A. Actually          B.  Fairly            C.  Luckily        D. Gradually

28.  A. organ          B.  tip             C.  treatment       D. match

29.  A. In spite of         B.  Thanks to      C.  Regardless of          D.  But for

30.  A. long            B.  old           C.  full             D. last

31.  A. live            B.  smile         C.  think            D. speak

32.  A. meet           B.  connect        C.  agree            D. work

33.  A. love            B.  see             C.  punish         D. admire

34.  A. anxious              B.  thankful         C.  happy          D. painful

35.  A. write              B.  draw           C.  imagine            D. describe

36.  A. strange           B.  common             C. interesting          D. easy

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) •:


Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in his or her life, he or she might write in his or her diary. Now a teenager with the same problems may go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog. Ia many ways* a diary and a blog are almost the same. So, what makes^ a blog different from a diary?                     12  Usually, a teenager treats his or her diary as a book full of secrets. It's interesting that someone who writes in a blog instead of a diary will probably write nearly the same information.

I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her blog. She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not stud?ying enough for her chemistry exam.13Then, after I finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was worried that my sister might read it!

Because a blog is such a public way of writing, it has both good and bad points. 14 If I am angry with a friend during school and write some?thing bad about her in my diary, she will never know. However, if my sister writes something bad about a friend, that friend may read her blog and get angry. 15

A blog has good points, of course. 16People choose to write in blogs because they know that their friends will read what they write. If I am feeling sad one day and write in my diary, "Nobody cares about me," no one will know about it. However, if my sister writes the same words in her blog, her best friends will quickly reply and tell her how much they like her.

If people are careful about what they write, writing blogs is a very good way to write about everyday life. However, I still prefer my old diary!

A. So we have to be very careful of what we write.

B. When I was her age, I wrote about the same things, but only in my diary.

C. The biggest problem with a blog is that anyone can read what you write.

D. The biggest difference is that a blog is much more public than a diary.

E. Everyone intends to keep his own secret.

F. Blogs help people stay in contact with their friends and hear what the people around them are doing.

G. When we write a diary we usually write down what we have done or how we think of others.

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