
16.Whenever/No matter when (he is )absorbed in reading books,he doesn't like being disturbed.(absorb)

分析 无论他什么时候全神贯注地看书,他不喜欢被打扰.

解答 答案:Whenever/No matter when (he is )absorbed in
解析:根据中文提示可知可知,本题考查让步状语从句;且由"无论什么时候"可知状语从句该由Whenever/No matter when引导.另外根据括号内的英文提示可知,本题还考查be absorbed in doing sth"沉迷于/专心于做某事"这一固定短语.当when(whenever)引导的时间状语从句中含有"主语+be动词+过去分词"的结构,且从句的主语与主句的主语一致时从句中的主语和be动词可以一并省略.综上,本题答案为:Whenever/No matter when (he is )absorbed in.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.

4.About 45% of the people surveyed say their workplace is the hardest place to sell a good idea.The next largest group,21%,say home is.Here Mattson offers 5 ways of outing an idea across so that the right people will listen.
1.Don't take rejection (拒绝) personally."One of the major blocks for people trying to sell a concept is that,if the idea is rejected,they take it as a rejection of them personally-and they stop trying,"Mattson says.(36)E.Most major-league players strike out far more than they hit.Even so,they keep trying.
2.(37)B.Many of us (especially the shy) use email to put our best ideas forward,but that's not nearly as effective as doing it in person or,if necessary,on the phone."You have your voice working for you,and you can be far more responsive(回应) to any questions the other person may have,"Mattson says.
3.Listen 70% of the time,and talk 30%."In the sales world there's a saying:(38)F."Mattson says."Top salespeople don't persuade others.Instead,they listen,which forces you to focus on the other person--what their position is,and why they're responding the way they are."
4.Practice.(39)G.He or she will help you improve.Mattson recommends repeating your idea six times before presenting it to decision-makers."The first one or two times,you'll still be figuring out how you want to put it,"he says."By the sixth time,you're usually speaking with certainty and confidence."
5.Get others to weigh in."Successful selling isn't‘I',it's‘we',"Mattson says."(40)CSo include their suggestions in your idea."Not only will that probably make the idea even better,but you'll still get the credit for having gotten the ball rolling.

A.Never buy what you don't need
B.Use your voice,rather than email
C.People want to be part of a solution
D.Talk on the phone in an effective way
E.Take baseball athletes as your role model
F.Everybody hates to be sold but loves to buy
G.Find someone you trust who will hear you out.

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