






Last year,I went shopping in a department store.Little do I know that I was heading for a very new experience. While I was walking around the store,I happened to see the foreigner trying to explain herself with a salesman. Gathering her courage,I decided to step in and helped her explain herself.Fortunately,I could understand that she was talking about,so I just translated it into Chinese.

I felt glad for able to help her and talk with her.She said that she was a student like me and was touring China lonely.She told me about some experience she had touring the country.Although I won’t see her again,but it’s good to meet someone like her from another country.


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my passion stand in the way of being a good parent.

I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows(誓言) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here’s what I want to tell you today:Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion(提升), the bigger paycheck, the larger house. Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure(休闲); it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It’s so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, and our minutes. It’s so easy to exist instead of to live. I learnt to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that,if I had my choice,it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.

I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that,in part,by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this:read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do,you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. the author is a success in personal life

B. the author didn’t try her best to work well

C. the author spent all her time caring for her children

D. the author likes traveling very much

2.How did the author form her view of life?

A. Through social experience.

B. By learning from her friends.

C. Through an unfortunate experience.

D. From her children and husband.

3.By the underlined sentence “It’s so easy to exist instead of to live.” in the fifth paragraph,the author really means that people tend to .

A. make a living rather than live a real life

B. work rather than enjoy life

C. waste a lot in life

D. forget the most important lessons in life

4.What’s the author’s attitude toward work?

A. Do it well to serve others.

B. Earn enough money to make life better.

C. Try your best to get a higher position and a pay raise.

D. Don’t let it affect your real life.

Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometowns behind.Questions arise, though,when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

One of the first considerations may be financial.State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though,the better colleges are private and more expensive.It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

Another major factor is location.Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities.A water lover probably will be more comfortable spending four years near an ocean or a lake.Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college.

School size also plays a major role in the decision process.If you want to get to know your teachers and avoid feeling like just a number,a small college is suitable.For those of you who consider yourself a "people person" and want a wide range of activities,a large college is more fitting.

Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision-making process if you want to get the most from your education.The whole point of college is to learn what is of interest to you.

Finally,one must take into consideration the colleges to which you can realistically be accepted.An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match.Similarly,an average school for an above-average student would not work well.The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard. Although there may not be the perfect college out there,there probably will be one that is close.Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.

1.What's the main idea of the text?

A. Procedures of choosing a college.

B. Difficulties in attending a school.

C. Pros and cons of going to college.

D. Considerations in choosing a college.

2.We can infer from the passage that .

A. an Ivy League school is probably a state college

B. a small college may bring you a sense of emptiness

C. gifted students are likely to choose private colleges

D. an average school isn't suitable for an average student

3.A "people person" in Paragraph 4 probably refers to .

A. a person who tends to be alone

B. a person who is good at sociality

C. a person who is afraid of teachers

D. a person who is accustomed to a noisy atmosphere

4.What does the author think of choosing a college?

A. A small college is a better choice for shy students.

B. A northern college has a more comfortable climate.

C. The location of a college is more important than the size of it.

D. You will always find a suitable college if you look hard enough.

Turning trash into treats

Imagine you are at the supermarket checkout. You pay the cashier, load your food into the cart, then take one third of your newly purchased items outside and throw them into the trash.

This may sound farfetched (牵强的), but millions of us worldwide do this on a regular basis, although in a more non-direct way. Figures published this year by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimate that over 30 percent of the food produced worldwide goes to waste. In the west, most of this food is thrown away by businesses that are unable to sell it, or by consumers who buy too much. And the majority of this food, despite being past its sell-by date, is still perfectly fit for human consumption.

So where do these excess products end up? “We receive food from various sources” says Adam Smith, founder of the Real Junk Food Project, on his company’s website. The British company recently made headlines in the UK after it became the country’s first “food waste supermarket”, offering products that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill site. Most of its customers are low –income families, or even college students who find it difficult to afford food.

Some retailers across Europe are also taking action. France recently passed a law that says all supermarkets must now donate all of their unsold produce to charities, while the Italian government has also put similar measures in place. Hundreds of cafes that serve meals made from surplus food have been set up across the continent too, selling dishes at rock bottom prices or even giving them away for free.

So what can we do as individuals to help prevent our dinner ending up in the bin?”In two words: Buy less. Or at least shop smarter,” Johnthan Bloom, who runs the blog Wasted Food, tells Foodtank.com.

1.What can we learn about food waste?

A. Food waste is very serious now.

B. Buying less leads to food waste.

C. Eating less leads to food waste.

D. Energy shortage results from food waste.

2.What does the underlined phrase “sell-by date” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. The last limited date to sell.

B. The date to sell out.

C. The Date on sale.

D. The date to produce.

3.What do people do to reduce food waste according to the text?

A. Recycle the food from the trash.

B. Donate unsold produce to charities.

C. Eat up meals made from leftover food.

D. Offer food to the low-income families .

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To show where the leftover food end up.

B. To show the bad habits of people’s eating.

C. To appeal to people to prevent food waste.

D. To introduce the advantages to deal with junk food.

The introduction of the iPad,with its touch screen technology,has allowed even very young children to take advantage of a computer.So what if all children in a school were given an iPad to use in class and take home with them?

Anne Laure Bazin works in a school where every child,teacher and teaching assistant is given a free iPad to use in and out of lessons.For her,the main advantage of everyone having an iPad had been the improvement in communication.Documents can be emailed straight over to workmates during a meeting.Children submit their homework by email,or through the school’s learning environment.Teachers now take the register(点名)using their iPad,which means that there is a record of which children are in school,and which classroom they are in.

The use of iPad has encouraged greater sharing of resources among teacher.All communication with parents is now done by email.Working as a group in class is much easier as children can share documents.The whole class can look at one child’s work by attaching(连接)the iPad to the whiteboard.If a child has forgotten the textbook,the teacher can take a photograph of the relevant(相关的)page and send it to the student in class.

While the use of the iPad in schools has revolutionized(变革)the way children are taught ,it hasn’t completely replaced more traditional methods of teaching .Worksheets are still used in class as some children prefer the contact with paper.The children all have a textbook and exercise books.In Anne Laure’s school,parents feared that the iPads would replace exercise books and children would lose handwriting skills.Anne Laure says,” The teacher are not ready to let go of the traditional style of teaching.We have welcomed the iPads in so much as they help communication and widen the resources available but we are not ready to let go of paper yet.The children themselves still value their exercise books and depend on them for review.”

1.The underlined word “submit” in the second paragraph means________.

A. discuss B. share

C. hand in D. send out

2.What is an advantage of using iPads in the classroom?

A. It saved students bringing the textbooks.

B. It reduces parents’ worry about teaching.

C. It improves the relationship between teachers.

D. It makes it convenient to share information.

3.What is parents’ attitude towards the use of iPads in the classroom?

A. Worried B. Indifferent

C. Annoyed D. Doubtful

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Teachers prefer traditional methods of teaching.

B. The iPads won’t take the place of printed materials.

C. More and more schools are using iPads.

D. Exercise books are more valuable now.

The Cost of Dishonesty

David began studying in Germany two years ago. The college was a little __ from where he lived, so he had to take the __ every day. This clever student soon found it was easy to __ buying subway tickets, so he often went and returned __ a ticket to save money. As a result, he had been caught with no ticket in the subway four times __ he never took them to __ . He thought what he should pay __ attention to was his study. He did work very hard in the last two years and graduated with __ academic achievements a month ago. Everyone, __ himself, thought he would get a good job easily in __ and had a bright future. He went to a big local company __ . But to his __, he was not even allowed his chance for a/an __ ! He then went to another famous company, only to receive the same __ . When he was __ a third time, he __ help telephoning the company to ask why they didn’t want him. The answer was simple, “We don’t offer jobs to __ people in Germany!”

We may get short-term __ by dishonest means, but the truth will come out __ and the cost is high. So remember, honesty is the best____.

1.A. near B. away C. far D. close

2.A. bus B. car C. vehicle D. subway

3.A. skip B. miss C. flee D. forget

4.A. for B. without C. by D. with

5.A. while B. although C. but D. because

6.A. heart B. mind C. soul D. spirit

7.A. much B. more C. less D. little

8.A. exciting B. depressing C. shocking D. amazing

9.A. regarding B. including C. considering D. concerning

10.A. America B. China C. Germany D. Britain

11.A. confidently B. fortunately C. nervously D. willingly

12.A. surprise B. excitement C. delight D. disappointment

13.A. interview B. exam C. conversation D. meeting

14.A. achievement B. treatment C. argument D. improvement

15.A. turned down B. turned over C. turned up D. turned off

16.A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn't

17.A. immature B. dissatisfied C. dishonest D. unconfident

18.A. benefits B. impression C. profits D. harm

19.A. on time B. in time C. at times D. in no time

20.A. direction B. advice C. suggestion D. policy

How to survive and thrive

Here are some tips to help you learn not only to survive, but to thrive(有成) and grow in a chaotic world.

Try to build on strengths rather than focus on weaknesses.

1.Maybe you’ll become an auto mechanic, or maybe you’ll make good use of your ability to classify detailed information to build a career as biologist or druggist.

Realize that few mistakes are disastrous.

Did you fail a course? 2.Most of us can’t avoid an occasional failure, but we can learn bounce-back attitudes through failures.


Cecelia, a shy twelve-year-old, became livelier when she won the lead in a school play. “We want you to improve your grades, not spend time on plays!” said her worried mother. 4.And she made new friends with the “good kids” who were also achievers. Most importantly, no matter what happens, Cecelia can return to that feeling of success whenever she gets discouraged.

Getting into a top university—or any university – will not guarantee success.

I’ve met high school drop-outs who became very successful. 5. Career-changers who face the future with an attitude of “I can handle anything” are the ones who win today. While in difficulties, they keep up their spirits till they figure out what to do next.

A. Have no idea about your future plan?

B. Face rejection from a first-class college?

C. Life is hard at the moment, but we’re surviving.

D. Try to experience success in any area of your life.

E. To everyone’s surprise, Cecelia’s grades improved.

F. Do you spend hours studying models of cars for the last twenty years?

G. I’ve met people from top universities who experienced unemployment and even homelessness.

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