
Comera is the only place in the world which has a whistle(口哨)language. We do not know how and why it began because we do not know the complete history of the island. But we can certainly imagine the reasons for the beginning of the whistle language. There are many deep valleys on the island. A person on one side of valley cannot easily shout to a person on the other side. But he can whistle and be heard from four miles away, and the record is seven miles. The people who live on the island usually have good teeth, and this helps them to whistle well. They must also have good ears so that they can hear other whistlers.
We can understand why the whistle language continues. It is very useful on the island, and quite easy to learn. When somebody is hurt or ill, the whistle language takes the place of the telephone. If the sick person is a long way from the town, boys and men pass the news from one to another. A boy guarding cattle on a hillside whistles to a man fishing from his boat. The last one is able to describe the trouble fully and exactly to the doctor in town. People help each other in the same way when a car breaks or a cow is lost.
The whistle language is hundreds of years old, and probably it will continue to live for hundreds of years more. Radio and TV often kill the special ways of speaking in the different parts of a country. But on Comera island you are nobody if you cannot whistle. Perhaps soon after TV arrives on the island, the people there will be whistling the news and other facts and opinions.
小题1:If a person on Comera island is ill,    .
A.others will phone the doctor in town
B.the whistle language will pass the news to the doctor
C.his family will take him to the doctor
D.people will take him to the hospital
小题2: From the passage we know radio and TV   at that time.
A.killed the special ways of speaking
B.whistled all the news and opinions
C.helped Comera people to communicate
D.did not appear on Comera island yet
小题3: Comera island is special in that   .
A.it attracts visitors every year
B.no visitors have ever been there
C.people there have special ears to hear whistles
D.people there use the whistle language to communicate with each other
小题4: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It is not easy for a person to live on Comera island if he cannot whistle.
B.The whistle language can only be found on Comera island.
C.The whistle language has been used for hundreds of years on the island, but will not be used any longer.
D.The record shows that one best whistler can be heard by others seven miles away.


小题1:选B。细节理解题。从文章的第二段可知, 在此岛上, 口哨语是用于传递信息的。故口哨语可将病人的信息传递给远处的医生。
小题3:选D。推理判断题。纵观全文, 可知此岛的特殊之处在于它特有的口哨语。
小题4:选C。推理判断题。本文主要讲述了口哨语的独特性和重要性; 并预言在电视出现后, 人们将仍用口哨传递电视上的新闻。故用排除法可将答案选出。

Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand(品牌) of product on the shelf.
Coloring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged(包装)in green, yellow or brown because we think of these as healthy colors. Ice cream packets are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.
When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colors turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.
The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.
It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!
The most successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote(推销) their goods, came to the conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius(天才)to sell it.”
小题1:Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?
A.The cost of its package.
B.The price of the product.
C.The color of its package.
D.The brand name of the product.
小题2: The underlined part “the colors turned the customers off”(in Para.3) means that the colors ____.
A.attracted the customers strongly
B.had weak effects on the customers
C.tricked the customers into shopping
D.caused the customers to lose interest
小题3: Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?
A.The way to promote goods.
B.The discovery of a genius.
C.The team to produce a good product.
D.The brand name used by successful producers.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A.Choice of Good Products
B.Disadvantages of Products
C.Effect of Packaging on Shopping
D.Brand Name and Shopping Tricks
The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools.
   The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑师), Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.
   The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (监禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 
1. The Taj Mahal was built for____ .
A. Mumtaz                     B. Shah
C. Either Mumtaz or Shah         D. Both Mumtaz and Shah
2. The passage mainly tells us____ .
A. why the Taj Mahal was built
B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz
C. some information about the Taj Mahal
D. the Taj Mahal—the pride of Indians
3. Form the passage we can learn that____ .
A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before.
B. the Taj Mahal doesn't exist now.
C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed.
D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest.
Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing. Three years ago, few people would go swimming in the icy waters. But now there is a Winter-swimming Enthusiasts’ Club(冬泳爱好者协会)and it has more than 2 000 members. The oldest is 84 years old and the youngest is only 7. The members are from all walks of life. They may be workers, peasants, soldiers, teachers, students…
Though it is now the coldest part of the season and the water temperature in the city’s lakes is around 0℃, many winter-swimmers still swim in the icy waters, even when it is snowing. They enjoy themselves in the lake, while the people by the side of the lake are wearing heavy clothes.
Why are so many people interested in winter-swimming? Because winter-swimming can be good for one’s health.
Bei Sha is a good example. He is 69, and he once suffered from heart trouble for 26 years. After ten years of winter-swimming he is now in good health. Scientists are now studying the effects of winter-swimming on health.
4. What does the underlined sentence “The members are from all walks of life” mean?  
A. The members do different jobs at different places.
B. They come from all parts of Beijing.
C. They are persons of different ages.
D. They are men and women, old and young.
5. The winter-swimmers are able to swim in the icy waters, even on snowy days because       .
A. they are not afraid of coldness
B. they often swim in the icy waters
C. they know that they can benefit(得益)from it
D. winter-swimming can make people healthy
6. Winter-swimming has become popular in Beijing because       .
A. more and more people like to swim in Beijing
B. it is more interesting than swimming in summer
C. winter-swimmers are brave men
D. winter-swimming does a lot of good to one’s health
7. What’s the best title for this passage?
A. People in Beijing Like Swimming in Winter
B. Winter-swimming—A Craze(狂热)in Beijing
C. People Benefit from Winter-swimming
D. Winter-swimmers Are Brave Men
Among various programs, TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one is different in style. But no two shows are more opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey shows.
Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of "rubbish talk". The topics on his show are as surprising as can be. For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people's lives.
Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes the TV talk show to its top. But Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality of life. Contents are from teaching your children lessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.
Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society. Jerry ends every show with a "final word". He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.
Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show's main audience are middle-class Americans. Most of the people have the time, money and ability to deal with life's tough problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of a connection with the young adults of society. These are 18-to 21year-olds whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex, money and drug. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the show's exploitation.
46. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows are ______.
A. more interesting          B. unusually poplar       C. more detailed           D. more formal
47. Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows ______.
A. show disbelief in them                                         B. are ready to face up to them
C. remain cold to them                                     D. are willing to get away from them
48. Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?
A. A new type of robot.                                    B. National hatred.
C. Family income planning.                              D. Street accident.
49. We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows ____.
A. have become the only ones of its kind                   B. exploit the weaknesses in human nature
C. appear at different times of the day                    D. attract different people
50. What is the advantage of the Jerry Springer show?
A. The show exposes the dark sides of society.
B. The show pours poisonous waste into society.
C. Jerry sums up the whole idea of the show.
D. Jerry talks abou the improvement of society.
Children and teenagers who spend lots of time in front of screens---especially TVs---are   easier to get more weight as they grow, according to a new study.
The findings agree with the research suggesting all that inactive sitting and always watching   advertisements may lead to poor eating habits.
Researchers used results from a long-term study of children who took part in the surveys every two years. Children were between ages 9 and 16 when the study started. Out of 4,300 girls in the   study, 17 percent were overweight or obese(肥胖的). Twenty-four percent of the 3,500 boys   were also above a healthy weight.
The surveys included questions about their height and weight as well as how much time they spent watching TV and DVDs and playing computer and video games.
From one survey to the next, each one-hour increase in children’s daily TV watching was in connection with an increase of about 0.1 points on a body mass index (BMI)(体质指数), which measures weight in connection with height. There’s an increase of about half a pound in weight per extra hour of TV.
“The weight of the evidence is so strong that television watching is connected with unhealthy changes in weight among youth,” says Jennifer Falbe, who led the study while at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.
“It's important for parents to know that all the obesity-causing(引起肥胖的)screens really should be limited in their children's lives.” Falbe says. “When children watch TV, there are many food advertisements on TV that might lead them to eat a cookie or drink a soft drink.” What's more, she says, “they can get into a hibernating(冬眠) state on the sofa, even if children are sitting down while playing a computer game.”
小题1:Which of the following statements can be the best title for the text?
A.A new study on screens.
B.TVs do harm to children.
C.The less TV time, the fatter.
D.Too much screen time leads to obesity.
小题2: How many children took part in the study?
小题3:According to the study, one extra hour screen time will cause children about ______ pound
小题4:According to Falbe , what should parents do to stop children getting fat?
A.Limiting the time of children watching TV.
B.Buying children food advertised on TV.
C.Not allowing children to watch TV.
D.Encouraging children to play computer games.
Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bike and break your arms, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.
You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely.
Your eyes--Too much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50 centimeters (厘米) from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest.
When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect (反射) on the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes.
Your hands--Hand injuries can happen because the hands are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow this rule: Stop sometimes and exercise your hands and fingers in different ways.
Your back--Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way, you can injure your back and your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. If you are sitting for a long time, get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and neck.
Enjoy your computer, but use it safely.
小题1:How many kinds of computer injuries are mentioned in this passage?
小题2:A computer screen may injure your eyes if        .
A.you sit 60 centimeters away
B.you remember to look away
C.your eyes are too close to it
D.the window is on your left or right
小题3:Your eyes and hands will be safe if _________.
A.you work near a window
B.you often take rests from working
C.you use a keyboard for a long time
D.the window is behind you
小题4:Which sentence is NOT true according to this passage?
A.You should sit with your back straight while you work on a computer.
B.Staying in front of a computer too long may injure your eyes.
C.When you work on a computer, your hands almost move in the same way.
D.The writer thinks that computer is bad for your health.
小题5:What would be the best title for the text?
A.How to protect your eyes
B.How to protect your hands
C.How to use a computer safely
D.How to protect your back
Drinking eight cups or two litres of water a day is longstanding advice. But is there any scientific basis for it, asks Dr Chris van Tulleken.
You know those ads that remind us that even a small drop in hydration(水合作用) levels can massively affect performance so you need to keep hydrated with whatever brand of super drink they're selling?
They seem pretty scientific don't they? Man in white coat, athlete with electrodes attached and so on. And it's not a hard sell because drinking feels right - you're hot and sweating so surely replacing that fluid must be beneficial.
Well earlier this year sports scientists in Australia did an extraordinary experiment that had never been done before.This group wanted to find out what happened to performance after dehydration. So they took a group of cyclists and exercised them until they lost 3% of their total body weight in sweat.
Then their performance was assessed after rehydration with either 1) nothing, 2) enough water to bring them back to 2% dehydration or 3) after full rehydration.
So far nothing unusual, but the difference between this and almost every other study that's ever been done on hydration was that the cyclists were blind to how much water they got. The fluid was given intravenously without them knowing the volume.
This is vital because we all, and especially athletes, have such an intimate(密切的)psychological relationship with water consumption.
Remarkably, there was no performance difference between those that were fully rehydrated and those that got nothing. This study was part of a growing movement to "drink to thirst" which hopes to persuade athletes not to over hydrate with the potentially fatal consequence of diluting your sodium level, causing hyponatraemia.
Perhaps the result shouldn't be so surprising. Humans evolved doing intense exercise in extreme heat and dryness. We are able to tolerate losses in water relatively well whereas even slight over hydration can be far more dangerous. In simple terms, being too watery is as bad for you as being too concentrated.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.There is no scientific basis for drinking eight cups of water a day
B.People used to drink eight cups of water a day
C.An experiment about whether people should drink eight cups of water.
D.People shouldn’t believe longstanding advice.
小题2:what does the word“dehydration ”in paragragh 4 mean?
A.doing exerciseB.losing water
C.drinking waterD.having a rest
小题3:What is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Drinking too much water is bad for us
B.Sports scientists in Australia did an extraordinary experiment for the first time.
C.Those that were fully rehydrated and those that got nothing performed differently.
D.The cyclists didn’t know how much water they got.
小题4:What can we learn from the last paragragh?
A.Humans can bear losing water relatively well
B.It’s dangerous to drink water.
C.Athletes should drink more water than others.
D.This study was part of a growing movement to "drink to thirst".
小题5:what is Dr Chris van Tulleken’s attitude towards the. longstanding advice?
We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, that’s life. It’s a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy! 
       positive through the cold season could be your best         against getting ill, new study findings suggest.
In an experiment that         healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a         sunny characteristic were less likely to         ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help         the common cold and other illnesses.
Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness increasing immune(免疫的) function and subjective as in happy people being less         by a scratchy throat or runny nose. “People with a positive emotional style may have different immune         to the virus,” explained the lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “And when they do get a cold, they may         their illness as being less severe.”
Cohen and his colleagues had found in a         study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional tendency itself had the effect.
For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality tendency, health-consciousness and emotional “style”. Those who         be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style,         those who were often unhappy, tense and unfriendly had a negative style. The researchers gave them drops through their noses         either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the         reported on any aches, pains, sneezing they had, while the researchers collected         data, like daily mucus(黏液) production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes(鼻部的不适), happy people were less likely to develop a cold.
A.tended toB.opposed toC.used toD.stuck to
A.whileB.howeverC.what’s moreD.therefore
A.objectiveB.impressive C.positiveD.effective

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