
  Vancouver's Chinatown is the second biggest Chinatown in North America's, after San Francisco's. Mandarin and Cantonese are the mother tongues in 30 percent of Vancouver homes, which makes Chinese the largest“minority”ethnic (人种的)group. There are lots of interesting markets with many varieties of fresh and dried seafood and mushrooms. You'll also find inexpensive house ware(家用器皿)and traditional Chinese medicine.

  Vancouver's Chinatown is also a popular tourist attraction and wealthy commercial district. Its busy streets are full of color and commerce(商业); even the tower-topped telephone booths add to the atmosphere. During the summer, on weekend evenings, Keefer and Pender Streets become a busy open-air night market. Shop displays spill onto the pavements. The Sam Kee Building in Pender Street is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records(吉尼斯世界记录)as being the narrowest building in the world, at only six-foot (two metres) wide. Another main attraction in Chinatown is the Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, which was built in 1986 at a cost of $ 5.3 million with the craftsmen(工匠)and materials all imported from China.Next door to the Garden is the Chinese Cultural Centre with gates hand-painted in traditional color.

  In the past, Chinatown was regarded as nothing more than a ghetto site(贫民窟).Chinese immigrants first arrived on the province during the 1850s, when the Fraser Gold rush occurred. Many Chinese laborers were imported to build the railway tracks with terrible working conditions and low pay. Many years had passed Chinese Canadians were finally granted citizenship in 1947.

  Modern Chinatown is filled with many shops that sell various herbs, sweet cakes and other items. Eating in Chinatown is not only unique but also rewarding, as you will be presented with an assortment of tasty dishes. The atmosphere in any restaurant is always busy so be patient when you are eating there. It is considered common polite behavior to pay a tip to the waiters who are serving even though it is not in the Chinese custom to accept tips.

(1)What languages are spoken in Vancouver's Chinatown?

[  ]

D.All above

(2)_____ is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records ?

[  ]

A.Vancouver's Chinatown

B.Tower-topped telephone booths

C.The Sam Kee Building

D.Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden

(3)What does the underlined word“tip”mean?

[  ]


(4)When did Chinese first arrive in Vancouver?

[  ]

A.During the Fraser Gold rush
B.In 1986.
C.In 1947.
D.In Modern time.


Canada is a very large country.It is bigger than China.China is the third largest country in the world.Canada is the second largest.It has an area of nearly 10 million sq. km. Canada has a very long coastline.To the west is the Pacific Ocean.To the east is the Atlantic Ocean.The Arctic Ocean is in the north.There are very many islands off the Pacific coast and off the Arctic coast.The biggest one in the west is Vancouver Island.In the east there is New Foundland,and in the Arctic Ocean the biggest islands are Baffin Island and Victoria Island.(Greenland is not part of Canada.It is a part of Denmark,a country in northern Europe.)

Canada has a long border with the U.S.A.in the south.In the northwest Canada borders on the American“State of Alaska”.Canada is a northern country.The Arctic Circle is (Latitude 16°N) passes through the northern part.In the south,half of the border with the U.S.A. follows line of latitude 49°N.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A.U.S.A is the second largest country in the world.

B.Canada has nearly 10 million sq. km.So it is the second largest country on the earth.

C.China is as large as Canada and the second largest in the world.

D.Russia is the second largest country in the world.

2.What ocean is in the north of Canada?

A.The Pacific Ocean.         B.The Atlantic Ocean.

C.The Indian Ocean.          D.The Arctic Ocean.

3.There are many islands in Canada,and Vancouver Island is ________.

A.in the west             B.in the east

C.in the north              D.in the south

4.Alaska is one of the states of America.It is on the________of Canada.

A.northeast     B.southeast     C.northwest     D.southwest

5.Latitude 16°N is through ________.

A.the northern part of Canada        B.the northern part of China

C.the northern part of America      D.the northern part of New Foundland



1.The city has a small population, only          (稍稍) over three hundred thousand.

2.She was         (生育) of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes.

3.At the meeting they discussed three different         (方法) to the study of mathematics.

4.They are planning to start a              (战役)against nuclear weapons.

5.A theatre is a place of e          .

6.The photograph is out of          , making it useless.

7.Don’t                     the dictionary every time you come across a new word when reading.

8.However, Dr Yuan doesn’t                    fame or money.

9.Unfortunately, his father died, leaving the family even                .

10.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if              .

11.In most places around the world, frowning and                    to someone shows anger.

12.                 (而不是)take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.

13.The most universal facial expression is the smile, whose function is to show happiness and put people                  .


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