
1.In 1271,Marco Polo left Italy,(61)wherehe was born,and travelled across Europe and Asia with his father.Then they arrived in Beijing and(62)were welcomed(welcome) by Kublai Khan.(63)Although/Thoughhe was very young,he could speak four languages.Therefore,Marco left a deep(64)impression(impress ) on the Emperor.In(65)turn,Marco was amazed by the (66)beauty(beautiful) and the power China had.At that time,there were many inventions and developments in China,which were not available in Europe.
   After he served in the court for 17 years,Marco (67)returned(return) to Italy.(68)Unluckily(luck),he was caught by the enemy during a local war and put into prison.In(69)the prison,after listening to Marco's stories about China,another prisoner wrote them in a book called The Description of the World,(70)whichbecame one of the best-selling books in Europe.

分析 本文作者重点介绍了马可波罗曾经跟随父亲来到中国旅行的经历以及介绍了曾作为欧洲最畅销书之一的The Description of the World《马可•波罗游记》的写作背景及内容.

解答 答案:
61.where   考查关系副词    本句为非限定性的定语从句;先行词是 Italy,由于该从句中缺少地点状语"in Italy",故用关系副词where.
62.were welcomed   考查一般过去时态的被动语态   由于此处描述的是马可波罗曾经跟随父亲来到中国北京时的场景,故应使用一般过去时;由于主语they与动词welcome构成的是被动关系,所以应使用一般过去时态的被动语态;故用were welcomed.
63.Although/Though   考查句意理解以及从属连词   本句的意思是:虽然他很年轻,但他会说四种语言;此处用来引导让步状语从句,故用Although/Though.
64.impression   考查名词   此处用于"不定冠词(a)+形容词 (deep)"之后,意为:一个深刻的印象;故用单数名词impression.
65.turn     考查固定搭配    in turn意为:转而,反过来;故用turn.
66.beauty  考查名词   此处用在定冠词the之后,在句中作宾语,故用名词beauty.
67.returned   考查时态   本句是when引导的时间状语从句,根据该从句使用了一般过去时,可知此处指的应是过去发生的事情,故用returned.    
68.Unluckily   考查副词   此处位于句首,用来修饰后面一整句话的内容,由于该句表达的是不好的结果,故用副词 Unluckily.
69.the    考查固定词组    in the prison意为:在监狱里,故用the.
70.which  考查关系代词   本句为非限定性的定语从句;由于先行词The Description of the World《马可•波罗游记》在该从句作主语,故用which.

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

9.Organic(有机的)foods are foods produced according to strict guidelines set forth by the government.These guidelines state that organic foods must be produced without modern man-made processes and materials,such as man-made pesticides (杀虫剂) and chemical fertilizers.
For most history,almost all food was organic.However,during the 20th century,the principles of the Industrial Revolution were applied to agriculture.This led to the development of many man-made processes and products that were believed to improve farming techniques.In other words,sm all farms grew larger as the ideas that were used by factories and big businesses were put into action to grow more food faster.
Over time,the organic movement started to get back to the old,traditional methods of farming.Those in favor of organic food believe that the man-made chemicals and pesticides used in modern farming can be harmful to your health.They also believe that organic foods are naturally more nutritious.
If you go to the grocery store,you will notice that organic foods may be more expensive than non-organic foods.This is partly because of that fact that the government requires organic food producers to obtain special certification(鉴定) for their products.
Is organic food worth the extra co st?Some people believe it is.Despite the lack of scientific findi ngs to support their claims(说法),many people still prefer organic foods.Some people believe they taste better,while others prefer to eat food that has not been grown,made or processed using man-made chemicals.
If you wonder whether you should choose an organic food instead of a non-organic one,the best thing you can do is try for yourself and see which you prefer.Although organic foods were once only available in health food stores,you can find them t oday at most grocery stores.

31.The writer writes the first paragraph in order toB.
A.advise people to live a healthy life
B.tell us the meaning of organic foods
C.explain the government's guidelines
D.show man-made pesticides are harmful
32.What may be the idea that were used to produce more food during the 20th century?D
A.More farmers began to take up farming.
B.Lots of small farms disappeared one by one.
C.Pesticides and fertilizers were used widely.
D.Modern machines were used in farming.
33.Many people would like to eat organic foods probably because organic foodsC.
A.are cheaper than others         B.are sold by the government
C.does good to people's health   D.are easy to buy in every store
34.According to this passage,we'd betterD.
A.choose to buy organic foods    
B.try to eat non-organic foods
C.eat both organic and non-organic foods
D.make a choice depending on our preference
35.Where can we probably find this passage?D
A.In a website on health diet.
B.In a guidebook on shopping.
C.In a textbook on medicine.
D.In a magazine on fashion.
13.When I walk through the streets,I pass strange rooms where people are doing strange things.Some are biking madly.Others are holding metal bars to keep them from dropping down.Still others are jumping around while someone is shouting at them.It looks like something out of Dante's Inferno (但丁《神曲》中的《地狱篇》).But what is the most amazing is that people pay for these sufferings!
The strange rooms are gyms.It is reported that some 41million Americans are gym members.12% of the memberships are born in January,as they are determined to knock off (使减少) the holiday fat.Maybe it is good to exercise in the gym.However,should they know they can keep in good shape,spending little money,would they still agree with its necessity?
At the age of 23,I joined a gym.I lifted weights twice a week in Muscle's Gym.I paid as little as﹩200per year.You can't find such gyms in every city any more.Too often,the gym is fancy (花哨的) with lots of equipment.If you ask how much it costs to join it,the person at the front desk often won't tell you straight.Instead,he'll let you meet with a fitness consultant (健身顾问),who will provide you with a great number of reasons and suggestions,such as losing weight and getting healthier,just in order to put pressure on you to spend much money joining the gym and becoming a member there.
Working out with the help of equipment at home has problems,too.In the early 2000's,I bought a spinning bike at a cost of﹩700for home use.I tried a few times only to find that it brought me a neck problem.
Now I'm back to my old way.I do Yoga(瑜伽)every morning and evening.Total cost:﹩60for an exercise mat (垫子).I'm enjoying fitness.

25.The strange rooms are places where peopleD.
A.do strange things
B.suffer from great pains
C.play Dante's Inferno
D.take physical exercise
26.In the author's opinion,joining a gym nowadays isC.
27.The author wrote something about Muscle's Gym toD.
A.tell us he was fat when he was young
B.suggest a new way of losing weight
C.provide us with an example of gyms
D.compare it with the gyms of today
28.From the text we can infer thatA.
A.many Americans put on weight after Christmas and New Year's Day
B.the author and his family had spent a lot of money exercising in gyms
C.12% of the American people are members of gyms
D.spinning bikes are good equipment for exercise.
11.Welcome to BritainUSA.com 4 Kids!   Perhaps you are here because your child has been asked by his or her teacher to do a project on Britain.Or maybe you and your child simply want to learn more about all things British.
   Well,good news:This site is here to help.
※For instance,we have a section devoted to British History & Geography.Kids will learn that Britain has not been invaded since the Normans came from France in 1066,but it was invaded many times before that.And that the invaders included groups like the Celts,Romans,Anglo-Saxons and,yes,the Vikings!
※If they are looking for photos (and kids love photos),we have a picture gallery on the 4kids site.There are pictures from England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland as well as images of London,the Royal Family and castles.
※Kids can also find out about the many differences between British English and American English.Words are used differently of course,and many English words have different meanings in Britain or are unique to British culture.Kids should check out our glossary of British terms.
※We also have information about Pen Pals.And scouts might want to visit our section on the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge.It includes information on how to write to the Embassy.
※We also have sections on British sports and about life in Britain.How is life different for kids in the United Kingdom?These and other questions can be answered by using the 4kids site,the main BritainUSA site,and our Frequently Asked Questions.
  Enjoy the site and we hope you and your kids learn a lot.If you have any comments or suggestions about BritainUSA or BritainUSA 4Kids,please use our feedback form.We'd welcome your input.

36.We can see that BritainUSA.com 4Kids is designed to help usD.
A.understand British history better
B.have a better understanding of American culture
C.improve our English
D.have a better understanding of Britain
37.According to the passage,who CAN'T benefit from visiting BritainUSA.com 4Kids?C
A.Helen,who wants to see pictures of British royal families.
B.Daniel,who wants to know about British football teams.
C.Alisa,who is choosing an ideal college in Britain.
D.Philip,who is looking for a pen pal in Britain.
38.If you want to express your dissatisfaction with the site,you should go to theD
A.picture gallery  
B.frequently asked questions
C.glossary of British terms
D.feedback form
39.What does the underlined word"glossary"in Paragraph 4 mean in English?A
A.a list of technical or special words      
B.some comments
C.some suggestions 
D.a piece of advice
40.The above writing is most probably intended forC
D.children experts.

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