This was my grandmother’s first Christmas without grandfather. When we reached her house, it did seem a little 36 without grandfather.
Grandfather had always said the Christmas  37 was the most important. So we set to work assembling(组装)the beautiful  38 tree that was stored in grandfather’s closet(储藏室). After we finished, we stepped back to  39 our work. It looked wonderful. But something was  40 .
“Where’s the star?” I asked. It was my grandmother’s  41 . As we emptied box after box and found no star, my grandmother’s eyes  42 with tears. Grandfather had given it to Grandmother fifty years ago. Now, on her first Christmas without  43 , the star was gone, too.
“Let’s  44 in the closet where the tree was,” my sister Donna said. We  45 under beds and over shelves, inside and outside  46 we had exhausted every possibility. We could see Grandmother was  47 , although she tried not to show it. By now, it was  48 outside, and time for bed, as Santa would soon be here.
The next morning, my sisters and I  49 early to see what Santa had left under the tree. After breakfast, the family sat together to  50 presents. “The last gift is to Grandmother from Grandfather.” Father said, in a puzzled voice.
“From who?” There was  51  in my grandmother’s voice.
“I found that  52 in the closet when we got the tree down,” Mother explained.
My grandmother opened it. Her face lit up when she pulled out a(n)  53  golden star. There was a note attached. Her voice trembled(颤抖)as she read it:
Don’t be  54  with me, dear. I broke your star while putting away the tree. Thought it was time for a new one, I hope it brings you as much  55  as the first one. Merry Christmas.

A.cheered upB.picked upC.woke upD.took up

Last Friday my brother and I were driving home together after doing some shopping and gave our attention to an interesting conversation. Because of this distraction (分心)my brother took a wrong turn.
Unfortunately, the wrong turn took us towards a bridge and we had no way to turn back. Unwillingly, my brother paid the bridge fee and drove on. He was clearly frustrated by the mistake and the needless waste of $4.
We eventually reached an exit and, as we took it, my brother noticed a young fellow pulled over to the side of the road. He came out of his car and tried to phone someone. I was busy trying to figure out which way we would go next but my brother pulled over and asked the guy if he needed any help. And he did. He had a flat tire and needed a tool to get it off.
My brother gave him a wrench, and then began to help him change the flat. The young man said that this had been a bad week for him: earlier he had gotten into a minor car accident, and now this flat on his way home from work. But he called us “a breath of fresh air” and kept thanking us because he really would have been stuck if we hadn’t come along.
After we finished the job he thanked us again and pulled out $20 from his pocket and tried to give it to us. “No,” I said. “We were never supposed to even get on that bridge,we took a wrong turn. But now we know why we did. It was to help you. Thank you for turning our mistake into an opportunity to serve.” 
What I loved most was that my brother was able to see a chance to help. His reaction in the situation is a lesson for everyone and we felt so good the rest of the day.
【小题1】When did the author and his brother notice the young man who had a flat tire?

A.Before they arrived at a bridge.
B.When they were passing through an exit.
C.When the young man stopped them for help.
D.After they came back to the right road.
【小题2】We can learn from the text that the writer’s brother ________.
A.didn’t know the roads well
B.was a warm-hearted young man
C.made the turn to help the young man
D.regretted making a wrong turn all the way home
【小题3】What did the young man mean by calling the writer and his brother “a breath of fresh air” ?
A.He had been in the hot sun waiting for help for so long.
B.His car’s air conditioner was broken.
C.They calmed him down by offering him a cold drink.
D.They changed his bad luck and the bad mood he was in.
【小题4】Which of the following sentences best describes the writer’s experience?
A.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
D.If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.

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