Table manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They include how to handle knives,forks and spoons and how to eat in a polite manner. To behave well abroad,you are to know some table manners.
Japan: It is “perfectly” okay to slurp when you eat noodles. Unlike making big noises,slurping slightly is not rude. Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp.
Russia: Your wrists should be placed on the edge of the table while eating,fork in left hand,and knife in the right. It is not good manners to rest them on your lap. Keep your elbows off the table. Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enough to eat.
France: Never discuss money or religion over dinner. What is different from the manners in Russia is that finishing everything on your plate is considered good manners.
Mexico: Whenever you catch the eye of someone who’s eating,even a stranger,it’s good manners to say “provecho”,which means enjoy. In Mexico,dining is more than a meal. It's a social occasion —lunches are seldom quick and suppers can last for hours. Where you sit matters in the country. Before you get seated,look for place cards,or wait until the host seats you. And you must say “enjoy your meal” before you leave the table.
America: If you empty a bottle into someone's glass,it obliges that person to buy the next bottle. It's polite to put the last drops into your own glass.
Australia: In a pub,it's usual to buy a round of drinks for everyone in your group. When it's your turn,say “It's my round”. When it's their round,they will buy it for you. Don’t leave before you’ve bought a round.
Japan: Don’t fill your own glass of alcohol. Instead,you should pour for others and wait for them to do it for you.(江苏省连云港市2013年中考)
() 6. When you are at table in Mexico,you should .
A. keep silent if you catch the eye of a stranger
B. eat as quickly as you can to save your time
C. wish others happy with eating before leaving the table
D. seat yourself anywhere before the host tell you to
() 7. According to the passage,it is good manners to .
A. keep quiet when eating noodles in Japan
B. leave some food on your plate in France
C. put the fork in the right hand in Russia
D. take turns to treat each other in Australia
() 8. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A. Eating manners B. Drinking manners
C. Table manners D. Country manners
() 9. The writer tells us the table manners in many countries in order to .
A. attract us to these countries to enjoy foreign food
B. help us behave in a polite manner in different countries
C. teach us how to handle knives,forks and spoons
D. make us able to express thanks to different hosts
阅读提示:本文是记叙文,主要介绍了不同国家餐桌上的礼节,有 助于我们了解世界不同文化背景,更好地做有礼貌的人。
6. C细节理解题。从Mexico所在那段文章中可以直接排除选项 八山和0.所以选择C。
7. D细节理解题。选项A“在日本吃面条时保持沉默”,文章介绍可 以发出“啧啧”的声音;选项B说“在法国留一些食物在盘子里”,而 文中建议吃光盘中食物;选项C指“在俄罗斯把叉子放在右手边”, 文中讲“把叉子放在左手边。”,所以选择D.
8. C标题大意题。本文讲的是table manners ,所以选择C.
9. B推理判断题。作者告诉我们不同国家餐桌上的礼仪是为了帮 助我们在不同国家做一个举止规范懂礼貌的人。所以选择B.