
I am a sophomore (大二学生) at Princeton University, where I am majoring in chemical engineering. I chose to study at UCD in the spring of 2015 primarily because I have always been interested in Ireland and Irish culture, but also to take advantage of UCD’s courses in pharmacology (药理学), a field not offered at my home school. I also chose UCD because of its Introduction to Scientific Research module, which matches visiting students with professors for a term-long research project, and because of the Science office’s friendliness and helpfulness. I am convinced that I made the best possible decision!

While at UCD I lived on campus, which allowed me to throw myself into everything the university has to offer. I was given the opportunity to work with Geraldine Butler’s lab. I loved it so much that I ended up heading to the lab almost every weekday, whenever I wasn’t attending my always-interesting classes in pharmacology. After lab, I enjoyed a variety of after-school activities—that was certainly a new experience for me.

Living in Dublin provided a great opportunity for seeing the rest of Ireland and Europe. I spent my weekends and spring break traveling to every corner of the island, amazed at all of the history and natural beauty. I was also able to visit the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. After every trip, it was nice to return to friendly Dublin and head out with my roommates to one of our favorite pubs.

I would highly recommend studying abroad at UCD. I learned so much from my courses and my research project and had a wonderful time exploring Ireland. I can’t wait to come back!

1. Where is the author when he is writing the passage?

A. At Princeton University. B. At UCD.

C. In the UK. D. In Sweden.

2.Which is NOT the reason why the author chose UCD ?

A. He was attracted by Ireland and Irish culture.

B. There was a chance for him to change his major.

C. It offered visiting students a guided research project.

D. The staff in the Science office were friendly and helpful.

3. What does the author feel at the moment?

A. Excited. B. Upset.

C. Worried. D. Tired.

4.What probably can be the best title of the passage?

A. A Scientific Project. B. Colorful School Life.

C. Live on Campus. D. Study Abroad at UCD.




“Daily Star, sir” called Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was . The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying the papers money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.

“You don’t know the of selling papers. You must shout, “Hot news! Bomb bursting!” another newsboy Chad told Jason. “ it’s not in the paper at all,” replied Jason. “Just run away quickly they have time to see, and you’ll out and get your money,” Chad said.

It was a new to Jason. He thought of his bird with no and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was that he would not tell a lie. Though he was a poor newsboy, he had been some good things.

The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers . Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a smile that he sold six dozen the day before. He added that Jason money because he would not tell a lie. The boy at Jason. “You wouldn’t tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason’s shoulder .”You’re just the boy I am looking for.” A week later Jason started his new . He lost sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.

1.A. shops B. coins C. people D. papers

2.A. open B. heavy C. pure D. weak

3.A. instead of B.in return for C. regardless of D.in exchange for

4.A. cup B. card C. comb D. cake

5.A. gave in B. broke down C. got away D. showed up

6.A. difficulty B. process C. goal D. secret

7.A. And B. But C. For D. So

8.A. before B. since C. though D. unless

9.A. call B. drop C. sell D. reach

10.A. edition B. idea C. policy D. task

11.A. bread B. insects C. seeds D. water

12.A. concerned B. amazed C. excited D. determined

13.A. still B. already C. just D. also

14.A. taught B. handed C. awarded D. allowed

15.A. at once B. by chance C. as usual D. on purpose

16.A. proud B. gentle C. warm D. polite

17.A. borrowed B. lost C. made D. saved

18.A. laughed B. shouted C. nodded D. stared

19.A. bravely B. gratefully C. fondly D. modestly

20.A. duty B. business C. job D. method

Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注意地)and leave no mark.

Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in natural parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地)seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum(最小化的) influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made——changing it should be unnecessary.

1.You needn’t ask for permission when camping in ________.

A.national parks in England

B.most parts of Scotland

C.crowded lowland Britain

D.most parts of England

2.The last paragraph mainly deals with ________.

A.protecting animals

B.building a campfire

C.camping in woodland

D.finding a campsite with privacy

3.The passage is mainly about ________

A.the protection of campsites

B.the importance of wild camping

C.the human influence on campsites

D.the dos and don’ts of wild camping

LEEDS, England--- A Leeds University psychology professor is teaching a course to help dozens of Bristons forgive their enemies.

“The hatred we hold within us is a cancer,” Professor Ken Hart said, adding that holding in anger can lead to problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

More than seventy people have become members in Hart’s first 20-week workshop in London--- a course he says is the first of its kind in the world.

These are people who are sick and tired of living with a memory. They realize their bitterness is a poison they think they can pour out, but they end up drinking it themselves, said Canadian- born Hart.

The students meet in groups of eight to ten for a two-hour workshop with an adviser every fortnight.

The course, ending in July, is expected to get rid of the cancer of hate in these people. “People have lots of the attitudes towards forgiveness,” he said. “People confuse forgiveness with forgetting. Forgiveness means changing from a negative attitude to a positive one.”

Hart and his team have created instructions to provide the training needed.

“The main idea is to give you guidelines on how to look at various kinds of angers and how they affect you, and how to change your attitudes towards the person you’re angry with,” said Norman Claringbull, a senior expert on the forgiveness project. Hart said he believes forgiveness is a skill that can be taught, as these people “want to get free of the past.”

1.According to the passage if you’re angry with somebody, you should ________.

A. try your best to defeat him or her

B. break off relations with him or her

C. persuade him or her to have a talk with you

D. relax yourself by not thinking of him or her any more

2.Afrer reading the passage we are more aware that ________.

A. high blood pressure and heart disease are caused by hatred

B. high blood pressure can only be cured by psychology professors

C. without hatred people will have less trouble connected with blood and heart

D. people who suffer from blood pressure and heart disease must have many enemies

3.If you’re a member of Hart’s workshop, you’ll _______.

A. pay a large amount of money

B. go to the course every night in twenty weeks

C. attend a gathering twice a month

D. pour out everything stored in your mind in the workshop

4.The author wrote this passage in order to _______.

A. persuade people to go to Hart’s course

B. tell us the news about Hart’s workshop

C. tell us how to run a workshop like Hart’s

D. help us to look at various kinds of anger


Ali is from a Middle Eastern country. He now stays in the USA. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. He has smoked for nine years. Ali says, “ I tried to quit smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. My parents smoke. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. ___1.___ ”

Many smokers are like Ali: they want to stop smoking. ___2.___ They know it can cause cancer and heart disease. But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug is nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine.

___3.____ The nicotine makes him sick. In a few days, the smoker’s body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. Without nicotine, he feels bad.

__4.___ Many people who quit will soon smoke again. At a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette. Then they will smoke another cigarette, and another. Soon they become smokers again. ____5.___

A. It is very hard to quit smoking.

B. It will be easier to change the smoking habit here.

C. Thus nicotine makes smokers addicted to cigarettes.

D. The smokers know that smoking is bad for their health.

E. When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible.

F. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start.

G. But it is said that medicine is needed to stop them from smoking.


Each of us has goals for life. Some of these may be long-term (长期的) or lifetime ones, and other dreams or wishes for more immediate satisfaction.

Just as you great pleasure when you’re trying to short-term goals, there’s also power in having long-term and lifetime goals. Both are valuable and serve each other. In order to be in achieving a short- or long-term wish or goal, you must place your focus on the result and train your mind on either a moment-to-moment, day-to-day, month-to-

month, or year-to-year level.

For example, a farmer is to plow (耕地) a straight line, he must keep his eye on a faraway point. If his attention is just a few feet in front of him, he will not plow straight. So, in order for his field to be plowed straight, he must and focus on his long-term goal.

Focusing on a long-term goal can the energy to get things done in the . For instance, when a runner sets a(n) to run a mile, he’ll be tired when he the one-mile mark. if this same runner sets a goal to run ten miles, he probably won’t even be sweating (出汗) upon this same one-mile mark. If this very same runner was to set a goal to run 26 miles and keep his mind on the completion of this long , not only wouldn’t he be sweating, but most likely he wouldn’t even be out of breath as he ran by the mark.

Long-term goals, , can’t be achieved without first achieving goals. We may have a goal to climb a ladder (梯子), but we have to take one step at a time in order to reach the top.

1.A. even B. just C. also D. rather

2.A. understand B. experience C. explain D. welcome

3.A. set B. keep C. prevent D. achieve

4.A. terms B. dreams C. types D. thoughts

5.A. successful B. special C. interested D. different

6.A. important B. certain C. final D. happy

7.A. if B. when C. although D. because

8.A. received B. attracted C. directed D. paid

9.A. correct B. forget C. believe D. know

10.A. choose B. influence C. report D. provide

11.A. dark B. present C. end D. future

12.A. date B. story C. goal D. example

13.A. probably B. personally C. partly D. quietly

14.A. remembers B. reaches C. discovers D. records

15.A. And B. But C. So D. Or

16.A. waiting for B. searching for C. preparing D. passing

17.A. race B. game C. drive D. flight

18.A. twenty-six-mile B. thirteen-mile C. ten-mile D. one-mile

19.A. however B. besides C. instead D. therefore

20.A. lifetime B. short-term C. common D. big

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