
【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

On very rare occasion can you manage to do something perfectly the first time you do it. So when you do something for the first time, it is time to give 1the idea of perfection.

I remember the first time I drove a car after getting 2 driver’s license, I drove very slowly. I was so nervous 3big drops of sweats rolled down my check. My driving style showed that I wasn’t4very confident driver. Now I’m much more experienced as a driver. 5I still don’t consider myself a perfect one, I’m much more confident behind the wheel 6what I was when I started.

Perfection is a long process, so trying to be perfect is just a waste of time. If you set your goal7high, you will feel discouraged when you fail to meet the goal you have set. So set an achievable goal when you do something for the first time. 8 example, if you run in your first marathon, your goal is just to pass the finishing line, rather than break a new world record.













考查动词短语。句意:所以当你第一次做某件事的时候,是时候放弃完美的想法了。承接上文,你很少能在第一次做的时候就把事情做得完美。give up 意为“放弃”,符合语境。故填up
















【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Working women with young children often face a dilemma(进退两难的困境) of whether to keep working or to quit to take care of their children. Though the fact that married women work outside the homes has become a social trend, many people still expect mothers to stay home until their children are two or three years old. In my opinion,it’s unfair to deprive(剥夺) mothers of their right to keep working only for the reason of childcare.

Women also need a sense of achievement just like men. Working women often find it difficult to give up the chance of self-fulfillment(自我实现) and go back home to play the traditional role. The times that women should stay at home passed and we should not neglect(忽视) mothers’ desire to seek further goals outside the home.

Besides, taking care of children is both parents’ responsibility(责任) rather than only mothers’. Children belong to the father and the mother. So it is unreasonable to ask mothers to give up their jobs for childcare because it is also fathers’ duty.

Practically speaking, working mothers can help improve family finances. Though there’ll be extra expense for childcare service, working mothers have a steady income to help the family. Therefore, mothers’ working outside is good for the family, especially to those low-income ones.

In a word, to expect mothers to put childcare before everything is not practical in today’s society. Only if fathers and mothers cooperate can the problem be solved.

Title: 1mothers


Whether working women should keep working or 3the jobs to look after children.


Mothers should stay home until children are two or three years old.

The author’s 5

A mother has right to 6.

Women need a sense of achievement just like men.

Taking care of children is 7.

Mothers can help 8the family


Parents’ 10is the solution to this problem.

【题目】How Laughing at Yourself Makes You Attractive

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public and got laughed at for it ?1And it’s okay—we should even have a laugh about them.

● Laughing at yourself means accepting who you really are. You may feel bad about yourself because of past misfortune. However, it’s normal to be imperfect. What’s important is that you should be honest with yourself about who you are.2 You won’t be able to laugh at yourself without self-acceptance.

● Laughing at yourself helps increase your confidence. When you’re able to stay optimistic and laugh at yourself, you are likely to be more successful in life.3.More importantly, it helps you realize your own weaknesses, so you know which areas to do better in.

4.Laughing at someone else may hurt their feelings even if you didn’t intend to, while laughing at yourself does not.—You might even bring a smile to their faces. People will like it, because it shows that you have the courage to do so and you’re being real about your imperfections.

5.So instead of blaming yourself, try to think of your mistakes, in a positive way and accept yourself just as you are. Learn to laugh at yourself and you will be more attractive.

A. Laughing at yourself makes you popular.

B. Accept yourself despite your imperfections.

C. You don’t need to take yourself seriously all the time.

D. Chances are that we all have these kinds of experiences.

E. Laughing at yourself changes an ideal image of yourself.

F. Just remember that humans all make mistakes.

G. This is because laughing at yourself contributes to your mental health.

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