Animals are more like us than we ever imagined.They feel pain, they experience stress, they show affection, excitement and love.All these findings have been made by scientists in recent years---and such results are beginning to change how we view animals.

Strangely enough, some of this research was sponsored by fast food companies like McDonald’s and KFC.Pressured by animal rights groups , these companies felt they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals.

McDonald’s, for instance, funded studies on pig behavior at Purdue University, Indiana.This research found that pigs seek affection and easily become depressed if left alone or prevented from playing with each other.If they become depressed, they soon become physically ill.Because of this, and other similar studies, the European Union has banned the use of isolating pig stalls from 2010.In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact a day, and to provide them with toys to prevent them from fighting

Other scientists have shown that animals think and behave like humans.Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, for instance, has been taught sign language.Koko can now understand several thousand English words, more than many humans who speak English as a second language.On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

Before such experiments, humans thought language skills were absent from the animal kingdom.Other myths are also being overturned, like the belief that animals lack self-awareness.Studies have also shown that animals mourn their dead, and that they play for pleasure.

These striking similarities between animal and human behavior have led some to ask a question: “If you believe in evolution, how can’t you believe that animals have feelings that human  beings have?”

Until recently, scientists believed that animals behaved by instinct and that what appeared to be learned behavior was merely genetically-programmed activity.But as Koko the Gorilla shows, this is not the case.In fact, learning is passed from parent to offspring far more often than not in the animal kingdom.

So what implications does this knowledge have for humans? Because of this, should we ban hunting and animal testing? Should we close zoos? Such questions are being raised by many academics and politicians.Harvard and 25 other American law schools have introduced courses on animal rights.Germany meanwhile, recently guaranteed animal rights in its constitution---the first country to do so.

McDonald’s and KFC give money to support scientist to do research on animals, because_____

       A.they are international big companies.

       B.they love animals.

       C.they are pressured by animal right groups.

       D.they earn a large amount of money and want to do some good deeds.

The research on pigs at Purdue University shows that______

       A.pigs love being alone.

       B.pigs easily become physically ill.

       C.pigs need affection.

       D.pigs don’t like to play with each other.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.Animals behave by instinct.

       B.Animals have self-awareness.

       C.Animals have feelings and love.

       D.Animals do not have language skills.

Should we ban hunting and animal testing?



       C.Not certain

       D.Not mentioned

Children and young people tend to have certain role models – people they want to be like when they grow   1 . Though at first children would have wished to copy their mother, father or a (n)  2  relative, gradually these role models are thought of as famous people or popular   3 . People have different opinions about  whether  popular stars or other famous people are good role models for children. Charming models, such as Katie Price, are often   4  and thought highly of by young girls. This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers. They wish to   5  their children to have the concept that success is achieved through hard work and   6  rather than an attractive looking.
Most people tend to grow up to be those 7  are close to home — their parents or family friends. Some decide to be like their favorite teacher. A child who loves to   8  may want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van Gogh; Someone who loves to   9  might imagine themselves as a famous writer; if a child enjoys dancing, he or she   10  well admire a famous dancer, but this is not the case. A lot of dance students wish to be like their  11  teacher.
Therefore, the job of a teacher is   12  just providing knowledge of a given subject. They should be able to   13  their students’ trust and  14  them well. Helping youngsters to learn from models, to learn how to accept   15  with grace(优雅) and losing with respect, is central to any parent’s or teacher’s job. Manners are very important and a dance teacher can make use of  his or her position and influence(影响) to introduce  good behaviors to youngsters.

【小题8】 and writeB.sing and danceC.listen and speakD.draw and paint
A.better thanB.less thanC.more thanD.rather than
A.communicate withB.keep up withC.come up withD.catch up with

In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition she won last year.
As a writer I know about winning contest, and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a rejection slip from the publisher. I also know the pressures of trying to live up to a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesn’t win the contest again? That’s the strange thing about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface.
A revelation(启示)came last week when I asked her, “Don’t you want to win again?” “No,” she replied, “I just want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade.”
I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she spontaneously(自发地)told them. Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales. The story about a fearful angel starting first trade was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her fist music lesson. I had turned her contest into my contest without even realizing it.
Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks. Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting(借用)my daughter’s experience.
While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with more steps, putting myself far enough away to give her room but close enough to help if asked. All the while I will be reminding myself that children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices.
【小题1】What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Many children find lots of fun in mindless activities.
B.Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy her leisure time.
C.Rebecca collects online materials for her writing.
D.Rebecca is different from any other child of her age.
【小题2】What was the author's writing experience?
A.She did not quite live up to her reputation as a writer.
B.Her way to success was full of pains and frustrations.
C.She was constantly under pressure of writing more.
D.Most of her stories had been rejected by publishers.
【小题3】Why did Rebecca want to enter this year's writing contest?
A.She possessed real talent for writing.
B.She wanted to win.
C.She wanted to share her stories with readers.
D.She had won a prize already.

It's common for parents to feel emotional when the moment comes for their child to leave home and go to university. Even parents who don't speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because it’s the end of an era where you and your family were at the centre of your child's world. As a parent you’ll probably continue to support your child in different ways, but the main job of raising your child is over. It's a huge change for everyone involved.

   There are a few things that you can do to make the transition easier. Plan carefully for your child's departure and think about how you can help. Many parents take their child to university for the first time. If you decide to do that, be ready to feel a real wrench when the time comes to say goodbye. Your child will probably be as nervous as you are about the moment when you finally say goodbye – but that might not show!

Be positive and cheerful about the choice your child has made to continue studying, and plan to leave once you've unpacked the car and looked around your child's new living accommodations. If you can, save your tears for the car – you'll make things easier on your child and yourself.

   The more you've invested in being a parent, the more you'll feel a sense of loss, so the sadness you feel now is a sign that you've been a good mom or dad. Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who functions well without you. If your child quickly settles and starts enjoying himself, you should congratulate yourself.

   It's also only fair to allow yourself some time to grieve(悲痛). Don't expect to pick yourself up and move on straight away. But you may decide to find a hobby or sport to fill your extra time. Perhaps you've always wanted to learn a new language, go to yoga classes or take up swimming. You may decide to spend more time with family and close friends, who are likely to be feeling the absence of your child as well.

   Agree on the best approach to staying in touch before your child leaves, and stick to your agreement. Try not to panic if your child doesn't respond immediately – remember, they're starting a new and busy life.

1.Why do parents feel sad when their child leaves home for college?

A. Because the absence of their child makes them feel lonely.

B. Because their children will start a new life in college.

C. Because they are no longer the main focus of their children’s life.

D. Because it means the end of love between parents and their child.

2.The underlined word “wrench” in Paragraph 2 means a feeling of ________.

A. sorrow                  B. regret                C. anger              D. love

3.What does good parenting consist of?

A. Supporting your child in different ways all the time.

B. Congratulating yourself when your child goes to college.

C. Investing as much as possible in the growth of your child.

D. Preparing your child to stand on their own feet in the future.

4.What’s NOT advised as the way to recover from your child’s departure?

A. Staying in touch with your child.                

B. Learning a new language.

C. Spending more time with close friends.         

D. Developing a new hobby or sport.

5.What would be an appropriate title for the whole passage?

A. Staying in Touch with Your Child

B. Preparing to Say Goodbye to Your Child

C. Dealing with Your Child Leaving Home for University

D. Life after Your Child Has Left Home for University


1) Your teens don’t want you to be their friends. What they need is for you to be a reliable responsible role model worthy of their respect, and not some overgrown child who wears too tight jeans or T-shirts with slogans advocating the good points of 100 proof liquor.

2) Don’t debate the teen ever. If she wants to debate, suggest she sign up for the Debate Club. If you buy into their teen logic (which is basically illogic, the product of an immature brain and every extreme of emotion known to mankind) your mouth will go dry. Teens need to know that no means no. Remember when your teen was two years old and he said “no” a lot? Well now it’s your turn, particularly when your teen wants to engage in behaviors that are dangerous.

3) Don’t buy your teen a car. If you do, he will total it in record time. Guaranteed. The teen should earn the car, or at least a portion of it (and by that I don’t mean one of the tires). You know how you take much better care of an item of clothing you spent a fortune on compared to one you bought in a bargain basement? It’s the same thing, only a car can do serious damage.

4) Encourage sports participation even if your teen has two left feet. In some sports, two left feet won’t knock him out of the box, so to speak. Sports participation develops perseverance and cheerfully functioning as a team member. You also will know where your child is every day after school (on the field, that is, or at a rival school). Just make sure you root for the right team, okay? Been there, done that.

5) Let the school know you in a good way so that school personnel do not dive under the desk when you approach. If you are asked to speak at the school, your teen will feel mighty proud. If you make something for the bake sale, try to make it taste edible and if you can’t see it through, do yourself and your child a favor and buy something at the local bakery or supermarket.

6) To know your teens’ friends is to know your teens. Teens have a secret life, and a parent’s goal is to find out secrecy that is sometimes thicker than the CIA and the KGB combined. If you really want to know what your kid is up to, get to know their friends. How? By being warm and kind, and by asking questions that don’t sound like an interrogation(审讯), but serve that purpose without their knowing it.

1. When your kids are doing something that might negatively affect their future, you should _____.

A. have your kids express their opinions fully and then discuss with them

B. think about how you can be their close friends

C. report that to their school immediately

D. say no and tell them that they must stop

2. According to the passage, as a parent, you should encourage your kids __________.

A. to wear too tight jeans              B. to sign up for the Debate Club

C. to be greatly involved in sports       D. to make as many friends as they can

3. The underlined word “total” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

     A. damage     B. add      C. buy      D. earn

4. The passage mainly wants you to know that __________.

     A. kids have their secrecy and freedom

B. Raising Teenagers calls for certain parenting skills

     C. your teen needs some house rules         

D. the family is changing



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