
【题目】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


1. 请简要描述图片。

2. 谈谈由此引发的感想。


【答案】As the picture vividly shows, the person behind silently helps the person in front share his burden so that he can move forward more easily. Life is not easy. As the saying goes that when you feel easy, someone is actually taking on your share. So we should learn to be grateful.

This picture reminds me of our parents, who not only give us life and bring us up, but also give us encouragement and support when we run into difficulties and dilemmas. However, we always take what they do for us for granted. Not only don’t we show gratitude to them, but we often make them angry and even contradict them.

In a word, the greatest kindness in the world is the kindness of parents, which is worth cherishing with our life, appreciating with our sincere heart, and repaying with practical actions.



1步:根据提示可知,本文要求结合一幅图谈谈自己的感悟:生活本来不容易,当你觉得容易的时候,其实……,要求:1. 请简要描述图片。2. 谈谈由此引发的感想。时态应为一般现在时。

2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如; burden(重担),share(分担),grateful(感激的),dilemma(困境), contradict(顶撞),cherish(珍惜),support(支持),encouragement(鼓励)及repay(回报)等。




【题目】Kitchen Products

Sandwich Baggy Rack

These baggy stands will up your lunch-making game like nobody’s business. Set them up with a sandwich bag attached, get out your snacks, and get ready to set some records for making the “world’s fastest bagged lunch”. They’re also great if you need to store liquids, but have someone around to hold the bag open as you pour.

Available on Amazon, $11.99

Pasta Strainer (滤网) Attachment

Having to hold the strainer still and sometimes up a few inches from the sink—while holding a heavy pot that you’re pouring—is kind of annoying. But this handy attachment fits your pot so well that you can tip it over the sink and just pour the water right out. Amazing!

Available on Amazon, $15.99

Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar

You love cooking with garlic (大蒜) and onion, but hate the way it makes your hands smelly. Good news is that this stainless steel bar helps get rid of those bad smells in minutes. You rub it between your hands just like you would rub a real bar of soap (with or without water), and the horrible smell gone.

Available on Amazon, $11.47

Grocery Bag Holder

Plastic baggies come in handy for loads of things, and reusing them is smart for the environment. But it’s time we all got a handle on our plastic bag storing. This kitchen container can be drilled right to the wall or the inside of a cupboard to keep them in check, once and for all.

Available on Amazon. $10.99

1Which of the following is suitable for storing milk?

A.Grocery Bag Holder.

B.Sandwich Baggy Rack.

C.Pasta Strainer Attachment.

D.Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar.

2What’s the Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar designed for?

A.Removing bad smells.

B.Preparing dishes quickly.

C.Keeping your hands clean.

D.Collecting kitchen wastes easily.

3What do we know about Grocery Bag Holder?

A.It helps keep food clean.

B.It helps make sandwiches.

C.It contains rubbish properly.

D.It is the cheapest of the four.

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only by used once. Do note that there is one word more than you need.

The world is full of weirdos who pretend to be normal for fear of drawing unnecessary attention to themselves and I am one of them. All my life, I have been trying very hard to avoid developing any permanent 1 with anyone. I manage it by intentionally minimizing my interaction with people around me to the lowest possible extent. I have been a man who slips away, in the way lovers leave chaos, the way thieves leave 2 houses. Some people might call it social phobia(社交恐惧症)and consider it a huge problem that needs to be resolved. But truth he told, I kind of enjoy this sense of rootlessness, knowing there will be less 3 on me.

It seems I am always attached to the good 4 of life but detached from life itself. It’s just like reading one of those well-received travel books. One only gets the chance to read all the fascinating stories accompanied with 5 beautiful sights. Therefore, one’s ideas and expectations of travel have been built up unrealistically. But when one gets his own chance to go travelling, he suddenly finds out it is not like that because travelling can be, and most of the time, will be filled with all those meaningless and disappointing trivia(琐事). And that’s how after a few 6 attempts one starts to prefer reading travel books to travelling.

It also began to 7 on me that real life is a woman too good-looking for me. It’s a voyage too long, book too lavishly-illustrated, so I don’t have the courage to step into it. But when entering a book of stories, I know I can emerge from it feeling I have been immersed in the lives of others, in plots that 8 in their own unique ways, my body full of sentences and 9 as if awaking from sleep with a heaviness caused by unremembered dreams.

I don’t think I can or need to find a panacea(灵丹妙药)for my “problem” and of course, I don’t expect others to offer help. In most cases, when one takes in another man’s poison, 10 imagining he can cure him by sharing it, one will instead end up storing it within. So as long as I can live in peace and harmony with my weirdness, this very weirdness is something I would like to cherish rather than get rid of.

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