

  With his standard Mandarin pronunciation, practiced skills on Chinese expressions and special humour with a Peking accent, Dashan has become a household name across China.

  People have always wondered how the 36-year-old Canadian can be so skillful in the Chinese language even though it is considered by many as one of the most difficult languages in the world.But to Dashan, the great challenge was a piece of cake due to his deep interest, proper method and the excellent environment he created for himself.

  “Interest is the best teacher.” That is a universal principle. Even if the 20-year-old Mark Rowswell--Dashan's real name--hadn't fully realized what attracted him to the Chinese department at the University of Toronto in Canada, he was already deeply interested in Chinese culture when he decided to have further study in Beijing.

  Entering the Chinese department of Peking University in 1988, Dashan felt like a duck in water. Study is always a hard job, no matter how much interest you have. Therefore, effective ways are necessary to improvement. “Learn for life and learn in life”is Dashan's belief.

  As a freshman at the University of Toronto, the student did study textbooks, which especially aimed on foreign Chinese learners. They did help him build to solid foundation.

  However, that's far from enough to grasp the Chinese language. Starting in his junior year, Dashan began to read original Chinese novels, Chinese newspapers and even the selected works of Deng Xiaoping. “Only the material for Chinese native readers could give me a proper sense of the language,” he said.

  The language that is the daily means of communication is the principle that Dashan always keeps in his mind.What you have really learned depends on what you can use, not necessarily your textbooks.

  To learn in daily life requires a favourable language environment which is also necessary for improvement. Dashan admits it is hard for Chinese English learners to be brought into a good English speaking environment, but insists, “to listen and speak as much as possible does help.”

  To help Chinese English learners develop a favourable environment, Dashan took part in a VCD programme--“Travel with Dashan”--to teach daily and up-to-date English in real-life situations.

(1)Dashan could learn Chinese very well because of ________.

[  ]

A.his interest

B.practiced skills on Chinese expression

C.his special method

D.Special humour with a Peking accent

(2)The sentence “learn for life and learn in life” here means________

[  ]

A.learn things in our daily life, otherwise it will not last long.

B.we should study in practice all our lives

C.life is difficult, so we'd better learn more to lead a better life

D.language is the necessary part of our daily life, so we must practise it frequently

(3)The main idea of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Dashan has become a household name across China

B.how can we master a foreign language in a short time.

C.dashan took park in a VCD programme“Travel with Dashan” to teach English in real-life situation

D.try to learn English under the direction of Dashan, and you'll succeed one day.

(4)The underlined phrase“a piece of cake” here refers to ________.

[  ]


(5)Dashan read the selected works of Deng Xiaoping because ________.

[  ]

A.he admired the former leader of the government

B.he hoped to learn more of the spirits of it

C.he wanted to give him a proper sense of the Chinese language

D.They are very popular in modern times




  World leaders burdened with resolving conflicts(冲突)between nations have my sympathy.When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from becoming a war zone.And that was before breakfast.

  It got worse as they grew older.Three years aw, Zack, then 16, couldn’t make it through a day without playing tricks on his sisters, Alex and Taryn, then 11 and 9.

  My husband and I tried to be understanding of his adolescent moodiness(喜怒无常).We begged, reasoned, punished, and left heartfelt notes on his bed about how his behavior was hurting our family.His response was a shrug and“I say it because it’s true.”

  I even tried telling the girls to fight back.Bad idea.Now I had three kids at war.At wit’s end.I poured my heart out to my sister in an e-mail.She wrote back,“Don’t e-mail me.E-mail him

  Our son was online every day, mailing and instant messaging his friends.So what if I was within shouting distance?Maybe he would actually hear me this way.There’d be no yelling or door slamming.Zack wouldn’t feel under attack.And with a few simple keystrokes, he could respond.Or not.Zack didn’t reply for days.When he finally did, his entire message was four measly(少得可怜的)words.I expected the worst, but then smiled when I read them:“You’re right.I’m sorry,”The kids still fought, of course, but Zack scaled back the abuse.Best of all, I now have an effective way to communicate with not one but three easily annoyed teens.I like that they don’t tune me out as much.They like not having to listen to me nag(指责,唠叨).Or as Alex says,“You’re so much nicer online.”

  All I know is that the house is quiet, but we’re talking, in fact, Taryn just instant-messaged me from upstairs.It’s time to take her to softball practice.


The purpose of this passage is to tell us ________.

[  ]


the value of being e-literate


how to solve family problems


the value of understanding between parents and children


how to treat kids in a more sensible


By the first sentence of the passage, the author really means to be ________.

[  ]










How did Zack react when the author first tried to stop his bad behavior?

[  ]


He was annoyed and got worse


He talked back to the author


He felt sorry and changed


He felt sorry and changed


Zack stopped fighting with his sisters because ________.

[  ]


his mother learnt how to e-mail him


his mother had more friendly communications with him online


his mother stopped yelling and nagging


his sisters learned to instant message him


  Research on the human brain has been attracting more and more scientists in recent years, just like the booming hi-tech industry.One of the latest research topics is how to change the human brain or combine the computer and the human brain, i.e.to transplant a chip into o human brain.This innovation(改革) may make everyone’s dream come true.If we compare a human brain to a hard disc, what the scientists are doing is to enlarge the applicable capacity of the hard disc.For the time being, there are some difficulties in such transplant experiments, but scientists never give up.

  Experiments have started on animals.In 1996, a transplant experiment performed at the Defense and Military Physiology Research Institute in the U.S.turned a bear into a dolphin.

  The dolphin was named Ted, and the bear was named Tallin.Using the most advanced technology available, deep and detailed images were made of the memory area in Ted’s brain containing information about swimming by the scientists.They obtained a series of useful information, the signals transferred by the nervous system.Such information was saved into a button-sized chip, which was then transplanted into the action memory area in Tallin’s brain.The information saved on the chip was released by means of electric power.

  Recently, another comprehensive memory transplant was performed at the Motor Never Research Institute of the University of California.The comprehensive memory transplanted in the experiment included actions, moods, logic, words, images, etc.The experiment involved an entire transplant of the memory area.This was the largest such experiment done so far.

  The transplant was performed making a transfer from a dog named“Genius”to a dog named“Idiot”.“Genius”could understand and follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master.It was a real genius in memorizing.“Idiot”was the younger brother of“Genius”.It had no contact with people at all since its birth.It became an animal with nothing in its brain, without any memory.

  The operation was a complete success.When the two dogs woke up.“Idiot”had grasped all the abilities“Genius”possessed; it was good at memorizing and sensible.It could follow every gesture and any command given by its master.But“Genius”gave no response to its master, and in fact did not recognize him at all.


The purpose of the experiment is ________.

[  ]


to combine the computer and the human brain


to make bear swim


to make some stupid dog turn clever


to enlarge the applicable capacity of human brain


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


The scientists transferred a button-sized chip wit useful information in Tallin’s brain.


The comprehensive memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Research University.


The second experiment wasn’t an entire transplant of the memory area.


The Idiot was an animal with memory before brain experiment


What does the underlined word“success”refer to?

[  ]


The two dogs woke up.


They were both good at memorizing.


The Idiot grasped all the abilities of Genius.


The Genius grasped all the abilities of Idiot.


According to the text, we can infer ________.

[  ]


a person can know more after the experiment


a bear can swim after being transferred a chip with relevant useful information


a dog can become clever after entire transplant of the memory area


it is really good for animals to have been involved in the transplant experiment


  Research on the human brain has been attracting more and more scientists in recent years, just like the booming hi-tech industry.One of the latest research topics is how to change the human brain or combine the computer and the human brain, i.e.to transplant a chip into o human brain.This innovation(改革)may make everyone’s dream come true.If we compare a human brain to a hard disc, what the scientists are doing is to enlarge the applicable capacity of the hard disc.For the time being, there are some difficulties in such transplant experiments, but scientists never give up.

  Experiments have started on animals.In 1996, a transplant experiment performed at the Defense and Military Physiology Research Institute in the U.S.turned a bear into a dolphin.

  The dolphin was named Ted, and the bear was named Tallin.Using the most advanced technology available, deep and detailed images were made of the memory area in Ted’s brain containing information about swimming by the scientists.They obtained a series of useful information, the signals transferred by the nervous system.Such information was saved into a button-sized chip, which was then transplanted into the action memory area in Tallin’s brain.The information saved on the chip was released by means of electric power.

  Recently, another comprehensive memory transplant was performed at the Motor Never Research Institute of the University of California.The comprehensive memory transplanted in the experiment included actions, moods, logic, words, images, etc.The experiment involved an entire transplant of the memory area.This was the largest such experiment done so far.

  The transplant was performed making a transfer from a dog named“Genius”to a dog named“Idiot”.“Genius”could understand and follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master.It was a real genius in memorizing.“Idiot”was the younger brother of“Genius”.It had no contact with people at all since its birth.It became an animal with nothing in its brain, without any memory.

  The operation was a complete success.When the two dogs woke up.“Idiot”had grasped all the abilities“Genius”possessed; it was good at memorizing and sensible.It could follow every gesture and any command given by its master.But“Genius”gave no response to its master, and in fact did not recognize him at all.


The purpose of the experiment is ________.

[  ]


to combine the computer and the human brain


to make bear swim


to make some stupid dog turn clever


to enlarge the applicable capacity of human brain


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


The scientists transferred a button-sized chip wit useful information in Tallin’s brain.


The comprehensive memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Research University.


The second experiment wasn’t an entire transplant of the memory area.


The Idiot was an animal with memory before brain experiment


What does the underlined word“success”refer to?

[  ]


The two dogs woke up.


They were both good at memorizing.


The Idiot grasped all the abilities of Genius.


The Genius grasped all the abilities of Idiot.


According to the text, we can infer ________.

[  ]


a person can know more after the experiment


a bear can swim after being transferred a chip with relevant useful information


a dog can become clever after entire transplant of the memory area


it is really good for animals to have been involved in the transplant experiment


  Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives.It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying “no,” criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face.For some jobs, it’s the only tool that can succeed.It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialogue may start a quarrel.For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.

  Humor is often the best way to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating into a big deal.Recently a neighbor of mine had a squabble with his wife as she drove him to the airport.Airborne, he felt miserable, and he knew she did, too.Two hours after she returned home, she received a long-distance phone call.“person-to-person for Mrs.I.A.Pologize,”intoned the operator.“That’s spelled‘P’as in…”.In a twinkling, the whole day changed from grim to lovely at both ends of the wire.

  An English hostess with a quick wit was giving a formal dinner for eight distinguished guests whom she hoped to enlist in a major charity drive.Austerity(节俭)was a fashion in England at the time, and she had asked her children to serve the meal.She knew that anything could happen-and it did, just as her son, with the studied concentration of a tightrope walker, brought in a large roast turkey.He successfully elbowed the swinging dining-room door, but the backswing threw the bird onto the dining-room floor.

  The boy stood rooted:guests stared at their plates.Moving only her head the hostess smiled at her son, “No harm, Daniel, ” she said.“Just pick him up and take him back to the kitchen”…she enunciated clearly so he would think about what she was saying…“and bring in the other one.”

  A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Humor is the key to success in our work and our lives.


Humor enables us to cope with difficult situation effectively.


Humor is the only best way to criticize someone without losing his face.


Humor makes fun of any difficult situations.


Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?

[  ]


Comedians on TV are believed to have done a lot in making people more tolerant of racial and religious differences.


To make up differences, humor is a most acceptable as well as a most effective means.


People often turn to humorous ways when meeting with difficult situations because of its effectiveness.


Only by adopting the means of humor can one succeed in some jobs.


What caused the roast turkey to drop onto the floor?

[  ]


The backward movement of the door.


The son’s hasty behavior.


Someone happened to be at the door.


The bird raised by the family.


By saying “…and bring in the other one,” the hostess meant that _________.

[  ]


the son had to cook another turkey for the guests


she already had made more than one turkey ready for the dinner.


some other dish would be served instead of a turkey


the son could serve the same turkey after it was cleaned


What do you think would probably be the result if the hostess got angry and scolded the son?

[  ]


It would make the embarrassing situation worse


The son would refuse to serve the guests any more


The son would talk back and make the mother all the more angry


The guests would leave before the dinner was over


  In the 19th century the novel came into its own.Thousands upon thousands of novels were published.Of those novels, very few are remembered today.However, there are exceptions; the works of Jane Austen-Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility-for example.They achieved only modest success at first but grew and grew in fame and reputation.

  How did Jane Austen become so popular?

  Of course, the novels are romantic.Everyone knows the love story of Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett(in Pride and Prejudice), and how they overcome their own pride and prejudice to live happily ever after.The lovers are almost as famous today as Romeo and Juliet.

  But there is more to Austen's popularity than the fact that she wrote about love.The books are very witty and ironic, and show a great understanding of society and of people.Pride and Prejudice opens with what must be the most famous sentence in the English novel:"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

  The truth, of course, is the opposite; wealthy, unmarried young men are extremely attractive to young women.And women-specially penniless or near-penniless ones-are the subjects of Austin's tales.

  Women nowadays may be more equal to men than they were in Jane Austen's day.However, a sense that women still basically live in a world dominated by men ensures that Austen still has many keen readers.


What is the point of the passage?

[  ]


To describe the status of women in Jane Austen's time.


To promote Jane Austen's novels among teenagers.


To explore the characteristics of Jane Austen's novels.


To analyze why Jane Austen's novels have such a lasting appeal.


What can be concluded from the first paragraph?

[  ]


Jane Austen wrote a total of four novels in her lifetime.


Most of the novels written mihe 19th century are romances.


Jane Austen is one of the most successful novelists of the 19th century.


Jane Austen's novels were a hit when they were first published.


According to the article, most of the female characters in Austen's works ________.

[  ]


are poor and young


are happily married


many old and wealthy men


are penniless but witty


According to the author, what made Jane Austen's works so popular?

a.They are mostly love stories.

b.Most of them have a happy ending.

c.They are full of wit and irony.

d.People can still relate to them today.

e.They explain how to succeed in a male-dominated society.

[  ]


a, b, c


a, c, d


c, d, e


b, c, e

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