
10.One of the requirements of every graduation ceremony speaker is that they offer some advice.Well,get ready,here it comes.
Soon you will be leaving the company of those who think they have all the answers-your professors,instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to call the real world.In time you will meet up with other people who think they have all the answers.These people are called bosses.My advice is:humor them.
A little later you'll meet additional people who think they have all the answers.
These are called spouses (配偶).My advice is:humor them,too.
And of all goes well,in a few years you will meet still another group of people who think they have all the answers.These are called children.Humor them.
Life will go on,your children will grow up,go to school and someday they could be taking part in a graduation ceremony just like this one.And who knows,the speakers responsible for handing out good advice might be you.Halfway through your speech,the graduate sitting next to your daughter will lean over and ask,"Who is that woman up there who thinks she has all the answers?"
Well,thanks to the reasonable advice you are hearing today and that I hope you will all pass on,she will be able to say,"That is my mother.Humor her."

26.According to the text,at a graduation ceremony you'll most probably hearBgiven by the speaker.
A.wishes             B.proposals        
C.warnings           D.instructions
27.Among the people mentioned who think they have all the answers,which of the following are not referred to?C
A.teaching staff                           B.company staff members
C.recreational and sports person           D.family members
28.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the expression"have all the answers"?A
A.know a great deal about something through man's life
B.know all the keys to any test before any graduation
C.be clever enough to do anything well in school
D.be experienced in giving advice on any subject
29.What should you do with those who think they know all the answers according to the writer?B
A.Argue with them to keep them angry
B.Keep them happy by accepting their wishes
C.Refuse them to make them complain
D.Turn deaf ears to them
30.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.The Requirement Of Speakers
B.How to Offer Advice
C.Humour them!
D.To Hell with them!

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了现实社会中每个人都会有一些对自己了解很多并对自己提出了一些建议的人,作者认为我们应当用幽默去面对他们,接受他们的愿望,使他们保持愉快.

解答 26.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"One of the requirements of every graduation ceremony speaker is that they offer some advice"可知在毕业典礼上最有可能听到的是有演讲者给出的建议;故选B.
27.C.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to call the real world.In time you will meet up with other people who think they have all the answers.These people are called bosses"可知文章中没有被提及的是娱乐和体育的人;故选C.
28.A.推理判断题.根据文章第二段"instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to call the real world.In time you will meet up with other people who think they have all the answers.These people are called bosses"可知have all the answers指的是那些认知道许多这个男人的事情;故选A.
29.B.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段"thanks to the reasonable advice you are hearing today and that I hope you will all pass on,she will be able to say,"That is my mother.Humor her"可知作者是希望读者可以接受那些人的愿望的;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

15.There are many principles and values all people live by.The(41)Bthat I live by is honesty.I have always been taught that lying will just get me into more trouble than I might already be(42)A.Being honest is a(43)B all people need to have and use to go(44)D in life.
Ever since I was a little kid,my parents have (45)C me  to be honest (46)D it is the right thing to do.As I got(47)A,I realized something very important that could (48)C the way people take me to be a person.If just once you stop being honest and tell a lie it will(49)B change people's opinion of you and their whole way of acting(50)B you.When yo tell a lie you lose that person's(51)D forever or have to work your whole life to get it back.
It is my personal (52)C to achieve great things in life and honesty will sure elp me get there.For me right now losing somebody's trust would be a truly(53)A thing.Whatever you do for a living or(54)A you live,honesty is something important for all of us.
Honesty gets you much higher in life than getting into more(55)B like lying.Lying can(56)C get you into trouble dealing with the government.Honesty is just as important to me as my family.Already,I know it is something that will(57)B my future and my relationship with all people.It is something about myself  hat I hope to never(58)A no matter what happens.Most of all honesty will help me no matter whether I'm at school,home or just (59)D with friends.It is something (60)D I hope my children will also have and appreciate.

46.A.in caseB.so thatC.althoughD.because
50.A.likeB towardC.againstD.forward
59.A.hanging overB.hanging onC.hanging upD.hanging out

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