






Halloween is on first day of November, and it was very popular in some western countries. On that day, people, especial kids, dress in horrible styles. We knock from door to door. Where people don’t give them to sweets, the kids will play tricks on them. In China, more and more young people like to follow this trend. They’d like to join on some activities on that day. They wear strangely clothes and find some funs. When the night comes, they always have a party, sing and dancing together.




3.句意:在那一天,人们,尤其是孩子,穿着恐怖的服装。副词修饰整个句子,故把especial--- especially。



6.固定结构:give sb. sth.由此可知把sweets前的to去掉。

7.固定词组:join in sth.参加某项活动,故把on---in。

8.句意:奇怪的衣服。故把strangely--- strange。


10.此处是现在分词做伴随状态,故把sing--- singing。


【题目】完形填空My Forever Valentine

Valentine's Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly (天真地) thought1him as my “Valentine Man”.
My first recollection of the2he could bring to Valentine's Day came when I was six. That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a giftwrapped package at my chair.
The card was3“Love, Dad ”and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to4my birthstone, a ruby (红宝石). There is5difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember6that ring with pride that all the cards in the world7not surpass (超越).8I grew older, the gifts gave9to heart shaped boxes filled with my10chocolates and always included a 11card signed “Love,Dad”. In those years my “thanks” became12of a perfunctory(敷衍的)response. The cards seemed less13and I took it for granted that the Valentine would14be there. I had15my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love, Dad” just didn't seem quite16
His final card remains on my desk today. It's a17of how special father can be and how important it had been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a 18of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.
Those things never19nor does the memory of a man who never20being my Valentine.
(1)A.of B.about C.up D.over
(2)A.memory B.magic C.puzzle D.presents
(3)A.read B.written C.shown D.signed
(4)A.recover B.resemble C.represent D.replace
(5)A.much B.little C.great D.less
(6)A.having B.owning C.wearing D.watching
(7)A.could B.did C.must D.should
(8)A.Because B.Since C.When D.As
(9)A.room B.way C.honor D.seat
(10)A.favorite B.lovely C.dear D.precious
(11)A.usual B.common C.strange D.special
(12)A.less B.little C.more D.much
(13)A.important B.beautiful C.familiar D.standard
(14)A.surely B.always C.regularly D.often
(15)A.let B.kept C.placed D.remembered
(16)A.suitable B.enough C.effective D.sacred
(17)A.signal B.certificate C.consequence D.reminder
(18)A.tradition B.hobby C.habit D.custom
(19)A.lose B.die C.miss D.appear
(20)A.thought B.wanted C.tried D.stopped

In the film The Revenant the Leonardo DiCaprio adventure takes the basic facts of real-life frontiersman Hugh Glass's sufferings and adds extra characters, extra ultra violence and more horse guts.
Hugh Glass was a frontiersman working in the upper Missouri river area in the early years of the 19th century. On a fur trapping expedition in 1823, he was attacked and injured by a grizzly bear.
Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) is one of a group of men finishing up a fur trapping expedition in the wilderness. They are attacked by Ree (Arikara) warriors. Whoosh! Someone gets impaled on a spear. Bang! Someone gets shot off his horse. Crack! Someone's bones shatter. There's a fearless close-up of an arrow thwacking into a face, a gun butt bashing into a face, a flying kick to a face. A horse gets shot in the face. It's exceptionally well choreographed (取景) and filmed.
This scene is based on a real-life incident: In June 1823, Ashley's band of around 70 men was attacked by Arikara warriors –they estimated around 600, though in the film it's more like a dozen.
In the film, 10 men get away. Fitzgerald is a fighter and racist, so he's the bad guy. Glass is the good guy, because he loves his son (who is half-Pawnee) in a gruff, manly way that involves telling him off a lot. The back story about Glass's love for a Pawnee woman is fiction. It has been suggested the real Glass had such a relationship, but there's no firm evidence –and no evidence that he had any children.
As the men make their way through a forest, Glass happens upon two bear cubs and their angry mama. If you felt pale after the face-smashing scene at the start, reach for the smelling salts. Chomp! Growl! Shake! The bear sniffs him to see if he's dead, then jumps up and down on his back. Splinter! Howl! Slash! Glass shoots the bear. Anyway, while historians are not certain of the precise details, the real Glass did get into a fight with a real bear, sometime in August 1823.
The men find Glass in a rum old state. Captain Henry pays Fitzgerald, Bridger and Hawk to stay behind until it is time for Glass's inevitable burial. When the captain leaves, Fitzgerald tries to bump Glass off. Hawk interrupts, so Fitzgerald bumps him off instead. This didn't happen in real life, because Hawk didn't exist. In the film, the weak Glass sees Fitzgerald kill his son, giving him an extra motivation to stay alive and seek revenge.
The real Glass survived his abandonment and dragged his battered body over hundreds of miles of terrain in pursuit of the men who left him for dead. Though he could read and write, Glass never set his story down in his own hand. It was first published by another writer in a Philadelphia journal in 1825. It may well have been modified then. It has been modified many times since.
The film has invented some extra obstacles for Glass: it is snowing throughout, even though in real life his trek took place between August and October; the Arikara track him and chase him into a tree; he has to hollow out a dead horse to make himself a sleeping bag. As for the ending, it has been changed in one significant way: in real life, nobody got killed.

(1)We can know for sure after reading the passage that real Hugh Glass _____.
A.finally survived for he was determined to take revenge on Fitzgerald killing Hawk
B.fell in love with a Pawnee woman and soon after they had a clever and brave boy
C.wrote nothing about his suffering despite the fact that he was actually educated
D.nearly got killed by Fitzgerald and Hawk under the instruction of Captain Henry
(2)To play the role of Hugh Glass, Leonardo DiCaprio must have ______.
A.fought against three bears courageously
B.walked in snow with great difficulty
C.rode a horse time and time again
D.grasped skills for surviving in the wild
(3)Which of the following can be the best subtitle for the 4th and 5th paragraphs?
D.Special effects
(4)We can see here and there in the passage that the writer thinks of the movie as a _____ adaptation.
(5)The passage is intended to inform readers _____.
A.how tragic Hugh Glass's experience is
B.how well Leonardo DiCaprio performs in The Revenant
C.how bloody the movie The Revenant is
D.how historically accurate The Revenant is

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