
What is freedom? It seems like such a simple question. Freedom is being able to do what you want to do. Allow me to explain it.
I’m tired of working for a living. I’d rather collect taxes. So that’s what I’m going to do: collect a kind of tax. You are ordered to estimate your income from the past 12 months, and write me a check for 1%. I have provided a mailing address for this purpose on my contact page …
What? You have a problem with my plan? Oh, I see. If you have to send me a check for the tax, then I have hurt your freedom to spend that money as you see fit. We have a conflict! And our basic problem is: we cannot enjoy freedom at the same time; we must settle for a limit. But what limit?
Libertarians (自由论者) believe freedom should be based on self-control. They describe freedom as being able to do what you want to do as long as it doesn’t influence the equal right of others to do what they want to do. That is, freedom is being able to do what you like as long as you do not harm another person’s life, liberty or property.
You can build a set of legal and ethical (道德的) rules on the principle of self-control, and libertarians do. Their request for self-control often becomes more important than common sense, or even freedom itself.
The definition rules out the freedom to steal, murder, and so on. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want. There is no problem until you realize that taxation is theft, that war is murder, and that national service is a form of slavery. Since only the government has a legal right to use force, libertarians focus on making the government smaller, or even going without it. The libertarians’ definition of freedom is thus freedom from the government. Isn’t it ridiculous?
小题1:According to the first three paragraphs, the author’s idea of collecting taxes is _________.
小题2:The author takes tax-collecting as an example in the passage to prove that freedom is _________.
小题3:In the opinion of libertarians, freedom is realized mainly by _________.
A.the lawB.self-controlC.ethical rulesD.common sense
小题4:Which of the following statements is supported by libertarians according to the passage?
A.National service should be canceled.
B.People can do whatever they want.
C.The government should have more power.
D.They should be governed by the government.

小题3:理解文中具体信息。根据第四段Libertarians believe freedom should be based on self-control可知,答案为B。
小题4:理解文中具体信息。根据最后一段 … and that national service is a form of slavery可知,根据自由论者所谓的自由,国家的公共服务就成了奴役行为,因此应该废除。
Twelve years age I flew from my home in Minnesota to spend Father’s Day with my father in California. This wasn’t a typical Father’s Day visit, but to say goodbye to my father as his cancer rapidly advanced. We hadn’t had much of a relationship up to that day and never did much talking. He wasn’t verbal (善用言词辞的) or demonstrative (易流露感情的) nor was I. I knew he loved me simply because fathers love their children. He never told me he loved me and I never told him. That’s the way we did things in our house.
My father told me a bit about his career growth from a poor boy to a very successful businessman. He had got a lot through his hard work. He had reasons to be proud of what he had done and I had the benefit of his success. “Maybe I didn’t do things right. I never really knew you or your brothers. I did what I thought was right.” This visit didn’t change our ways. We shook hands and said goodbye as I left. Our relationship ended as we lived it.
As a father for more than 14 years I look back and understand why I am staying at home full-time with my children. I tell my children I love them every day, I hug them and I talk with them and let them know how important they are to me. However, as much as we would like to believe that we are all ideal fathers but we are not. We all made mistakes and hopefully we learned from them, just as I learned from my father.
56.Why did the author visit his father?
A. He wanted to wish his father a happy Father’s Day.                   
B. He planned to look after his sick father. 
C. He wanted to express his love to his father.                
D. He came to see his father for the last time.
57. What did the author think of his father?
A. He didn’t talk much but was a good father.  B. He didn’t do anything right.
C. He just did what a father should do.       D. He didn’t like his children at all.
58. Which of the following statements about the author’s father is TRUE?
A. His father had been away from their home for a long time.     
B. His father gained great success through hard work. 
C. His father quite understand his children.
D. His father was sorry for his mistake.
59. The author believes that fathers should________.
A. set good example to their children through actions        
B. stay at home with their children all the time
C. tell their children what is right
D. express their love to their children
After spending a weekend away with my adult son, I was so impressed by his generous heart that I sent him this letter.

36. A. humorous        B. private        C. reasonable      D. valuable
37. A. followed         B. gave            C. set              D. took
38. A. ordered          B. booked          C. offered          D. bought
39. A. hesitation       B. doubt           C. permission       D. difficulty
40. A. other            B. last            C. extra            D. rest
41. A. again            B. already         C. only             D. also
42. A. nothing         B. everything     C. anything        D. something
43. A. finding          B. accepting       C. looking for      D. pointing at
44.  A. behind          B. beyond          C. ahead of         D. next to
45. A. much             B. some            C. any              D. enough
46. A. far              B. 1ong            C. short            D. high
47. A. and              B. but             C. SO               D. while
48. A. 1itres           B. kilograms       C. pounds           D. kilometers
49. A. $15              B. $20             C. $25              D. $30
50. A. until           B. as             C. although        D. unless
51. A. what             B. which           C. whatever         D. whichever
52. A. excited          B. surprised       C. interested       D. encouraged
53. A. easier           B. better          C. faster           D. worse
54. A. comer            B. way             C. ground           D. carpet
55. A. there            B. here            C. out              D. around
  Some time ago ,I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn’t think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended ,as there are a whole lot of antique(古董)shops near my home. So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception(接待). I was quite wrong. The man wouldn't oven look at my chair.
  The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth - so I decided that my approach must be wrong.
  I went into the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper,“ Would you like to buy a chair?” He looked it over carefully and said,“ Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it, sir?” “Twenty pounds,”I said. “OK, ”he said, “I’ll give you twenty pounds. ”“It ‘s got a slightly broken leg,”I said. “Yes, I saw that, it's nothing.”
  Everything was going according to plan and I was getting excited. “What will you do with it?”I asked. “Oh, it will be easy to sell once the repair is done. ”“I'll buy it,”I said. “What do you mean?You’ve just sold it to me,”he said. “Yes, I know but I’ve changed my mind. I'm sorry, I'll give you twenty -seven pounds for it. ”“ Your must be crazy, ”he said. Then, suddenly the penny dropped. “I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair. ”“ You’re right, ”I said. “And what would you have done if I had walked in and said,’Would you mend this chair for me I wouldn't have agreed to do it,” he said. “We don’t do repairs, not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I’ll mend this for you, shall we say for a fiver?”He was a very nice man and was greatly amused(感到有趣)by the whole thing.
  小题1:We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer ________.
A.was rather impolite
B.was warmly received
C.asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair
D.asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair
  小题2:The expression “the penny dropped” in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper ________.
A.changed his mindB.accepted the offer
C.saw the writer’s purposeD.decided to help the writer
  小题3:How much did the writer pay?
A.£ 5.B.£ 7.C.£ 20.D.£ 27.
  小题4:From the text, we can learn that the writer was ________
I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a___1___ village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be ___2___ at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and ___3___ to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the ___4___. With several hours to spare, I went to a theater. ___5___, when the last movie finished, it was six. I was two hours late!
I knew Dad would be angry if he ___6___ I’d been watching movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I ___7___ there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d ___8___ as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the ___9___ he gave me. “I’m disappointed you ___10___ you have to lie to me, Jason. ” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t ___11___, I called the garage to ask if there were any ___12___, and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car. ” I felt ___13___ as I weakly told him the real reason. A ___14___ passed through Dad as he listened attentively. “I’m angry with ___15___. I realize I’ve failed as a father. I’m going to walk home now and think seriously about ___16___ I’ve gone wrong all these years. ” “But Dad, it’s 18 miles!” My protests and apologies were ___17___. Dad walked home that day. I drove behind him, ___18___ him all the way, but he walked silently.
Seeing Dad in so much ___19___and emotional pain was my most painful experience. however, it was ___20___ the most successful lesson. I have never lied since.
1. A. lonely    B. small  C. distant D. familiar
2. A. kept       B. washed       C. watched     D. serviced
3. A. agreed    B. planned      C. determined D. promised
4. A. village    B. community C. garage D. theater
5. A. however B. Then   C. Therefore   D. Still
6. A. realized  B. found out   C. thought      D. figured out
7. A. went      B. ran     C. walked       D. hurried
8. A. started    B. left     C. arrived       D. come
9. A. word      B. face    C. look    D. appearance
10. A. find      B. decide C. believe       D. feel
11. A. turn up B. drive out    C. go away     D. come out
12. A. questions     B. problems    C. mistakes     D. faults
13. A. ashamed      B. frightened  C. nervous      D. surprised
14. A. nervousness  B. sadness       C. silence       D. thought
15. A. you      B. myself       C. me      D. yourself
16. A. where   B. how    C. why    D. when
17. A. meaningless B. useless       C. helpless      D. worthless
18. A. asking  B. persuading  C. begging      D. following
19. A. physical       B. practical     C. personal     D. natural
20. A. indeed  B. always       C. also    D. almost
Surfing—the art of riding a wave on a pointed board—is the wildest, fastest natural water sport known to man. In recent years, it has developed into a major sport around the world, from Australia to South Africa. Australians brave(挑战) men—eating sharks to ride the green waves Down Under, Hawaiian experts risk(冒…之险) their lives on huge, thirty foot swells(浪涛) against the wind of Oahu; Californians of all ages go out the year-round. In the winter, surf-riders put on life-suits to ride grave waves so cold that their flesh turns blue.
Surfing is no sport for weak persons. Swimming a quarter of a mile or more, and pushing a surfboard out to where the swells are just right for riding, can be real work. Then, at exactly the right moment, you climb up the wave and go fast across the face of a powerful swell with the white water jumping at your feet. The huge wave bites at your shoulder, threatening(威胁) at any moment to smash your flat. In the next several seconds, a cool head and lightning—quick action back to the pressure of the attacking wave will bring your board under control for that great ride down the back of the great, green mountain of water. Once on the beach, you know why surfing is growing in popularity as an international sport, and you’re glad to be a member of this new water world.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us ______.
A.people around the world go surfing all the year round
B.the definition(定义) of the sport
C.how to surf in the sea
D.where to surf around the world
小题2:The author believes that surfing _______.
A.is not an easy sportB.can be done by anyone
C.should be done by everyoneD.does not require courage
小题3:In order to experience what real surfing is, _______.
A.you must first swim a quarter of a mile to warm your body
B.you will first ride on a board to reach the swells
C.you must first put on your life-suits before doing surfing
D.you must first swim to the swells with your board
In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon(蜡笔) when all that was left was the ugly black one.
In primary school your ___1___ of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you; ___2___ your hand as you walked through the scary(可怕的) halls; ___3___ their lunch with you when you left ___4___ on the bus; saved a ___5___ on the back of the bus for you; knew ___6___ you had a crush on(迷恋) and never understood why. In ___7___ school your idea of a good friend was the person who let you ___8___ their social studies homework; went to that “cool” party with you  ___9___ you wouldn’t wind up(结束) being the only fresher there; did not let you lunch ___10___.
In pre-university your idea of a good friend was the person who gave you___11___ in their new car;  comforted you when you broke up with Nick or Susan: found you a(n) ___12___ to the prom(舞会) or went to the prom with you(both without dates); helped you pick a university and assured you that you would get into that ___13___; helped you deal with your parents who were having a ___14___ time letting you go.
On the threshold(开始) of ___15___  your idea of a good friend was the person who was there ___16___ you just couldn’t deal with your parents; assured you that now you and Nick or you and Susan were ___17___ together, you could make it through anything; just silently hugged you as you ___18___ through blurry(模糊的) eyes at 18 years of memories; and reassured you that you would ___19___ it in university as well as you had these past 18 years; and most importantly ___20___ you off to university knowing you were loved.
1. A. idea       B. thought      C. mind   D. sight
2. A. placed    B. shook  C. held    D. waved
3. A. cooked   B. seized C. shared D. bought
4. A. ours       B. hers    C. his      D. yours
5. A. ticket     B. seat     C. chair   D. stand
6. A. what      B. that     C. who    D. why
7. A. primary  B. secondary   C. college       D. pre-university
8. A. do   B. see      C. check  D. copy
9. A. and B. so       C. as       D. but
10. A. together       B. far      C. lonely D. alone
11. A. seat      B. time    C. money       D. rides
12. A. car       B. excuse C. friend D. date
13. A. school  B. prom  C. club    D. university
14. A. good    B. wonderful  C. hard    D. modern
15. A. boy      B. baby   C. child   D. adulthood
16. A. where   B. when  C. how    D. why
17. A. back     B. happy C. up      D. over
18. A. looked  B. went   C. came   D. passed
19. A. have     B. get      C. make  D. take
20. A. put       B. got     C. took    D. sent
He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family’s cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. On the day __1__ the bass (鲈鱼) seasonopened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, __2__ sunfish with worms. Then he tied on a small lure (鱼饵) and practiced casting. When his pole __3__, he knew something huge was __4_. His father watched __5__ as the boy skilfully worked the fish alongside the dock. Finally, he very carefully lifted the __6__ fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, __7__ it was a bass. It was 10 P.M.-- two hours before the season opened. The father looked at the fish, then at the boy.
“You’ll have to __8__, son,” he said.
“Dad!” cried the boy.
“There will be other fish,” said his father.
“Not as big as this one,” cried the boy.
__9__ no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could __10__ by his father’s firm voice that the decision was __11__. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into _12__. The creature moved its powerful body and __13__. The boy thought that he would never again see such a great fish.
That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. And he was __14__. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he __15__ that night long ago. But he does see __16__ fish again and again every time he comes up against a question ofprinciples. As his father taught him, principles are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of principles__17__ difficult. Do we __18__ when no one is looking? 
We would if we __19__ to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives __20__ in our memory. It is a story we will proudly tell our friends and grandchildren.
1.A.until                      B.when                  C.after                   D.before
2.A.providing              B.catching             C.feeding               D.supplying
3.A.bent over              B.came up             C.turned over         D.broke down
4.A.on the other end    B.on the other hand C.on one hand         D.at the either side
5.A.with anxiety          B.in surprise           C.with admiration   D.for fear
6.A.delighted              B.frustrated            C.frightened           D.exhausted
7.A.and                       B.but                     C.however             D.yet
8.A.bring it home        B.put it aside          C.put it back          D.pick it up
9.A.Even though       B.Now that          C.Ever since          D.In case
10.A.tell                     B.say                     C.speak                  D.talk
11.A.passed                B.changed              C.fixed                   D.refused
12.A.the wide container                               B.the broad sea
C.the black water                                    D.the small river
13.A.fled                    B.disappeared         C.floated              D.swam
14.A.wrong                 B.right                   C.satisfactory         D.pleased
15.A.landed                 B.saw                    C.cast                    D.threw
16.A.a different           B.many big             C.even bigger          D.the same
17.A.which is              B.it is                    C.that is                 D.this is
18.A.do wrong           B.do right              C.do harm             D.do good
19.A.were taught        B.told                    C.were let              D.ordered
20.A.freshly               B.fresh                C.clearly                D.strongly

Tony Bennett, the American singer recently touring Britain, can't remember how many times he has sung his standard hit "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". He sang it again to his audience at the London Palladium last night.
"I never get tired of singing it," he said, "I like it very much. It's a great city and it's a good song."
Bennett is to record a TV special with the American singer Lena Horne while he is here. And a new LP recorded by him in London for Philips titled "Listen Easy" will be published in June.
"I like it here," he added quietly over whiskey. "I would like to live here so many months of the year."
He already keeps a large flat in Grosvenor Square, where he is staying with his actress wife Sandie Grant and their three-year-old daughter Joanna. It has a studio where he likes to paint. Tony plans to have his first exhibition later in the year and he has already sold one picture for $4,000. At the end of the year Tony is to star in a musical film which has been specially written for him called "Two Bits", an informal expression for 50 cents. It's about an Italian immigrant(移民) who goes to America, but he becomes a failure.
"In many ways it's very close to my life the way the story has been written," said Bennett. "My father, an Italian, was ill and died when I was nine. He always wanted me to sing, but he never lived long enough to be a part of my success."
The film is to be made by Italy's top director Vittoria De Sica.
60. The underlined phrase "standard hit" in the first paragraph most probably means "_____".
A. Bennett's favorite song that's not very popular
B. a song that is always popular
C. a song which is like a heavy blow to his audience
D. a song which makes him standard
61. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?
A. "Two Bits" is a musical film.
B. Tony is to star in a film.
C. "Listen Easy" is a new record by Bennett.
D. "Listen Easy" has been published.
62. What does Tony Bennett want to do?
A. Buy a house and live in England.
B. Stay with his wife and daughter in England.
C. Live part of each year in England.
D. Leave America and settle in England.
63. What can we learn about Tony Bennett's father from this text?
A. He liked his son's singing.
B. He was born in Italy and died in America.
C. He was a part of Bennett's achievement.
D. He was glad that his son became famous.

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