By the third year of teaching I’d begun to expect Christmas break more for the school holiday and less for the excitement of the children. I was teaching fourth grade and my students had made me   36  . I just had to get through one of the hardest days of the school year.
 The morning bell rang. I walked   37  through the cold into the overly heated school building. Twenty-two smiling faces   38  me at the school bus stop. I forced myself to   39  their smiles. Back into the classroom, they   40 , comparing plans for the   41  . I had to remove one student from each arm   42  I could take a seat at my desk for my morning duties. Before I could find my roll book(点名册) my desk was covered with   43  and gifts followed by a   44  of “Merry Christmas” wishes.
 “Oh, thank you,” I must have   45  a million times. Each gift was truly special to me, except my   46  mood. It was kind of them to   47  me. After a while, I heard a small nervous   48  say my name. I looked up to see Brandon standing   49  by my desk, holding a small, round gift. “This is for you.”
 “Thank you, Sweetheart.” I laid it on my desk with the others.
 “Um, could you   50  it now?”
 I gently tore at the paper and tape. “  51  ,” he said, “it’s breakable.” Slowly I opened a small, green Christmas tree ornament(装饰物), complete with a hook already   52 . It dawned on me what he had done. Then a nearby student said that he just pulled that off his own tree. I tried to keep my   53  back.
Later that day, I sat   54  the ornament in my hands. Was I really so important to this child that he had searched for something to give me? Now every year as I   55  pull a green Christmas ball from my ornament box, I remember the deep influence my students have on me.

A.eagerly B.aimlesslyC.gently D.heavily
【小题12】 about B.think ofC.turn toD.connect with
A.looking intoB.turning awayD.packing up

An old man once had an argument with his only son. He tried to __16__ many times, but the young man would not __17__. The father never__18__ because he loved his son with all his heart, but the son would not give in, __19__ he was too blinded by his pride.

Years passed and as the man lay in his deathbed, he made a __20__ attempt to reconcile (和解) with his son, but __21__ he would not listen and so the father died with a heart full of __22__.

During this time the son too had a child who had now __23__ into a young adult. To this child he never __24__ his father and when the young man asked about his grandfather he __25__   tell him never to mention him again.

One day, they two were involved in a hot __26__ and his son fled away as he did many years ago. This made the man extremely__27__ and this time he had no __28__, but felt completely isolated. (孤立的)

He was afraid that he would__29__ his son forever and for the first time after many years he realized how his father must have__30__ many years back.

He remembered how he had __31__ his old man and only at that point he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused. The __32__ he thought the more he understood how unjust he was with his old father, the man who gave him everything __33__ his life.

With these sad thoughts he felt __34__ on the couch. The next morning when he opened his eyes he found __35__ lying in his bed and in front of him stood his son. The man could not believe his eyes, and the two hugged each other while they cried together.

1.                A.bend          B.predict         C.apologize


2.                A.stop           B.listen           C.chose    D.come


3.                A.brought about   B.gave up in D.made up


4.                A.if             B.when          C.thought   D.because


5.                 B.big            C.latest D.useless


6.                A.still            B.ever           C.once D.just


7.                A.anger          B.curiosity        C.sorrow   D.gratitude


8.                A.left out         B.grown up       C.put aside  D.turned up


9.                A.mentioned      B.hid            C.praised   D.forgave


10.               A.would          B.need          C.must  D.might


11.               A.imagination          C.argument  D.discussion


12.               A.sad            B.confused       C.annoyed   D.afraid


13.               A.thought        B.pride          C.laugh D.guess


14.               A.throw          B.change         C.return D.lose


15.               A.felt            B.done          C.watched   D.regretted


16.               A.hurt           B.abandoned      C.disappointed   D.scolded


17.               A.better         B.higher         C.more D.older


18.               A.before         B.throughout      C.into  D.against


19.               A.painful         B.frightened      C.relaxed   D.asleep


20.               A.his father       B.his son         C.someone  D.himself



I watch her and her mother decorate her college dormitory room. Everything is in place organized and arranged. Her room nicely accommodates not only her clothes and bric-a-brac(小摆设), but her ___36___ as well. I begin to accept that her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours, our room for her when she ___37___.

I ___38___ myself thinking of when I held her in the cradle of my arm, in the chair alongside my wife's hospital bed. One day old. So ___39___, so beautiful, so perfect, so ___40___ dependent on her new, ___41___ parents. Time marches relentlessly(不停地).

She looks up now, catching me ___42___ at her, causing her to say to her mother." Mom, Dad's looking at me ___43____”.

The last few days, I touch her arm, her face--- ___44___ that when my wife and I return home, she will not be ___45___ us. I have so much to say, but no ___46___ with which to say it.

My ___47___ changed from the day I drove this child home from the hospital. I saw myself ___48___ that day, and it has led to a lot of places that I would never have found on my own.

She says, “It'll be all right, Dad. I'll be home from school ___49___.” I tell her she will have a great year but I say little else. I am afraid somehow to speak and I only hold on to our good-bye hug a little longer, a little ___50___.

I gaze into her eyes and ___51___to go. My wife's eyes follow her as she leaves us. ___52___ do not. Maybe if I don't look, I can imagine that she really hasn't ___53___ ; I know that what she is embarking upon(开始) is exciting and wonderful. I remember what the world looked like to me ___54___ everything was new.

As I walk to the car with my wife at my side, my eyes are wet, my heart is sore, and I realize that my life is ___55___ forever.

1.                A.sister's         B.teachers'        C.mother's  D.roommates'


2.                A.lives           B.visits           C.separates D.graduates


3.                A.force          B.leave           C.find  D.have


4.                A.small           B.big            C.funny    D.strong


5.                A.severely        B.totally          C.slightly   D.strictly


6.                A.innocent        B.casual          C.qualified  D.inexperienced


7.                A.laughing        B.staring          C.glaring   D.looking


8.A funny        B. frightening     C. kind            D. sad

9.                A.expecting       B.imaging         C.knowing  D.doubting


10.               A.for            B.with           C.within D.along


11.               A.sentence       B.quotes         C.saying D.words


12.          D.age


13.               A.easily          B.carefully        C.differently D.seriously


14.               A.quick          B.soon    D.rapidly


15.               A.gentler         B.softer          C.tighter    D.warmly


16.               A.start           B.turn    D.wonder


17.               A.Hers           B.My wife's       C.Mine D.Ours


18.               A.gone          B.grown          C.born  D.found


19.               A.although        B.where         C.when D.why


20.               A.destroyed      B.beginning       C.ended D.changing



“A child in the street is a child that has been exposed(暴露)to a lot of bad things. And this child has no love at all. This child has no respect(尊重)for himself or herself. He sees everybody as an enemy, and he can’t trust anyone.”

Who is Moses Zulu talking about? Are there even people who live like that? Sadly, in truth, there are. They happen to be the Zambian children that Moses Zulu helps to improve their lives. Zulu does his best to give many children the hope to live even though they might have AIDS. Without his continuous work through his organization called Children’s Town, many Zambian children would have been forced to survive(生存)in an African city by getting a job as a street vendor(街头小贩), or hurting other people.

In 1990, Moses Zulu founded Children’s Town in Zambia, where one million children have no parents, largely because of AIDS. Children’s Town teaches children the basic life skills needed for their future. Each child goes through a five-year training program where they’re taught responsibility(责任), values, and self-care. Zulu’s Children’s Town provides hope for less fortunate children.

As we all know, a hero is any person who is respected for their qualities and achievements. There are not many people who are willing to help others in need. Zulu’s contribution to today’s modern society teaches us to lend a helping hand to others who are not as lucky as we are. He teaches us to make a difference in the world by helping others.

And from now on, if ever you throw away your banana just because it looks bad, well, remember that a group of people suffering from AIDS, homelessness, or other causes, would fight each other just to get their hands on a single bad banana.

68. 1. Which of the following CANNOT describe Moses Zulu according to the passage?

A. Devoted                   B. Easy-going

C. Determined                D. Kind-hearted

69. 2.In Children’s Town, children will learn ______.

A. how to fight against AIDS

B. how to get a job as a street vendor

C. how to survive by themselves

D. how to avoid fighting in the street

70. 3.In the opinion of the author, he considers Moses Zulu ______.

   A. a teacher        B. a doctor        C. a hero     D. a fighter

71. 4. In the last paragraph, the author advises us to ______.

A. plant more bananas                      B. make use of bad food

C. invent medicine for AIDS                 D. help poor people


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