On my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh-grader where my class was. And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool.” I found out five minutes later that we don’t even have a fourth floor and there’s no pool either! Besides that, I didn’t have any trouble with the older kid.

I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load (工作量) and size of the school. I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music, and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.

The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade. There have been so many tests that I’ve prepared for the night before, gotten an A, and not remembered anything later. I’ve changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more. Don’t take easy classes just to have a simple year. If you have a choice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful!

While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, they’re also around in high school. I have a lot of friends who promised they’d never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend. If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when you’re applying for (申请) college. The “friends” who say you’re a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all. It’s hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but don’t follow their footsteps. Create your own path in life and make your own decisions.

1.What happened to the author on his first day of high school?

A. He had a fight with an eleventh-grader.

B. He fell into a pool on the fourth floor.

C. He was five minutes late for class.

D. He was fooled by a schoolboy.

2.The author advises high school students to _____.

A. choose useful classes

B.give up sports

C. try their best to get good grades

D. get ready for tests the night before

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. not to lose ourselves in high school

B. about the importance of making friends

C. not to go to any party in high school

D.about the trouble caused by drinking and smoking


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Rudolph, a violin player, was not valued too much. One day, he traveled in a boat and was in a storm. An old lighthouse(灯塔) man rescued him and led him into the lighthouse. After he had a long with him, Rudolph learned more about the old man. Then in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man lifted Rudolph from his usual everyday . He was filled with understanding and love. He was lifted to a he had never known or . He wanted to play music that showed the power of and stars just for the old man. And the storm and winds to join him, he stood and played the Kreutzer Sonata(奏鸣曲) of Beethoven.

The moments . Moments that were days in the birth of fire and stars, moments of the of all men, and finally moments that showed the of all human spirit. Never had Rudolph played with such power. , waves and winds beat the lighthouse with giant hands. Above, the strong light its life-saving beams across the dark and angry seas. Rudolph dropped his head to his chest, breathing . The ocean threw its water over the land with the sound of many voices.

The old man sat without moving, his wide old hand on his knees. He thought about the storm outside--- music made by God. He thought of Rudolph and his music --- were part of the works of nature --- both were works of . He nodded his head up and down, then turned to Rudolph.

“Yes,” he said… “That is !”

1.A. arrested B. seen C. met D. caught

2.A. quarrel B. speech C. talk D. argument

3.A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

4.A. off B. away C. up D. down

5.A. feelings B. savings C. activities D. routines

6.A. country B. earth C. globe D. world

7.A. felt B. rose C. returned D. turned

8.A. water B. fire C. hire D. planet

9.A. as B. with C. for D. without

10.A. passed B. lasted C. froze D. increased

11.A. hope B. wish C. peace D. struggle

12.A. greatness B. smallness C. gentleness D. witness

13.A. before B. after C. below D. again

14.A. Into B. Inside C. Outside D. Outward

15.A. came B. went C. threw D. fixed

16.A. softly B. hard C. hardly D. easily

17.A. grasping B. shaking C. resting D. laying

18.A. none B. both C. all D. neither

19.A. wonder B. doubt C. artist D. author

20.A. wrong B. right C. false D. true

阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

A little brown mouse lived in a small house in the country.His cottage was very warm and comfortable,with lots of flowers in front of it and a few apple trees behind.In his living room the brown country mouse ate good fresh food.

One day his cousin from town came to visit him. “It is so nice to see you,” the country mouse said. “Come in.Sit down.Let’s have supper.” Soon he brought in some bread,bacon and corn for supper and they drank fresh clean water.After supper they sat and talked.

The town mouse said,“ How can you live here?The country is so quiet.I don’t like the food either.Come and stay with me!”

So the next morning the mice went to town.The town mouse’s house was beautiful.But they got into the house by going under the back door.They were very hungry,so the town mouse took his cousin to the dining room.There was a lot of food on the table. “Look at that!” said the town mouse.The mice jumped onto the table.They began to eat some fine French cheese,some very tasty cakes and biscuits.They drank lemonade and milk.

Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in.He came to the table to get some fruit. “Be quiet!” whispered the town mouse.

The man took an apple and went out of the room.The town mouse began to eat again,but the country mouse could not eat a thing,because he felt so afraid.Suddenly he saw a big cat near the sofa in the corner of the room.The cat was sleeping,but then it heard something.It opened its eyes and saw the mice.The country mouse began to cry:“Help!” The cat tried to catch the mice.The mice ran into a hole in the floor.The cat couldn’t get in.

“Oh,dear,” said the country mouse. “Your food is good,but your life is not.I feel afraid everywhere.Goodbye.I’m going back to the country.”

1.The town mouse considered the life of the country mouse to be________.

A.interesting B.boring

C.exciting D. terrifying

2.The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refers to________.

A.the town mouse’s home B.the back door

C.a lot of food on the table D.the dining room

3.The cat didn’t catch the mice because________.

A.one cat couldn’t fight with two mice

B.the cat was still sleepy at that time

C.the mice were powerful after eating the magic cakes

D.the cat couldn’t get into the hole in the floor

4.The country mouse went back to the country because________.

A.life is quiet but safe in the country

B.the city cat was not friendly at all

C.nowhere is better than one’s own home

D.the city life was too busy for it to enioy

5.This passage is a________.

A.piece of news B.science novel

C.fairy tale D.drama

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