
【题目】—What made her so sad at that time? She kept crying all the time.

__________ to the ball.

A. Without being invited

B. Not be invited

C. Be not invited

D. Not having been invited


【解析】考查动名词作主语。句意:——那一次是什么使她那么伤心?她一直在哭。——她没有被邀请参加舞会。答语部分是个省略句,补充完整应为 Not having been invited to the ball made her so sad at that time。所填空是动名词作主语。



Today my son Nic and I drove to a town just over from our own. He wanted to watch a ____ for all the hard work he put in this year in school. He was diagnosed with ADHD(多动症),but ____ to be on the honor roll(光荣榜) for half the school year. I am so incredibly ____ of him!Besides,this child of mine has the most ____ heart and always sends love to others.

We went to the ticket office. We stood in the ____ and waited for our ____.My son looked over and saw a young man in his army uniform. He spotted Nic too and let Nic buy his ticket first when his turn ____.Nic asked me ____ he could give the young man a smile card we made on our own. I nodded my head,so he ____ right up to that man and said “Thank you!” and ____ him the card. I have never ____ two bigger smiles in my life. After we watched the popular game,as we were ____ the football stadium,we walked back through the ticket office. We each had five smile cards left. We just ____ handing them out. I ____ two construction workers who had just gone off work and it was only noon. I will never ____ one of the men's faces. He looked so ____.However,when I just set the ____ before him and said “Have a great day!”,he gave me a warm smile and looked energetic at once. His smile has kept me ____ all day,

This has been one of the ____ and one of the worst days of my life. My son left about an hour ago to ____ his dad,whom I have been divorced from for six months and is now living in a different city,but I know my son and I will remember the happiness of this day,not the sadness!

【1】A. gift B.bargain

C.game D.film

【2】A. managed B.remembered

C.failed D.dreamt

【3】A. informed B.proud

C.aware D.afraid

【4】A. heavy B.weak

C.frightening D.loving

【5】A. queue B.dark

C.wild D.future

【6】A. freedom B.turn

C.guest D.result

【7】A. finished B.came

C.waited D.jumped

【8】A. how B.why

C.if D.when

【9】A. performed B.climbed

C.drove D.marched

【10】A. handed B.bought

C.lent D.owed

【11】A. wiped B.returned

C.seen D.forced

【12】A. observing B.admiring

C.leaving D.introducing

【13】A. started B.minded

C.practiced D.regretted

【14】A. trained B.employed

C.needed D.chose

【15】A. forget B. recognize

C.mention D.require

【16】A. surprised B.tired

C.polite D.friendly

【17】A. ticket B.paper

C.standard D.card

【18】A. running B.going

C.crying D.drinking

【19】A. latest B.coldest

C.best D.saddest

【20】A. work for B.laugh at

C.argue with D.live with

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