

Today my son Nic and I drove to a town just over from our own. He wanted to watch a ____ for all the hard work he put in this year in school. He was diagnosed with ADHD(多动症),but ____ to be on the honor roll(光荣榜) for half the school year. I am so incredibly ____ of him!Besides,this child of mine has the most ____ heart and always sends love to others.

We went to the ticket office. We stood in the ____ and waited for our ____.My son looked over and saw a young man in his army uniform. He spotted Nic too and let Nic buy his ticket first when his turn ____.Nic asked me ____ he could give the young man a smile card we made on our own. I nodded my head,so he ____ right up to that man and said “Thank you!” and ____ him the card. I have never ____ two bigger smiles in my life. After we watched the popular game,as we were ____ the football stadium,we walked back through the ticket office. We each had five smile cards left. We just ____ handing them out. I ____ two construction workers who had just gone off work and it was only noon. I will never ____ one of the men's faces. He looked so ____.However,when I just set the ____ before him and said “Have a great day!”,he gave me a warm smile and looked energetic at once. His smile has kept me ____ all day,

This has been one of the ____ and one of the worst days of my life. My son left about an hour ago to ____ his dad,whom I have been divorced from for six months and is now living in a different city,but I know my son and I will remember the happiness of this day,not the sadness!

【1】A. gift B.bargain

C.game D.film

【2】A. managed B.remembered

C.failed D.dreamt

【3】A. informed B.proud

C.aware D.afraid

【4】A. heavy B.weak

C.frightening D.loving

【5】A. queue B.dark

C.wild D.future

【6】A. freedom B.turn

C.guest D.result

【7】A. finished B.came

C.waited D.jumped

【8】A. how B.why

C.if D.when

【9】A. performed B.climbed

C.drove D.marched

【10】A. handed B.bought

C.lent D.owed

【11】A. wiped B.returned

C.seen D.forced

【12】A. observing B.admiring

C.leaving D.introducing

【13】A. started B.minded

C.practiced D.regretted

【14】A. trained B.employed

C.needed D.chose

【15】A. forget B. recognize

C.mention D.require

【16】A. surprised B.tired

C.polite D.friendly

【17】A. ticket B.paper

C.standard D.card

【18】A. running B.going

C.crying D.drinking

【19】A. latest B.coldest

C.best D.saddest

【20】A. work for B.laugh at

C.argue with D.live with





















【解析】【1】 由第________空所在句子中的the popular game可知,“我”和儿子开车到另一个城镇去看一场他所喜爱的“比赛(game)”。

【2】 根据上句中他努力学习的事实得出:他“设法(managed)”上了光荣榜。

【3】 儿子学习努力,下一句中说到他还懂得关爱别人,所以“我”因他而“骄傲(proud)”。

【4】 下文中,儿子的行为是“充满爱心的(loving)”,由后半句always sends love to others也可推断出答案。

【5】 “我们”来到售票处,“排队(stood in the queue)”买票。

【6】 turn在此意为“(依次轮到的)机会”。此句意思是“我们等着看什么时候轮到我们买票”。

【7】 儿子后来之所以问“我”是否可以给那个年轻人一张卡片是因为当轮到那个年轻人买票时(when his turn came),他把机会让给了“我”儿子。

【8】 儿子在征求“我”的意见,问“我”“是否(if)”可以送给那个年轻人一张卡片。

【9】 见第25题剖析。

【10】 儿子“跑上前(marched)”说了声“谢谢”并“递给了(handed)”他一张卡片。

【11】 这是“我”一生中“见过的(seen)”最美的笑容了。

【12】 此时,“我们”已经看完比赛,所以要“离开(leaving)”球场。

【13】 “我们”每人手中还拿着五张卡片,因为要离开这里,所以“我们”就“开始(started)”分发这些卡片。

【14】 于是“我”从人群中“选中了(chose)”两个建筑工人。

【15】 联系下文可知,“我”永远也不会“忘记(forget)”一张劳动者的面孔。

【16】 从上文的had just gone off work可以推断,这两个建筑工人刚刚下班,看起来应该非常“劳累(tired)”。下文的looked energetic at once与此处也形成对比。

【17】 上文提到了“我”准备把卡片送给两个建筑工人,由此可知这里指“我”把“卡片(card)”放到了他面前。

【18】 那个工人因为接受了祝福而心情愉快,而他的笑容又使“我”快乐地度过了一整天。keep sb. going“使某人维持某种状态”。

【19】 由最后一句可知这一天有快乐也有悲伤,这里填best与worst形成对比。

【20】 儿子离开家要跟他在另一个城市的爸爸“生活(live with)”一段时间。


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