6. This ancient building is preserved almost (exact) the same as it was 20 years ago.
6. exactly
9. Each of the club members (在服装方面与其他人不同) .
Cloning is a way of 1. (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. Cloning has two major uses. Firstly,gardeners use 2. to produce plants. Secondly,it is 3. (value) for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is 4. (complicated) .The procedure is difficult 5. (undertake) . In 1996,scientists succeeded 6. cloning Dolly the sheep. Then came the disturbing news
7. Dolly was ill. Altogether Dolly 8. (live) for six and a half years. Dolly's appearance raised 9. storm of objections. Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human cloning. Scientists still wonder 10. cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.
7. Many parents hold the view (青少年不应该花费太多时间) online.
2. He did catch the big fish,but it s through his fingers finally.
2. Most voters are in f of the young man's being elected president of this company.
1. I no longer have any (object) to your going to see her.
5. The question we should do with so much ewaste will be discussed at the next meeting.
3. At yesterday's meeting several managers (objection) to laying off so many workers at a time.