
Cloning is a way of 1.        (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. Cloning has two major uses. Firstly,gardeners use 2.        to produce plants. Secondly,it is 3.        (value) for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is 4.        (complicated) .The procedure is difficult 5.        (undertake) . In 1996,scientists succeeded 6.        cloning Dolly the sheep. Then came the disturbing news

7.        Dolly was ill. Altogether Dolly 8.        (live) for six and a half years. Dolly's appearance raised 9.        storm of objections. Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human cloning. Scientists still wonder 10.        cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.

1. making   2. it   3. valuable   4. more complicated   5. to undertake   6. in   7. that   8. lived   9. a 10. whether


 Although 80% of the public have stated their opposition to cloning pet animals such as cats and dogs,companies still try to make a business out of selling cloned pets. These petcloning companies make use of the grief of people who have lost their beloved pets,leading them to believe that their pets can be "brought back to life" or "copied" through new cloning technology.

  However,there is no assurance that a cloned animal will be the v same as the original physically,let alone in terms of behaviour or per?sonality. In addition,more than 96 per cent of cloning attempts fail,and according to the CEO of one pet cloning company,15% % of cloned cats will die within 30 days. The Roslin Institute,which produced the first cloned animal,posted a state?ment on its website stating,"…the supposed benefit of cloning a pet is an illusion (假象) and the harm to the other animals involved would be real".”Behind each cute picture of a cloned cat or dog lie hundreds of animals that were kept in laboratory cages,receiving bad treatment during various experiments. For all that,you end up with a cloned animal that may experience serious health problems.

  While pet cloning companies are charging customers up to $ 150,000 for a cloned pet,millions of homeless animals of the same species are available in animal shelters for around $ 100. Unfortunately,most of these animals are killed for no one brings them home.

  With our No Pet Cloning movement,we seek to protect both animals and peo?ple from harm. We worked hard until the only US companies that sold cloned ani?mals closed their doors. Currently,cat and dog cloning experiments for pet sales are only being conducted in Korea.

1. What's the Roslin Institute's opinion on pet cloning?

   A. The Roslin Institute thinks it is harmless.

   B. The Roslin Institute thinks it cannot be avoided.

   C. The Roslin Institute does not support it.

   D. The Roslin Institute refuses to make comments.

2. We can learn from the third paragraph that the writer thinks         .

   A. pets from shelters usually have health problems

   B. buying cloned pets is a waste of money

   C. cloned pets are better than the ones from shelters

   D. pets from shelters should be used for experiments

3. The No Pet Cloning movement has succeeded in         .

   A. asking the US pet cloning companies to move to Korea

   B. stopping some businessmen earning money by selling cloned pets

   C. educating the public on the disadvantages of the cloning technology

   D. persuading 80 %of the public to protest against pet cloning

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Animal cloning technology is not perfect

   B. Pet cloning is a profitable industry

   C. Animals shouldn't be used for experiments

   D. Pet cloning should be stopped

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