
After 17 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some     36   with you.”
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been     37  for 20 years, but the demands of my work and my boys made it possible to visit her only     38   .
Then I called to visit her to go out for dinner and a movie. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she had curled her    39  and was wearing a nice dress. My mother took my arm     40   she were the First Lady.
During the dinner, we had an agreeable    41 —nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. At last, she said,” I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I    42  .
Two days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a    43   to do anything for her.
Later, I received a copy of a restaurant receipt from the place mother and I had dined. A(n)    44   note said, “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates—one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night     45   for me. I love you, son.”
At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time “I LOVE YOU” and giving our loved ones the time that they     46   . Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be     47  till “some other time”.
A.as ifB.even thoughC.such asD.as to
A.put offB.paid offC.put forwardD.looked forward

小题1:本题考查名词。spend some time with sb. 与某人共度时光。
小题4:本题考查名词。curl one’s hair烫发。
小题5:本题考查连词。as if   仿佛;好像。
小题7:本题考查动词。母亲提出下次她请我, 我答应了。
小题8:本题考查名词。have a chance to do有机会做某事。
小题9:本题考查动词。attached 附带的;附加的。
“I've changed my mind. I wanted to have a telescope, but now I want my daddy back." Lucien Lawrence’s letter to Father Christmas written after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to death outside his school gate, must have touched every heart. Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldn't see the stars in the sky. When those whom we love depart from us, we cannot see the stars for a while.
But Lucien, the stars are still there, and one day, when you are older and your tears have gone, you will see them again. And, in a strange way, I expect that you will find your father is there too, in your mind and in your heart. I find that my parents, long dead now, still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive. I still live to please them and I' m still surprised by their reactions. I remember that when I became a professor, I was so proud, or rather so pleased with myself, that I couldn't wait to cable my parents. The reply was a long time in coming, but when it did, all Mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children!” I haven' t forgotten. The values of my parents still live on.
It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care. Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors (挑衅者),and to lay down my life for those in my care? How many people would want me back for Christmas? It's a serious thought, one to give me pause.
I pray silently, sometimes, in the dead of night, that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword (剑), and my darling from the power of the dog.” Yet I know the death comes to us all, and sometimes comes suddenly. We must therefore plan to live forever, but live as if we will die tomorrow. We live on, I'm sure, in the lives of those we loved, and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure. If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true, there might be fewer knives on our streets today.
小题1:According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph ________.
A.explains the importance of a telescope
B.shows the writer's pity on the kid
C.acts as an introduction to the discussion
D.makes a clear statement of the writer's views
小题2:In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us ________.
A.how much he misses his parents now
B.why his parents often appear in his dream
C.when Lucien will get over all his sadness
D.how proud he was when he succeeded in life
小题3:In the writer's opinion, the value of a person’s life is ________.
A.to leave behind a precious memory to the people related
B.to have a high sense of duty to the whole society
C.to care what others will remember and treasure
D.to share happiness and sadness with his family
小题4:What feeling did the author’s mother express in her reply?
A.Proud. B.Happy.C.Disappointed. D.Worried
Eleven months ago, an act of good sportsmanship(体育精神)changed a girls’ running race into something bigger.

Jenna Huff received a national sportsmanship award from the US Olympic Committee for what she did for Deb Guthmann.
In the race, Jenna was behind Deb until the final few meters of the 5-kilometer race.
Then something awful happened. Deb’s right hip(髋部)broke. She screamed in pain and stopped.
Jenna had never met Deb and had been taught to pass every runner she could to win.
Instead, Jenna stopped with no hesitation.
“Come on.” Jenna told Deb. “We’re going to run.”
Jenna took Deb’s left elbow with her right hand. She helped her jog the last few meters. At the finishing line, she pushed Deb in front of her, reasoning Deb would have beaten her anyway if not for the injury. That act helped Deb’s team win the regional race and advance to the state meet.
Both girls are now 17.
Jenna is still an athlete for her school.
She and her parents went to Colorado to accept an award for the national sportsmanship award. Jenna had to give a five-minute speech to the crowd, a crowd which included a number of former Olympians. “I’m pretty scared about my speech,” Jenna said the other night when we talked on the phone. “You want to hear part of it?” She read me one part including the words from Albert Einstein: “Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine(神圣的)purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know:That we are here for the sake of(为了)others.”
Deb is also still running. She received a full scholarship to Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, Georgia. The award was because of her excellent academic record and great sports potential.
But she recently got hurt again and was unable to run for weeks.
Even so, I am confident Deb will write a happier ending for herself one day. Both of these young women make you feel confident about the future. They are strong, compassionate(富于同情心的)and smart.
As Einstein said-and as Jenna showed 11 months ago— “we are here for the sake of others”.
小题1:The story is intended to __________.
A.tell us an unexpected story in the girls’ running race
B.introduce a famous sportswoman
C.show the beauty of good sportsmanship
D.remind athletes to pay attention to their safety during the race
小题2:The reason why Jenna pushed Deb in front of her at the finishing line is that __________.
A.she wanted to get the prize
B.she thought she didn’t match Deb in reality
C.she helped Deb’s team to win the regional race
D.Deb had been injured
小题3:Deb received a full scholarship to Emmanuel College because __________.
A.she is still running
B.she was good at her academy and sports
C.she showed the good sportsmanship in the race
D.she never gave up even though she had been injured
小题4:What can we know from the passage?
A.Jenna was the last one to reach the finishing line.
B.Deb went to Colorado to accept the prize with her parents.
C.The author had a face-to-face interview with Jenna the other night.
D.Helping each other can make a big difference to people’s lives.
When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to   34   water to the runners. I remember being so 35   to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I 36  up for the race.
That first 10,000m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked 37 , I didn’t know if I could finish. Then came a defining (决定性) 38  .
At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt 39  because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt 40  for a second.
But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had 41   abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my 42  was only to finish.
After a minute, it 43  me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into 44   .
I decided that I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare  45 and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my accomplishment. In life we all have those moments where we 46  ourselves to others. It’s only natural . Don’t allow those moments to  47  you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to 48 anything you want in life.
A.bring outB.pass outC.take outD.pick out
A.At timesB.In timeC.In allD.After all
A.weakenB.woundC.amuse D.cheer
We took the bus from the suburb every early morning that summer 3 years ago. One of the passengers was a small   36  man who took the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. He walked with a stoop (佝偻) and a sad look on his face when he, with some difficulty,   37  the bus and sat down alone behind the driver. No one ever paid very much attention to him.
  Then one   38   morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled before he sat down. The driver 39  guardedly. The rest of us were silent. The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically,   40  and said in a loud voice: “And a very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up, amazed, and murmured “Good morning,”  41  . The following weeks we were more alert (留意的). Our friend was now dressed in a nice old suit and a wide out-of-date   42 . The thin hair had been carefully combed. He said good morning to us every day and we  43  began to nod and talk to each other.
  One morning he had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand. The driver   44  smilingly and asked:“Have you got yourself a girlfriend, Charlie?”and he nodded shyly and said yes. The other passengers   45  and clapped at him. Charlie bowed and waved the   46  before he sat down on his seat. Every morning after that Charlie always brought a flower. Some of the   47  passengers began bringing him flowers for his bouquet(花束).
The summer went by, and    48   was closing in, when one morning Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual    49 . When he wasn't there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or —   50  — on holiday somewhere.
One day, we learned from the staff working in the centre for senior citizens that the elderly   51  was fine, but he hadn't been coming to the   52   that week. One of his very close friends had died at the weekend. They   53  him back on Monday. How silent we were the rest of the way to work.
  The next   54   Charlie was waiting at the stop, stooping a bit more, a little bit more grey, and without a tie. He seemed to have shrinked(缩小)again. Inside the bus was a  55 . All of us sat with our eyes filled with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands.
A.in replyB.in vainC.with careD.in return
A.turned aroundB.cast downC.paid offD.kept up
A.whistledB.resisted C.ignored D.agreed
A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet.
“What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.
“My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.”
The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine."
He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better."
“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.
The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it."
The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.
“How’s your cow?” the vet asked.
“No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”
“Oh?” the vet said, "Why?"
“I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.”
“And?” the vet asked.
“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.
小题1:In the story, the vet must be _________.
A.the farmer's friendB.a milk factory
C.a hospital for cowsD.a doctor for animals
小题2:The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______
A.couldn't lie downB.didn't eat the pills
C.couldn't make any noiseD.was ill
小题3:What medicine did the vet give the farmer?
A.Bottle of pills.B.A long tube. C.Two pills.D.A small box.
小题4:The vet taught the farmer how _________.
A.to blow the tube
B.to make the cow take the pills
C.to take the medicine
D.to put the tube in his mouth
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.The farmer ate the pills himself.
B.The cow got better after taking the medicine.
C.The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day.
D.The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.
I moved to a new neighborhood two months ago. In the house with a large  21  across the road lived a taxi driver, a single parent with two school-age children. At the end of the day, he would  22  his taxi on the road. I  23  why he did not park it in the garage.
Then one day I learnt that he had another car in his garage. In the afternoon he would come home  24  work, leave his taxi and go out for his  25  affairs in his other car, not in his taxi. I felt it was  26 
I was curious to see his personal car but did not make it until I  27  to be outside one evening two weeks  28  ,when the garage door was  29   and he drove out in his “own” car: a Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)! It shook me completely  30  I realized what that meant. You see, he was a taxi driver. But 31   inside, he saw himself as something else: a Rolls-Royce owner and a(n)32  . He drove others in his taxi but himself and his children in his Rolls-Royce. The world looked at his taxi and  33   him a taxi driver. But for him, a taxi was just something he drove for a living. Rolls-Royce was something he drove for a(n)34  . 
We go to bed every night and  35   every morning as parents or children, not as bankers, CEOs or professors. We go for a  36   as close friends or go for a vacation as a  37 . We love life as it is. Yet often, we base our entire happiness and success on how high we  38   the social ladder—how much bigger and better a  39 we have. And we ignore our Rolls-Royce, by keeping it dusty in our garage. We should focus more on  40  we are than what we do! 
A.window B.garage C.door D.yard
A.park B.stop C.check D.repair
A.knew B.understood C.asked D.wondered
A.for B.out of C.without D.from
A.business B.national C.personal D.public
A.wasteful B.meaningful C.wonderful D.plentiful
A.appeared B.intended C.expected D.happened
A.later B.more C.ago D.before
A.broken B.fine C.shut D.open
A.once B.before C.when D.until
A.far B.deep C.long D.little
A.driver B.engineer C.father D.son
A.called B.made C.elected D.turned
A.experienceB.earning C.life D.position
A.stay up B.wake up C.stay home D.go home
A.competitionB.performance C.debate D.party
A.family B.company C.team D.whole
A.build B.climb C.stand D.lay
A.house B.garage C.car D.taxi
A.who B.what C.which D.Where
How many times have you gotten upset because someone wasn’t doing their job, because your child isn’t behaving?How many times have you been annoyed when you’ve planned something carefully and things didn’t go as you’d hoped?
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us — it’s part of the human experience.
One thing that annoys me is when people talk during a movie. Or cut me off in traffic. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances — don’t we all? And it isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset or annoyed.
Let me tell you a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken.
See, the cause of our stress, anger and irritation is that things don’t go the way we like, the way we expect them to. Think of how many times this has been true for you. And so the solution is simple: expect things to go wrong, expect things to be different than we hoped or planned, expect the unexpected to happen. And accept it.
One quick example: on our recent trip to Japan, I told my kids to expect things to go wrong — they always do on a trip. I told them, “See it as part of the adventure.”
And this worked like a charm. When we took the wrong train on a foreign-language subway system, or when it rained on the day we went to Disney Sea, or when we took three trains and walked 10 blocks only to find the National Children’s Castle closed on Mondays … they said, “It’s part of the adventure!” And it was all OK — we didn’t get too bothered.
So when the nice glass you bought inevitably falls and breaks, someday, you might get upset. But not if you see the glass as already broken, from the day you get it. You know it’ll break someday, so from the beginning, see it as already broken. Be a time-traveler, or someone with time-traveling vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks. And when it breaks, you won’t be upset or sad — because it was already broken, from the day you got it. And you’ll realize that every moment you have with it is precious.
小题1:The author would probably agree that________.
A.we should control our anger and irritation
B.we must get well prepared for the future
C.optimism can help us overcome our anger and irritation
D.anger and irritation is an important part of our life
小题2:The purpose of the author is to ___________.
A.tell us his own experience in life
B.give advice on how to find peace of mind
C.tell us a happy trip took with his children
D.advise us to see things from both sides
小题3:By the underlined part, the author intends us to _____________.
A.get ready for the worst result of things
B.enjoy the process of things
C.expect little from life
D.find the relation between cause and effect
小题4:The author’s children could enjoy their trip to Japan because _____________.
A.everything went smoothly
B.they had a lot of adventures
C.they had expected things to go wrong
D.they could soon get used to the customs there
小题5:We can learn from the passage that the author ____________.
A.often gets angry in his life
B.can adjust his state of mind accordingly
C.always expects others to act in his way
D.has suffered a lot from his anger and irritation

On a cold winter day, I waited in line to see my hero, Jack Canfield, the author of The Success Principles, who was going to deliver a speech on his new book.
During his talk, Jack   36  his wallet, pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, and said, ‘‘Who wants this?”   37  shot up in the audience; people leaned forward to see whom Jack would  38 . But I jumped up, ran up the   39  to the stage, and grabbed the bill. As I was launching myself in the air,   40 raced through my mind — was I about to be humiliated(羞辱) in front of 800 people? Would they   41  security guards and take me from the stage?   42  my desire for bold (大胆的)action was louder than any   43 voice. As I got the bill from his hand, he said, “That’s it! We can’t wait for the   44  to come to us. We must take    45   to create what we want!’’
After his talk, I   46  to formally meet Jack and boldly asked for his personal e-mail address. Over the next months, I sent him emails   47  my points of view and dreams with him. He kindly e-mailed back lots of encouragement. But my life got busy   48 other things. I stopped e-mailing Jack.
A year later, my dreams had worn away. I thought Jack would inspire me into action, like a giant arrow that would show me the way.
I e-mailed him, and then again — but got no   49  . As I sat down at my computer to 50  my e-mails, I  51  woke up. What was I doing? I was waiting! Now I remembered the crowd, most likely   52  that hundred-dollar bill, while they sat glued to their chairs.
Usually we all have a “Jack” for whom we wait — whether it’s a person, a place or a thing. We   53  believe the gifts of life are just around the corner, and that everything will come in a(n)   54  way. So we don’t try. We  55 . But as Wayne Gretzky said,“You’ll always miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take!” So I stopped waiting and started my writing career.
Now what are you waiting for?
A.brought inB.reached forC.took overD.handed in
A.CheersB.ShoutsC.Heads D.Hands
A.offerB.trustC.like D.choose
A.expected B.triedC.permittedD.managed
A.give upB.put upC.take upD.set up

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