
16.Nicolai Calabria has already become one of the best 106-pound wrestlers.He has successfully climbed to the top of the highest mountain in Africa,and most importantly,he's changed the attitude of any normal person who watches him compete.
The 17-year-old teenager has one leg.He was born that way,but his goal is to show it's not the one thing that defines him.He would also be the first one to tell you that he just wants to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones.
When Calabria was young,his parents tried different prostheses(假肢)to find out which was most comfortable for their son as he tried to keep up with a family,who has a preference for sports.
At first,the Calabrias had their middle child in a prosthesis that looked and functioned like a"real"leg,but soon they decided to choose a different path when they found it wasn't beneficial to his movement.Then the family moved him to arm crutches(手杖)and from there a new burst of energy was found.
Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer.When the Calabrias moved to Concord,they had a hard time convincing the town soccer program to allow a child like him to compete with able-bodied kids.After months and months of debates and meetings,the family received the answer they were looking for.Since then,witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a fixed event in the Concord community.
"At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community,however,now I have nothing but admiration for the fact that he's been allowed to play,and people see that he adds value to game,"his father said."I just think it's a great result."

21.This passage shows us a boy with one legA.
A.can do what a normal teenager can
B.is realizing as many dreams as he can
C.can make a sport event more valuable
D.can add value to society
22.We can learn from Paragraph 5 thatB
A. Calabria proved to be the most excellent player of the team
B.it was not easy for Calabria to be accepted to the town soccer team
C.Calabria's parents didn't allow him to play soccer at first
D.there are some other disabled children in the soccer team
23.In Paragraph 5,the underlined part probably meansA
A.a must-see                       
B.a planned programme
C.an extra game                    
D.a special occasion
24.It is implied in the last paragraph that Nicolai's fatherC.
A.has been discouraged since Nicolai played soccer
B.thinks that Nicolai is playing a key role in the team
C.is very delighted that Nicolai can play soccer in the team
D.hasn't expected that Nicolai can be allowed to play soccer.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们讲述了一个坚强男孩的故事.Nicolai Calabria天生只有一条腿,但这没有给他带来不好的影响,相反,凭借坚强的毅力,他攀上了非洲最高的山脉,也改变了人们对他的看法和态度.

解答 21.A.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"he just wants to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones"可知,虽然只有一条腿,但是Calabria通过自己的努力向周围的人们证明了他是和其他青少年一样的,别人能做到的他也能够做到,故选A.
22.B.细节理解题.根据文章第五段"Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer…they had a hard time persuading the town soccer team to allow a child like him to compete with able-bodied kids"可知,让别人相信Calabria能够踢好足球并非易事,Calabria一家人花费了好长时间才说服了镇上的足球队接纳Calabria,故选B.
23.A.猜测词义题.根据文章第五段"Since then,witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a fixed event in the Concord community."可知,从那以后,一个拄着拐杖的年轻人与身体完好的对手踢球成了一个必看的赛事,故选A.
24.C.推理判断题.根据文章第五段"At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community"可知,Calabria的父亲当时对跟足球队协商不抱任何希望,但现在,他为儿子能够踢球并为球队带来价值而感到高兴,nothing but只有,仅仅,故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

11.Working Christmas Day
    It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I was a nurse (16)C that day,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five bodies showed up at my (17)A,a pale woman and four small children.
"Are you all (18)C?"I asked doubtfully.
"Yes."the woman said (19)D and lowered her head.
But when it came to the (20)B of their problems,things got a little strange.Two of the chlidreu had headaches,(21)Bweren't accompanied by the normal symptoms of being ill.Two children had earaches,but only one could tell me which ear was (22)D.The mother complained of a (23)D hut seemed to work to produce it.
"It may be a little while (24)A a doctor sees you."I explained.
"Take your time;it's warm here."She (25)C.
Whne they were waiting,I checked the chart.They had no (26)B-they were homeless.The waiting room was warm.I looked out at the (27)D by the Christmas tree.The youngest one was saying (28)A to her mother.The oldest one was looking at the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses'station and (29)B the homeless family in die waiting room.The nurses,complaining about the working Christmas,began to feel pity for a family just trying to get (30)Don Christmas.The team went into action,as we do when there's a (31)C emergency,but this was a Christmas emergency.
We (32)C a simple dinner for our Christmas guests in the hospital cafeteria.They needed (33)D,so we collected from different departments candies and other things (34)B that could be presents.
As the family walked to the door to leave,the four-year-old came running (35)A,gave me a hug and whispered,"Thanks for being our angel today."

16.A.on businessB.on hofidayC.on dutyD.on purpose

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