
I had been out shopping and really took too much time doing it. I was tired and about to (61) home. That is when I saw her.
She was stopped in the left hand turn lane (车道), (62) to get onto the highway but never (63) it. I slowed down, rolled open my window and asked. “Do you need any (64) ?”
“Yes, I ran out of gas. I just moved here and I don’t even know (65) a gas station is,” she replied.
She didn’t have a gas can, so I told her I’d run down the (66) to see if I could get one from the local station. When I (67) with a full can of gas, she couldn’t (68) me enough and told me she would pay for the an and gas. (69), I refused.
As I was (70) the gas in, she said, “I thought no one would even stop. I was afraid to leave the car and even more afraid to (71) help.”
“Well, I couldn’t pass by (72) offering help,” I said. “I’ve used up gas myself a few times. You know I’m getting (73). Now I’m running out of gas and time. It just seems to fly by.”
She then said (74) that I though was a gem (佳作): “My Dad said that old age is (75) toilet paper. The closer you get to the end of the roll the (76) it spins.”
I laughed so hard that I (77) dropped the container. She tried to start the car and it (78). The I told her to keep the (79) can in her trunk.
Seeing her grateful (80), I said friendly, “I’m glad to be of help. Welcome to Pennsylvania.”
A.Of courseB.In additionC.After allD.Never mind

When Wilson got to the airport, 36 flight was already being called 37 the loudspeakers. The day before he had given up his 38 for a morning flight and had booked(预定)an afternoon 39 instead. He had to go to the reservations(预定)desk to collect his 40ticket.
  He apologized for being 41.The reservations clerk(预订票的职员)smiled and began to look through the reservations in front of her. Then her 42 disappeared and 43 began to look 44 .
  “Your ticket doesn’t seem to be here, ” she said. “Let me check it with the computer. ”The 45 clicked(滴答声)and whirred(飕飕声)and 46 began to flash 47 , his flight was called a second time. Wilson became very 48 .  49 the girl looked 50 .
  “There’s been a mistake. Your new ticket was sent to you by post. That’s why it isn’t here”, she said. 51 took her only a 52 time to write 53 a new one. Wilson managed to catch the plane just before it took 54 . “What a way to start a 55 !” he thought.
A.heB.his    C.him     D.her
A.upB.with    C.over    D.out
A.ticket   B.walletC.money   D.plane
A.planeB.ticket   C.flight   D.fight
A.first   B.newC.old    D.another
A.later   B.lateC.last    D.early
A.smileB.smiling  C.smiled   D.laugh
A.he    B.hisC.her     D.she
A.happy   B.angryC.sad    D.worried
A.flight  B.loudspeakersC.clerk   D.computer
A.lights  B.light    C.flight   D.computer
A.just   B.just then  C.then    D.when
A.angry  B.happyC.nervousD.sad
A.Finally  B.Last    C.Then    D.Just
A.at    B.down    C.up     D.out
A.That   B.It     C.SheD.He
A.long   B.short   C.some    D.few
A.down   B.out    C.away    D.of
A.off    B.out    C.awayD.place
A.travel  B.work    C.job     D.holiday

The use of the word imitation(模仿) reminds me that we ought to make some more comments on the risk of people imitating what they see on the screen in the way of crime(犯罪) or violence. First there was always a risk of children acting out scenes which could be dangerous. For example, I remember a woman who was head of a middle school telling me that she had happened to look out of her window when the children were on the playground and had seen them putting a small boy on a chair with a rope round his neck and the rope over the branch of a tree; fortunately she was in time to get there before the child was hanged. I remember a film in particular in which the hero who was imprisoned had escaped by electrocuting(通电触死) his guard, the technique of doing this being shown in detail. This was the kind of scene which we could cut for these reasons.
In films for young people and adults we always tried to keep off the screen the details of criminal techniques, such as how to open a locked door with a piece of hard plastic or how to open a safe; if we were consulted(请教) before production, I used to advise that the details should not be shown. When I gave talks in prisons about film checking I had full support for this, since fathers who were in prison for criminal offences did not want their children to get on crime.
Every time I gave a talk in a prison someone used to mention the French film Rififi. made by Jules Dassin in 1954. This remarkable film showed in great detail a robbery of a jeweler’s shop, the robbery lasting about half an hour and being backed by only natural sound...one of the most brilliant film sequences(连续镜头) of all time. I remember our discussion at the time. We thought that the robbery was finished only with the use of advanced and obviously expensive equipment and that only the most experienced and skilled criminals could possibly imitate it; we believed therefore that it was relatively safe. When talking in prisons some years later I learned that there had been several robberies in which the techniques had been copied, so perhaps we were wrong.
31. The writer thinks that____________.
A. the details of the criminal technique should be kept
B. the details of the crime should not be shown on the screen
C. children should not imitate what they see on the screen
D. it is dangerous to imitate what they see on the screen
32. What is the writer’s attitude(态度) towards the film in which the hero had escaped by electrocuting the guard?
A. The writer likes it very much.
B. The writer is strongly against it.
C. The writer thinks the film has some value.
D. The writer does not show his/her attitude.
33. Parents in prison agreed to film checking because______.
A. they did not want their children to follow them
B. the crime on screen could be imitated without difficulty
C. they had given a talk on it
D. they had made mistakes
34 .All the following statements about“Rififi”are true EXCEPT______.
A. that the robbery shown needs experience and skills
B. that some very good tools were used in the robbery
C. that the film showed the technique in detail
D. that the technique of the robbery was not imitated
35. It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A. it is hard for children to tell the differences between real life and the imaginary
B. only people in prison support film checking
C. only children imitate what they have seen on the screen
D. the writer used to advise the details of crime should be shown

Every pet owner loves his pet. There is no argument here.
But when we asked our readers whether they would clone(克隆) their beloved animals, the answers were split almost down the middle. Of the 228 readers who answered it, 108 would clone, 111 would not and nine weighed each side without offering an opinion.
Clearly, from readers’ response, this is an issue that reaches deeply into both the joy and final sadness of owning a pet. It speaks, as well, to people’s widely differing expectations over the developing scientific procedure.
Most of the respondents (被调查的人) who liked the idea strongly believed it would produce at least a close copy of the original; many felt the process would actually return an exact copy. Those on the other side, however, held little hope a clone could never truly recreate a pet, many simply didn’t wish to go against the natural law of life and death.
Both sides expressed equal love for their animals. More than a few respondents owned “the best dog/cat in the world”. They thought of their pets as their “best friend”, “a member of the family,” “the light of my life.” They told moving stories of pets’ heroism(英勇精神), cleverness and selfless devotion.
“People become very close to their animals, and the loss can be just as hard to bear as when a friend or family member dies,” says Gary Kowalski, author of Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “For me, cloning feels like an attempt to turn death away…It’s understandable. Death is always painful. It’s difficult to deal with. It’s hard to accept.”
  But would cloning reduce the blow? This question seemed to be at the heart of this problem.
71. So far as the cloning of pets is concerned, a recent survey shows that, of all pet owners, __________.
A. a lot more of them are for it  
B. a lot more of them are against it
C. very few of them are willing to tell their opinions
D. about half of them are for it and the other half against it
72. While talking about the respondents from the readers, the underlined expression “final sadness of owning a pet” refers to ___________.
A. the death of one’s pet   
B. the high cost of owning a pet
C. the troubles one has to deal with in keeping a pet
D. the dangers involved in the cloning of a pet
73. In spite of(尽管) their differences on the problem of cloning, it seems that ________.
A. all pet owners try to go against the natural law of life and death
B. all pet owners love their pets very much
C. people who support cloning love their pets more
D. people who dislike cloning love their pets more
74. From what Gary Kowalski says, we can know that he _________.
A. has never thought about the problem of cloning
B. is going to write another book on pets
C. support the idea of cloning pets
D. is all against the cloning of pets
75. What is the key question at the heart of the problem of cloning pets?
A. Can cloning make one suffers less pain when a pet dies?
B. Can pet owners afford the cost of cloning?
C. Does cloning go against the law of nature?
D. Can cloning really produce an exact copy of one’s pet?
Greeks play a special game at Easter and it’s good fun! The rules of the game are as follows: 1.Everyone picks out a hard-boiled Waster Egg.2.Each player finds a partner.One person will be a “holder”, and the other will be a “tapper”.Holders should hold the egg with either the pointy end or the round end facing up.Tappers should hold the egg with that same end facing down.Tapping must be done pointy-end-to-pointy-end or round-end-to-round-end.3.With one good tap, the tapper tries to crack the holder’s egg.One player will end up with a cracked egg.4.Each player finds another partner and repeats steps 2 and 3.(After one end of the egg is cracked, players may continue to play using the uncracked end).5.A player loses when both ends of his egg have been cracked.The winner is the person who still has an uncracked egg.6.Enjoy eating the eggs!
Dye your Easter eggs.With an adult’s help, dye hard-boiled eggs red using food coloring or egg dye.For a nice sheen, use a paper towel to rub some oil on each egg.But don’t use too much oil---you wouldn’t want your egg to slide out of your hand when you play the egg-cracking game!
Why dye eggs red? Eggs represent new life and the red dye symbolizes the pain and suffering in the past.
Why crack eggs? Some say that the cracking of the eggs symbolizes a wish to break away from human misery and enter the new life.
小题1:A player has to drop out of the game when _____.
A.the pointy end of his egg is cracked
B.the round end of his egg is cracked
C.his egg slides out of the hand
D.his egg is cracked at both ends
小题2:Why is oil rubbed on the egg?
A.To give the egg a shiny appearance
B.To make the game more difficult to play
C.To protect the hand of the player
D.To symbolize the wealth of the Greeks
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The holders hold the eggs with the pointy end facing up in most cases
B.If one end of the player’s egg is cracked, he will eat the egg
C.The player in the game must dye his egg red independently
D.It’s said that the broken eggs represent the wish to lead a new life
小题4:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The suffering of the GreeksB.The Easter holidays
C.Celebrate Greek EasterD.A special game

With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone the animal and save these in a dangerous situation. That's a move similar to what a Texas A & M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called "Noah's Ark".
Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎), semen and DNA of these animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen. If certain species should become extinct, Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A & M's College of Veterinary, Medicine, says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.
It is estimated that as many as 2, 000 species of mammals, birds and reptiles will probably become extinct in over 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.
This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
"The nuclear transfer of one species to another is not easy, but the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem," Kraemer believes. "They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy (having a baby). It takes a long time and it's difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort," adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Project at Texas A&M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.
"They are trying to do something that's never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah's Ark. We're both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly appreciate their effort and there's a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. The cooperation between us is very much needed."
67. The final aim of "Noah's Ark" project is to___________.       .
A. make efforts to clone the endangered pandas 
B. save endangered animals from dying out
C. collect DNA of endangered animals to study 
D. transfer the nuclear of one animal to another
68. According to Professor Kraemer, ___________.
A. the long time lasting cloning research could be successful.
B. the eggs transfers immediately result in having a baby.
C. the lack of nuclear transfer could be a major problem to have new pandas.
D. if species should die out, basic building blocks would heal them.
69. The best title for the passage may be______________.
A. China's Success in Pandas Cloning
B. Helping Ways to Avoid Extinction
C. Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas
D. The Practice in Noah's Ark
70. From the passage we know that______________.
A. Kraemer and his team have succeeded in cloning a panda
B. scientists try to implant a panda's egg into a rabbit
C. Kraemer will work with Chinese scientists in clone researches
D. about two thousand species are to die out in a century
A dog sheltered a newborn baby abandoned by its 14-year-old mother in a field in rural Argentina until the boy was rescued, a doctor said on August 22 (Friday).
A resident of a rural area outside La Plata called police late Wednesday night to say that he had heard the baby crying in a field behind his house.
The man went outside and found the infant lying beside the dog and its six newborn puppies, Daniel Salcedo, chief of police of the Province of Buenos Aires, told CNN.
The temperature was a chilly(寒冷的) 37 degrees, Salcedo said.
The dog had apparently carried the baby some 50 meters from where his mother had abandoned him to where the puppies were huddled, police said.
“She took it like a puppy and rescued it,” Salcedo said. “The doctors told us if she hadn’t done this, he would have died.”
“The dog is a hero to us.”
Dr. Egidio Melia, director of the Melchor Romero Hospital in La Plata, told CNN that police showed up at the hospital at 11:30 pm Wednesday with the baby who doctors say was only a few hours old.
Though the infant had superficial scratches (抓痕) and bruises (伤痕) and was bleeding from his mouth, he was in good shape, Melia said.
The next morning, the child’s mother was driven by a neighbor to the hospital and told authorities the 8-pound, 13-ounce infant is hers, Melia said.
The teenager was immediately give psychological treatment and was hospitalized, he said. She has said little about the incident.
The child has been transferred to a children’s hospital in La Plata, 37 miles from Buenos Aires.
小题1:What does the underlined word “sheltered” in the first paragraph mean?
小题2:According to the passage , which statement is true?
A.It’s hard for the infant to recover soon.
B.The puppies were running here and there all the time
C.The temperature was very high at that time.
D.But for the mother dog , the infant would have died.
小题3:How was the baby when he was found?
A.He was seriously ill.B.He was dying.
C.He was in good shape.D.He lost a lot of blood.
小题4: What’s the text mainly about?
A.A baby was rescued by a dog.
B.A baby was abandoned by its parents.
C.How an abandoned baby was saved by doctors.
D.Dogs are heroes to human beings.
A new law helps people with disabilities. The law says that people with disabilities must be able to get into and out of all public buildings. It also says that business must offer special services to people who have special needs. Companies can not refuse to hire disabled workers. Many businesses may have to change their buildings and services.
—Ramps (坡道) must be built so people can get into buildings.
—Movie theatres must have space for people in wheelchairs and seats for their friends to sit near them.
—Elevators (电梯) must have floor number in Braille.
This law will help millions of people. One woman who has been in a wheelchair for many years said,“It is like a dream.”
小题1:According to the passage we can see that     .
A.it will be difficult for the normal persons to get into the public buildings
B.the buildings of all the businesses will have to be changed
C.Most businesses used to offer special services to people who have special needs
D.it was difficult for the disabled workers to find jobs in the past
小题2: Ramps can help people     .
A.with hearing problems
B.who have difficulty in using their hands
C.who have difficulty in using their legs or feet
D.who dont like stairs
小题3:The fact that the new law has been passed shows that______.
A.the government has paid no attention to the disabilities
B.the government wants to help these disabilities
C.normal people show mercy to the disabilities
D.companies will hire millions of disabled people

People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or other historic remains. Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. Most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.
Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money for the sun because they have so little of it. People in cities like London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam spend much of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the year it rains. This is the reason why the Mediterranean (地中海) has always attracted them. Every summer many people travel to Mediterranean resorts (度假胜地) and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason. Sun!
The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy's 30,000 hotels are booked without a break every summer. And 13 million people visited French beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit there yearly, or one tourist for each person living in Spain.
But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can deal with. The Mediterranean is already one of the most polluted seas on earth. None of this, however, is ruining anyone's fun. Obviously, visitors don't go there for clean water. They allow traffic jams and endure crowded beaches. They don't even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is , the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it's still better than sitting in cold Berlin, London, or anywhere else.
64. The writer seems to infer that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that _____.
A. they want to see historic remains
B. they wish to escape from cold, dark and rainy days
C. they would like to take pictures in front of famous places
D. they are interested in different cultural and social customs
65. According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts more tourists than the others?
A. Italy.    B. Greece.   C. France.   D. Spain.
66. The underlined part in Passage 3, "one tourist for each person living in Spain" means _____.
A. all the 37 million people living in Spain are tourists
B. every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist
C. every year as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that country
D. every family in Spain is visited by a tourist every year
67. According to the passage, which of the following might ruin the tourists' fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches?
A. Polluted water     B. Crowded buses   C. Rainy weather     D. Traffic jams

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