
根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项多余选项.
W:   Good evening,  Mr. Smith.__1__
M:   I haven't been feeling very well for some time. I have rather a bad cough that I can't get rid of,  and a pain in my chest.
W:   I see.__2__ Now just unfasten your coat and shirt. I will listen to your heart and chest. Say "ninetynine".
M:   Ninetynine.
W:   Again.
M:   Ninetynine,  ninetynine.
W:   __3__
M:   Well,  rather a lot. I'm afraid,  twenty or thirty cigarettes a day.
W:   Hmm!__4__
M:   Ah! Ah!(Coughs)
W:   All right.__5__

M:   No,  I haven't lost or gained,  at least never more than a pound.
A. How much weight have you lost?
B. You'd better have a thorough examination.
C. Have you been losing weight?
D. Do you smoke a lot?
E. What's the trouble?
F. There's nothing serious.
G. You ought to cut down on cigarettes.

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