
补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。请注意:如果你选E项,在答题卡上涂黑A和D;如果选F,涂黑B和D;如果选G,涂黑C和D。

A:What would you like for dessert?

B:  61 

A:I have apple pie, ice cream, and chocolate cakes.

B:Can I have apple pie with ice cream?

A:Of course   62  so it’s lovely and fresh.

B:I love your home made apple pie. It’s delicious. Can I have another glass of lemonade as well?

A:Sure.  63  It’s in the fridge.

B:Ok. Would you like a drink too?

A:Yes.  64  You will see it next to the lemonade.

B:Are you having any dessert?

A:Yes.  65  but without ice cream. I have to watch my weight.

       A.Can you get it yourself?

       B.I’m good at making apple pie.

       C.I will have apple pie, too.

       D.I made the apple pie this morning.

       E.I’ll have an ice tea.

       F.What do you have?

       G.Can I help you?


  61.F   62.D   63.A  64.E   65.C


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