
The husband gave his wife      every month in order to please her.

A. all half his income                                 B. his half all income

C. half his all income                                 D. all his half income


The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a discouraging thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history show, hasn’t meant economic freedom.

Employment became widespread when the enclosures(圈地运动)of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by taking them away from the use of the land, and thus from the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people traveled longer distances to their place of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived.

Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. In pre-industrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community. Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife. Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm(准则)today, and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between sexes.

It was not only women whose work status suffered. As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were kept out — a problem now, as more teenagers disappointed and annoyed at school and more retired people want to live active lives.

All this may now have to change. The time has certainly come to switch some efforts and resources away from the utopian(乌托邦)goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs.

From the passage we can learn that ____.

   A. jobs have existed since human came into being

   B. the industrial age brought jobs to everyone

   C. the industrial age brought the work patterns most people’s work has taken

   D. in the future more and more people could get jobs as the industry is developing

Before the enclosures of the 17th and 18th, people lived mainly on ____.

  A. paid work    B. unpaid work    C. taxes and benefits    D. land

Before the industrial age women played ____.

    A. more important roles in making a life            B. less important roles in making a life

    C. roles as weak as after in raising their children     D. roles as important as men in supporting a family

From the passage we can infer that ____.

A. creating jobs for all must be changed         

B. enough jobs must be created by our society

    C. more and more jobs are being created

D. industrial age has made many people unable to live without full-time jobs

This is no joke. Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, and Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24, are expecting just over 100 guests at a(an)   21  at a church, where they will become husband and wife.

Their modern romance was a   22  made in cyberspace(网络空间). She was   23  and bored one night last year, so she typed her name into the   24  social networking Website Facebook just to see if anyone   25  it: Hildebrandt, 24, in South Florida. At the time, Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, was the only one matched. So she sent him a   26 . She said, “Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool.” Kelly Carl Hildebrandt said, “I thought she was pretty   27 .”

For the next three months the two   28  e-mails.   29  he knew it, occasional phone calls turned into daily chats, sometimes   30  hours. He   31  her in Florida after a few months and fell head over heels.

“I thought it was fun,” he said of that first online meet. “I had no   32  that it would lead to this.”

Months after Kelly Hildebrandt sent her first e-mail, she found a diamond engagement   33   hidden in treasure box on a beach in December. “I totally think that it’s all God’s   34  ,” Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said. “He planned it out just   35   .”

She's a student at a local community college. He works in financial   36 . They plan to make their home in South Florida.

There was also some uncertainty   37  how to phrase their wedding invitations, so they decided to include their   38  names. But   39  confusion likely won't carry on past the husband and wife, as Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said there are no plans to pass along the name to their future   40 . “No,” she said. “We're definitely not going to name our kids Kelly.”

1.                A.situation        B.occasion        C.ceremony D.meeting


2.                A.game          B.match          C.contest   D.competition


3.                A.curious         B.serious         C.anxious   D.generous


4.                A.ordinary        B.common        C.fashionable    D.popular


5.                A.understood     B.made          C.shared   D.recognized


6.                A.word          B.message        C.letter D.reminder


7.                A.clever          B.simple          C.attractive D.easy


8.                A.exchanged      B.changed        C.expected D.received


9.                A.After          B.As             C.While    D.Before


10.               A.wasting         B.spending       C.lasting D.taking


11.               A.dropped        B.visited         C.forgot D.called


12.               A.idea           B.decision        C.chance    D.hope


13.               A.call            B.lace           C.phone D.ring


14.               A.preparation     B.reason         C.arrangement   D.appointment


15.               A.great          B.perfect         C.excellent  D.smart


16.               A.crisis          B.conveniences    C.customs   D.services


17.               A.about          B.on            C.in    D.at


18.               A.first           B.last            C.middle    D.family


19.               A.some          B.no            C.any   D.little


20.               A.wife           B.husband        C.parents   D.children



A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and loved the boy very much. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.

The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned. She was terrified how to face her husband.

When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. The husband just said ‘I am with you, Darling’. The husband's totally unexpected reaction is proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he have taken time to keep the bottle away, this will not have happened. No point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.

If everyone can look at life with this kind of viewpoint, there would be much fewer problems in the world. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we miss out some warmth in human relationship.

56.The uncapped medical bottle was not put back into the cupboard because         .

A.the husband was careless                            B.the husband was busy

C.the wife wasn’t informed of the matter   D.the wife ignored the matter

57.What do we know about the bottle?          .

A.It contained poison only for adults             B.It appeared like a nice drink

C.It was broken by the child                             D.It was kept in the kitchen

58.The husband’s attitude towards his wife can be described as           .

A.optimistic                B.confident                 C.considerate            D.generous

59.What did the writer intend to tell us about life?          .

A.Let go the negative side and we can enjoy life.

B.It is always useless finding who is responsible

C.Think of nothing and life will be easy

D.Life should give way to responsibility


My husband is a born shopper. He loves to look at things and to touch them. He likes to compare prices between the same items in different shops. He would never think of buying anything without looking around in several different shops. On the other hand, I’m not a shopper. I think shopping is boring and unpleasant. If I like something and I have enough money to take it, I buy it at once. I never look around for a good price or a better deal. Of course my husband and I never go shopping together. Doing shopping together would be too painful for both of us. When it comes to shopping, we go our different ways.

Sometimes I ask my son Jimmy to buy some food in the shop not far from our home. But he is always absent-minded. This was his story.

One day I said to him, ” I hope you won’t forget what I have told you to buy.” “ No,“ said Jimmy. “I won’t forget. You want three oranges , six eggs and a pound of meat.”

He went running down the street to the shop. As he ran, he said to himself over and over again, “three oranges , six eggs and a pound of meat.”

In the beginning he remembered everything but he stopped several times. Once he saw two men fighting outside a clothes shop until a policeman stopped them. One of them was badly hurt. Then he stopped to give ten cents to a beggar. Then he met some of his friends and he played with them for a while. When he reached the shop, he had forgotten everything except six eggs.

As he walked home, his face became sadder and sadder. When he saw me he said, “I’m sorry, Mum. I have forgotten to buy oranges and the meat. I only remembered to buy six eggs, but I’ve dropped three of them.”

1.The husband likes shopping because _______.

A.he has much money.

B.he likes the shops.

C.he likes to compare the prices between the same items.

D.he has nothing to do but shopping.

2.They never go shopping together because_______.

A.their ways of shopping are quite different

B.they hate each other.

C.they needn’t buy anything for the family

D.they don’t have time for it.

3.Jimmy can’t do the shopping well because _______.

A.he is young

B.he is absent-minded

C.he often loses his money

D.he doesn’t like shopping

4.Jimmy didn’t buy what his mother wanted because_______.

A.the shop was closed that day

B.the policeman stopped him

C.he forgot some of them

D.he gave all the money to the beggar


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