
This is no joke. Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, and Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24, are expecting just over 100 guests at a(an)   21  at a church, where they will become husband and wife.

Their modern romance was a   22  made in cyberspace(网络空间). She was   23  and bored one night last year, so she typed her name into the   24  social networking Website Facebook just to see if anyone   25  it: Hildebrandt, 24, in South Florida. At the time, Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, was the only one matched. So she sent him a   26 . She said, “Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool.” Kelly Carl Hildebrandt said, “I thought she was pretty   27 .”

For the next three months the two   28  e-mails.   29  he knew it, occasional phone calls turned into daily chats, sometimes   30  hours. He   31  her in Florida after a few months and fell head over heels.

“I thought it was fun,” he said of that first online meet. “I had no   32  that it would lead to this.”

Months after Kelly Hildebrandt sent her first e-mail, she found a diamond engagement   33   hidden in treasure box on a beach in December. “I totally think that it’s all God’s   34  ,” Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said. “He planned it out just   35   .”

She's a student at a local community college. He works in financial   36 . They plan to make their home in South Florida.

There was also some uncertainty   37  how to phrase their wedding invitations, so they decided to include their   38  names. But   39  confusion likely won't carry on past the husband and wife, as Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said there are no plans to pass along the name to their future   40 . “No,” she said. “We're definitely not going to name our kids Kelly.”

1.                A.situation        B.occasion        C.ceremony D.meeting


2.                A.game          B.match          C.contest   D.competition


3.                A.curious         B.serious         C.anxious   D.generous


4.                A.ordinary        B.common        C.fashionable    D.popular


5.                A.understood     B.made          C.shared   D.recognized


6.                A.word          B.message        C.letter D.reminder


7.                A.clever          B.simple          C.attractive D.easy


8.                A.exchanged      B.changed        C.expected D.received


9.                A.After          B.As             C.While    D.Before


10.               A.wasting         B.spending       C.lasting D.taking


11.               A.dropped        B.visited         C.forgot D.called


12.               A.idea           B.decision        C.chance    D.hope


13.               A.call            B.lace           C.phone D.ring


14.               A.preparation     B.reason         C.arrangement   D.appointment


15.               A.great          B.perfect         C.excellent  D.smart


16.               A.crisis          B.conveniences    C.customs   D.services


17.               A.about          B.on            C.in    D.at


18.               A.first           B.last            C.middle    D.family


19.               A.some          B.no            C.any   D.little


20.               A.wife           B.husband        C.parents   D.children


























1.C 名词辨析。A情景B场合C庆典D会议;根据下一行的become husband and wife可知这是婚礼庆典。故C正确。

2.B 名词辨析。A游戏B匹配C竞赛D竞争;他们两是在网络里配对成功的电线代表。

3.A 形容词辨析。A好奇的B严肃的C焦虑的D慷慨的;去年的一个晚上她很好奇也很想知道网上是否有一个同名同姓的人,所以就上网搜索了。

4.D 考查常识。社交网站facebook是一个很受欢迎的社交网络。故D正确。

5.C 动词辨析。A理解B生产C共同拥有D认出;她想知道是否有人共同拥有这样的名字。

6.B 名词辨析。A文字B信息C字母D提醒;在找到同名同姓的人以后就给对方发了短信。

7.C 形容词辨析。A聪明B简单C有吸引力D容易;据他们的交往可知他认为她有吸引力。

8.A 动词辨析。A交换B改变C期待D接受;他们交换了邮件,保持了联系。

9.D 连词辨析。在他知道之前,偶尔的电话交流变成了每天都有的聊天。

10.C 动词辨析。Take花费,主语通常是事物。指这样的聊天经常会持续好几个小时。

11.B 动词辨析。他来到佛罗里达来看她,感觉到两个人很投缘。

12.A 固定句式。Have no idea不知道。指他搞不清楚为什么会导致这种情况。

13.D 考查常识。前面有名词engagement(订婚);通常都是指订婚戒指,ring戒指。

14.C 名词辨析。A准备B原因C安排D约会;她认为这一切都是上帝的安排。

15.B 形容词辨析。A很棒B完美C优秀D聪明;她认为他的安排很完美。

16.D 名词辨析。A危机B便利C风俗D服务;他在金融服务行业工作。

17.A 介词辨析。About关于;关于如何写结婚的请柬他们有点不确定。

18.C 上下文串联。因为这两个人同名同姓,所以他们要在名字中间加一个middle name表示区别,以免混淆。

19.C 语法分析。这里的any用来加强语气,任何一种这样的困惑都不会影响到他们。

20.D 上下文串联。根据下一行的kids说明这里提及的是他们的孩子姓名。





 (10·全国Ⅱ B篇)

When you’re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses(压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation-you have to finish something!

Here lies the problem for travel writer and tood critic(评论家),Edie Jarolim “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her there books, The Complate Idiot’s Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resarts.

……writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a Test Frommer’s travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer’s, Jarolim workedfor a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor’s, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arigona.

As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it’s great to write about a tourist attraction, but you’d better get the local(当地的)museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone’s vacation.

46. Which country does Jarolim live in now?

A.Mexico        B.The U.S.       C.The U.K.      D.Canada

47. What is most difficrlt for Jarolim?

A.Working in different places to collect information

B.Checking all the facts to be written in the guides

C.Finishing her work as soon as possible

D.Passing a test to write travel guides

48. What do we know about Jarllim from the text?

A.She is successful in her job

B.She finds her life full of stresses

 C.She spends half of her time traveling

D.She is especially interested in museums

49. What would be the best title for the text?

A.Adventures in Travel Writing

B.Working as a Food Critic

C.Travel Guides on the Market

D.Vacationing for a Living

The structure and workings of the university are ever changing. The university of the past is not like the university of the present and the university of the present will not be like the university of the future. This “adaptation” to the times is what can make some universities great or make some universities among the worst in the nation.

In the past the university was very set in their ways. They did things the way they wanted them done. They paid no attention to the rest of the society and the way the ones paying the bills wanted them done. In the past the professors would lecture endlessly to the students, which often left the students bored and with no idea what was really said to them in the lecture. This is no way to try and teach students; students need interaction with the professors that are paid to teach them. As Paulo Freire believed there needs to be communication between the students and the professors and the class should not be totally memorization. This is the way that things were done in the past.

In the present many universities have either changed or are changing the way that they run their universities. The universities now are taking on many of the modern educational beliefs in order to make changes in the teaching methods. Universities are breaking down many of the divides between majors that they offer. By breaking these barriers the universities are becoming less specialized and more diverse. This goes along with the ideas of Berry who believes that the schools are over-specialized and that the universities are now just machines that are merely meant to produce workers. In the past few years the colleges have been lowering the standards of admission, which in turn lowers the standards of all the schools below the college level. The universities are now on the right track by increasing the standards of admission into their colleges.

1.In the author’s view, what can decide a university’s quality?

A. What its structure is like.                                   B. How its workings are run.

C. What times it belongs to.                                   D. Whether it’ll adjust itself.

2.Which of the following is NOT a feature of universities in the past?

A. They were run in a fixed way.

B. They ignored the needs of society.

C. They had lower standards of admission.

D. Professors lacked interaction with students.

3.What is the author’s main attitude towards universities in the present?

A. Positive.                  B. Doubtful.                          C. Passive.                   D. Uncertain.

4.What would the author most probably focus on in the following part of this passage?

A. Universities in the future.     

B. The standards of schools.

C. The admission into some colleges.

D. Other changes of teaching methods.


The power of humor and laugher is numerous. They entertain us and make us feel good. But, above all, we have discovered that humor and laughter are the best medicine. They relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and are anti-aging and longevity facilitators(促进者).

They are extremely necessary for helping us to find and maintain a balance between life and work. However, they are slipping away from us. We have become far too serious. The only ones who still enjoy humor, laughter, fun and play to the fullest are young children. Children tend to laugh an average of 200 times a day. For adults, however, it is a totally different story.

In the 1950s people laughed on average 18 times a day. Today, we are lucky if we average between 4-6 times a day.

As a matter of fact, a recent study found that people laugh 6 more times in the presence of one person but 30 more times in a group of people. You can get a chuckle(咯咯笑) from jokes you get on the Internet, but it is not the same as belly jiggling laughter (a deep laugh) you get when you interact with others.

Socializing(交际) with friends and relatives was much looked forward to. However, this is no longer the case. In fact, the majority of people can hardly find time, nor do they have the inclination towards socializing outside home. They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs, and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.

The workplace does not fare(进展) much better. Due to the pressures to produce more in the same or fewer hours available and to compete, for example, in a manufacturing field with cheaper labor elsewhere in the world, humor and laughter in the workplace have gradually eroded(逐渐毁坏) away.

I have developed a real appreciation, perhaps closer to a strong desire for the power of humor and laughter. This encouraged me to write my first book titled “The Power of Humor” and subsequently my second book titled “Kids Say the Goggonest Things” based on the natural humor, laughter, play and fun that kids experience and they freely share with parents, grandparents and teachers.

From writing about humor and laughter, people start to ask me to speak up for them. To date, I have developed a number of humor-laughter topics that I use in my keynote presentations. You are invited to subscribe to my free monthly e-magazine “The Humormeister’s Forum” by clicking on the Free Humor E-zine navigation button on the website.

1.According to the author, laughter is leaving us partly because ________.

A. the pace of change in our lives is becoming faster

B. we fail to reflect on fun times in our lives

C. we treat everything in a serious way

D. humor of situations lies beneath

2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that ________.

A. researchers have made a new discovery about the effect of laughter

B. people laugh more heartily when spending time with others

C. we can entertain ourselves with the help of the Internet

D. getting a deep laugh nowadays is difficult

3.The underlined word “inclination” in Paragraph 5 most probably means “________”.

A. destination     B. tendency      C. attitude             D. approach

4.Which of the following articles can we most probably find in “The Humormeister’s Forum”?

A. The power of honesty.                                      

B. Don’t be your own worst enemy.

C. Live life purposefully: The relationship within.

D. Funny Christmas stories to share with your loved ones.


The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.

Man has been polluting the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, man moved to another place. But this is no longer true.

Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It’s bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It is caused by heavy traffic. We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must take care of the rise in pollution at the same time.

1._______, our world is becoming much smaller.

A.Because of the rise in pollution

B.Thanks to science development

C.Because the earth is being polluted day and night

D.Because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

2.Hundreds of years ago, life was __________ it is today.

A.much easier than    B.as easy as          C.much harder than   D.as hard as

3.Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here “it” means _______.

A.rubbish(垃圾)   B.noise pollution      C.air pollution        D.water pollution

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.

B.The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world population does.

C.The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth.

D.If people could go to work by bus or bike instead of car or motorbike, it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.


When you’re lying on the white sands of the Mexican Rivera, the stresses (压力) of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation—you have to finish something.

Here lies the problem for travel writer and food critic (评论家) Edie Jarolim. “I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere--- in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her three books, The Complete Idiot Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resorts.

Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a test for Frommer’s travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer’s, Jarolim worked for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor’s where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arizona.

As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it’s great to write about a tourist attraction, but you’d better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone’s vacation.

1.What is most difficult for Jarolim?

A.Working in different places to collect information.

B.Checking all the facts to be written in the guides.

C.Finishing her work as soon as possible.

D.Passing a test to write travel guides.

2.What do we know about Jarolim from the text?

A.She is successful in her job.

B.She finds her life full of stresses.

C.She spends half of her time traveling.

D.She is especially interested in museums.

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Adventures in Travel Writing

B.Working as a Food Critic

C.Travel Guides on the Market

D.Vacationing for a Living


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