²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÆ½¾ùÆøΣºaverage temperature
ËÉɽºþ£ºSonshan Lake,
¹ÛÒôɽ:Guanyin mountain.
Dongguan City, which is in the south- east of Guangdong province, has a long history. It attracts thousands of people from different places to come to Dongguan to travel or to work. Many of them like the mild climate, especially in winter. Everyone can enjoy the average temperature of 23.3¡æ in a year. There are many places of interest in Dongguan City, such as Sonshan Lake, Keyuan and guanying mountain.
Sonshan Lake is a beautiful place with lots of green trees and glasses. Along the big lake, where there is clean water with all kinds of fish in it, you can take a walk, cycle or have a picnic. It is really a good place for you to get close to nature and relax yourself.
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