
5.Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful,but they may also________ our thinking.(  )

分析 如果我们想要成功,知识和学习都是重要的,但是,它们也许也会限制我们的思维.

解答 答案:B.
本题主要考查动词的词义辨析.在题干中,有很明显的转折副词"but",故要选择其相反的含义.选项A direct,指导,引导;选项B limit限制;选项C improve,提高改善;选项D change,改变,变化.根据句意"但是,它们也许也会限制我们的思维",所以应该选择B.

点评 做这类题目,首先要理解四个选项的词义,然后根据句意选择正确的选项.

18.Tips for choosing a summer camp for your teen
Sending your teenager off to a summer camp?Here are things to keep in mind when picking the right camp.
How can you find a camp that specializes in and appeals to teen campers?Well,search for camps through Care.com,the American Camp Association and the Better Business Bureau.Learn about different camps'history,programs,staff and so on.
Include your teen in the process
(37)D Communicate with your teenagers and ensure that they are happy with the final decision.Plus,most teen programs have the teen campers sign a camp contract (合同),so make sure the camp is something your child is interested in.
Attend a camp fair
Camp fairs often provide a great forum (论坛).
(38)GSearch for a camp fair near you through the American Camp Association.
Think carefully about your teen's interests
Should you send your teens to a traditional camp or a more specialized summer program?Are they in need of an academic improvement summer program?Would a community service-centered camp make them better understand the world?(39)EVisit the campgrounds and facilities (设施).
Meeting the camp staff is necessary,as they are the professionals who can help your family to have a positive summer camp experience.(40)FAre teens mixed in with kids younger or older than themselves?
Give yourself enough time to help your teens find the right camp and make sure they are on their way to an exciting summer experience.

A.Look for teen camps.
B.Explore your choices.
C.Would your kids do a good job at travel camps?
D.Choosing a camp should be a team decision.
E.These are important questions you should ask yourself.
F.Is the camp set up with activities that are interesting for teenagers?
G.Therefore,you can check out a variety of summer programs in one location all at once.

Is it fair for restaurants to ban little eaters? In Monronroeville, a local restaurant, McDain’s, recently decided to ban young children. Alice Roseman, its manager, says kids have bad manners and make too much noise. Other people, however, say the rule is hard to accept. Since it has become a hot topic in public, we caught several local people talking about it.


There is no law stopping restaurants from banning young children. Restaurant owners should be allowed to ban them. Kids often run around and cause problems for waiters and other customers.

----Kate Barker

Kids always cause a mess, but the parents refuse to do anything about their kids’ behaviors. Although kids may be at the center of their parents’ universe, they aren’t at the center of everyone else’s.

------Mike Vuick

Adults sometimes want to talk and enjoy their dinner, but they can’t if a child is crying and running all over the place. That’s why sometimes parents don’t like eating at home. They wish they could have a good meal in the restaurants without kids’ noise.

------Dale Levitsky


Banning kids from restaurants is a bad idea. If kids were banned, many restaurants would lose business. Even if restaurants gave customers the chance to buy take-away meals for their kids, many families would probably still not eat there.

--------Nicholas Song

Restaurants owners who ban kids think all children are wild and rude. But that’s not true. Most children’s eating behaviors are good enough. Even though some kids do have bad manners, banning is not a right way to teach them. I think how a society treats its children is important. After all, all kids are people, too.

-------Elliott Hall

1.The restaurant in Monronroeville refuses ___________ to eat there.

A. women

B. pets

C. men

D. kids

2.Dale Levit sky thinks parents sometimes don’t like eating at home because _________________.

A. they are too busy

B. kids are too noisy

C. they dislike doing the dishes

D. restaurant food is more delicious

3.Who thinks it is wrong to ban kids?

A. Mike Vuick

B. Kate Barker

C. Nicholas Song

D. Alice Roseman

4.Which of the following opinion is mentioned in the passage?

A. Not all kids have bad behaviors.

B. Children waste too much food.

C. Boys make more noise than girls.

D. Restaurants needn’t help parents.

17."Have a nice day!"may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless.When my friend Maxie says"Have a nice day"with a smile,I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me.I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.
"Have a nice day.Next!"This version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door.The words come out in the same tone (腔调) with a fixed procedure.They are spoken at me,not to me.Obviously,the concern for my day and everyone else's is the management's attempt to increase business.
    The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other.Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting.As soon as you hear it,you know the meeting is at an end.Sometimes the expression saves us when we don't know what to say"oh,you may have a tooth out?I'm terribly sorry,but have a nice day."
    The expression can be pleasant.If a stranger says"Have a nice day"to you,you may find it heart-warming because someone you don't know has tried to be nice to you.
    Although the use of the expression is an insincere,meaningless social custom at times,there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting.The salesgirl,the waitress,the teacher,and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day.But in a strange and comfortable way,it's nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don't care all that much.While the expression may not often be sincere,it is always spoken.The point is that people say it all the time when they like.

26.How does the author understand Maxie's words?B
A.Maxie shows her anxiety to the author.
B.Maxie really wishes the author a good day.
C.Maxie encourages the author to stay happy.
D.Maxie really worries about the author's security.
27.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2mean?D
A.The salesgirl is rude.
B.The salesgril is bored.
C.The salesgirl cares about me.
D.The salesgirl says the words as a routine.
28.By saying"Have a nice day,"a stranger mayA
A.try to be polite to you
B.express respect to you
C.give his blesing to you
D.share his pleasure with you
29.According to the last paragraph,people say"Have a nice day"C
A.sincerely  B.asthanks  C.as a habit  D.encouragingly
30.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.Have a Nice Day-a Social Custon
B.Have a Nice Day-a Pleasant Gesture
C.Have a Nice Day-a Heart-warming Greeting
D.Have a Nice Day-a Polite Ending of a Conversation.
14.Those accustomed to looking through thousands of books in big bookstores may find  Japan's Morioka Shoten a little strange.That's because this tiny bookstore that is located in  luxury shopping district of Ginza,in Tokyo offers just one title to its customers.
Opened in May 2015,Morioka Shoten(Japanese for bookstore)is the brainchild of Yoshiyuki Morioka.The experienced bookseller began his career as a bookstore clerk in Tokyo's Kanda district before branching out to open his own store.It was here while organizing book readings that he realized that customers usually came into the store with one title in mind.Morioka began to wonder if a store could exist by selling many copies of just one single book.In November 2014,he partnered with his two friends,to establish a unique bookstore with the idea‘A Single Room,A Single Book.'
Like its offering,the bookstore is simple.The selections that are picked by Morioka change weekly and vary widely to attract customers with different interests.Recent choices include The True Deceiver,all award-winning Swedish novel by Tove Jansson,Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales.and a collection of artist Karl Blossfeldt's photography of plants.Morioka has also displayed books written by famous Japanese authors Mimei Ogawa and Akito Akagi.
To highlight his single offering,Morioka often uses clever methods.For example,when  selling a book about flowers,he decorated his shop with the ones that had been mentioned in the book.He also encourages featured authors to hold multiple talks and discussions so they can connect with customers.Morioka says his ultimate goal is for the customers to experience being inside a book,not just a bookstore!
Risky as the idea might seem,things appear to be going well.Morioka says he has sold over 2,100books since he opened it.Things can only get better given that his bookstore is becoming increasingly popular not just among the locals but also visitors from other countries•

28.What is unusual about Morioka Shoten?A
A.It sells only one kind of book each week.
B.It is huge with various books to choose.
C.It is located in the busy shopping district.
D.It is opened by an experienced bookseller.
29.What helped Yoshiyuki Morioka come up with the idea?D
A.The practice he used to select books.
B.The way he partnered with his friends.
C.The suggestion from customers and readers.
D.The experience of organizing book readings.
30.How does Morioka highlight the weekly offered book?D
A.By offering flowers to customers.
B.By encouraging readers to read widely.
C.By explaining the managing of bookstores.
D.By organizing meetings between writers and readers.
31.What does the author think of Morioka's bookstore?C
A.Boring.   B.Unrealistic    C.Optimistic. D.Funny.
15.World Book Day is a celebration of all things wonderful about books for all ages,with author events,school fancy-dress parades(游行)and a£1book token(购书券)given to all school children under 18.It is a yearly event on 23rd April,organized by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ),to promote reading.
In the United Kingdom,the day is recognized on the first Thursday in March.On 3rd March 2016children of all ages in the UK will come together to appreciate reading.Sometimes,reading a modern novel can be tough ( Booker Prize winner The Luminaries runs to 832pages!),especially if reading is not your strong suit.In fact,one in six people in the UK never pick up a book because they've experienced difficulties or are out of the habit of reading for pleasure.
The Galaxy Quick Reads series are designed to introduce reluctant readers to bestselling short funny novels,which bring the joy of reading without demanding hours of concentrated time.They cover a range of subjects,from romance to comedy.
Jojo Moyes's Paris For One is a romantic adventure in which 26-year-old Nell books a weekend away to Paris with her lazy,neglectful boyfriend.When he fails to turn up,she is alone in the city.That is,until she meets Fabien,who shows her the charms of the French capital--in more ways than one.
Adele Geras's moving story Out In The Dark was set in World War I,in which young Rob came back from the battlefields.Determined to find the officer's widow to return the photo of her and their daughter that the captain kept with him,he traveled several thousand miles but never gave up.
Dead Man Talking is a fantastic tale of Pat,who had a terrible fight with his best friend,Joe,ten years ago--but now hears that Joe is dead,and he must attend his funeral.But Joe is not going quietly that very night--he's lying in his coffin being very chatty indeed.

28.What is the main aim of the World Book Day?C
A.To promote book selling.
B.To win authors fame.
C.To encourage reading.
D.To perfect education.
29.If you lack confidence in your reading skills,you will probably avoid readingC.
A.Dead Man Talking                       
B.Paris For One
C.The Luminaries                            
D.Out In The Dark
30.What else do you expect the author to introduce?D
A.A romance.
B.A moving story.
C.A horror story.
D.A comedy.
31.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TURE?B
A.The Luminaries tells a story of a Booker Prize winner.
B.Paris For One tells a story of Nell and Fabien.
C.Out In The Dark is a story during World WarⅡ.
D.Dead Man Talking is a story of Pat and his talkative friend.

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