Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let’s see how she’s getting along.
My Diary
MONDAY: I’m officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I’ve soon got seven friends. I’ve never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.
TUESDAY: I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it’s just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.
WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum’s on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table from last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!
THURSDAY: There’s a message from my boyfriend, “so, it’s over then, ;is it?” Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search ‘ and now every one can see it on their news feed.’
FRIDAY: Time to update my status:“Work is boring. Can’t wait for the weekend!” Yeah, that about sums it up. Oh, look, I’ve received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now“like” this status.
SATURDAY: Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.
SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I’ve got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .
In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page says he’s a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.
【小题1】 Why did Jamie’s boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

A.He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.
B.She showed in her facebook that she was still not dating anyone.
C.Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.
D.He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.
【小题2】Which of the following is conveyed in this article?
A.Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie’s time and energy.
B.Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.
C.Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.
D.Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.
【小题3】What does the word“un-friend” mean in“Someone’s ‘un-friended’ me!”?
A. Being unfriendly to others.
B. Having a quarrel with somebody.
C. Removing a name from the friend list.
D. Ending friendship with somebody.
【小题4】Which of the following is true according to the passage ?
A.Steve was Jamie’s boyfriend in the university.
B.People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.
C.Jamie’s mother has seen the photos of her dancing on the table.
D.Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.
【小题5】It can be learned from the passage that the writer’s attitude towards Facebook is ______ .

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let's see how she's getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I'm officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I've soon got seven friends. I've never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I've received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it's just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum's on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There's a message from my boyfriend, “so, it's over then, is it?” Obviously I haven't changed my settings to show I'm “in a relationship”, and I haven't even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search  and now every one can see it on their news feed.

FRIDAY: Time to update my status: “Work is boring. Can't wait for the weekend!” Oh, look, I've received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now “like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I've got 100 friends. But wait! Someone has “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it's time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I've got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .  

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page says he's a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1.Why did Jamie's boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

B. She showed in her Facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is expressed in this article?

A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie's time and energy.

B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word “un-friend” mean in “Someone has ‘un-friended' me!”?

A. Being unfriendly to others.

B. Having a quarrel with somebody.

C. Removing a name from the friend list.

D. Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

A. Steve was Jamie's boyfriend in the university.

B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

C. Jamie's mother saw her dancing on the table last night.

D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer's attitude towards Facebook is _________  .

A. subjective           B. objective            C. negative           D. positive


You have to log on to your school's online system to check your grades, but you find the system is kind of inconvenient.What do you do?

When Daniel Brooks was a senior at Pioneer High School in the US, he came up with a Silicon Valley-style solution; he developed an iPhone app(application, 应用程序)I C Connector.

When he tried out his school's new Web-based student information system earlier this year, he immediately noticed some shortcomings.He could no longer view his current grades for all his classes at once.Checking several classes required several clicks-which for a teenager is so much work.To save himself all this trouble, Brooks developed the app and sold it on the Apple app store.Now it has 2,300 users who have downloaded it across the US.

"It ended up on every iPhone and iPad and portable device that any student and teacher had on campus," said Scott Peterson, the campus tech support worker at Pioneer High.

Brooks said he didn't create the app to get rich - it is free."A student is not going to want to pay 99 cents," Brooks said."They just want to see their grades more easily."

However, in the months that followed, Brooks experienced highs and lows.His app is now so successful that users want more, in particular, his teachers have started pushing him to develop a version for them.However, the company Infinite Campus, which developed the information system, has been less positive.

The company said in an e-mail that he was confusing users and violating the company's copyright by using Infinite Campus' name and logo in the app’s name.Brooks' father, Michael Brooks, has offered to change the name, but says he needs time to get Apple's approval.Daniel also e-mailed and called Infinite Campus.They got no response.

Daniel Brooks starts at a California university this autumn.Despite Infinite Campus' attitude, he continues to try to improve the app and hopes to put out an Android version soon.

1.Why did Daniel Brooks develop an iPhone app IC Connector? (No more than 8 words)


2.What is Brooks' teachers' attitude towards the app he developed? (No more than 14 words)


3.What does Paragraph 7 talk about between Infinite Campus and Brooks? (No more than 7 words)


4.What does Brooks’ aim to do now? (No more than 10 words)


5.Use one word to describe Brooks.


Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let’s see how she’s getting along.

My Diary

MONDAY: I’m officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I’ve soon got seven friends. I’ve never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.

TUESDAY: I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it’s just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.

WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum’s on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table from last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!

THURSDAY: There’s a message from my boyfriend, “so, it’s over then, ;is it?” Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search ‘ and now every one can see it on their news feed.’

FRIDAY: Time to update my status:“Work is boring. Can’t wait for the weekend!” Yeah, that about sums it up. Oh, look, I’ve received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now“like” this status.

SATURDAY: Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.

SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I’ve got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .

In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page says he’s a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.

1. Why did Jamie’s boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?

    A. He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.

    B. She showed in her facebook that she was still not dating anyone.

    C. Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.

    D. He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.

2.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

    A. Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie’s time and energy.

    B. Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.

    C. Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.

    D. Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.

3.What does the word“un-friend” mean in“Someone’s ‘un-friended’ me!”?

    A.  Being unfriendly to others.

    B.  Having a quarrel with somebody.

    C.  Removing a name from the friend list.

    D.  Ending friendship with somebody.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

   A. Steve was Jamie’s boyfriend in the university.

   B. People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.

   C. Jamie’s mother has seen the photos of her dancing on the table.

   D. Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.

5.It can be learned from the passage that the writer’s attitude towards Facebook is ______  .

    A. approval          B. objective           C. negative        D. positive


     Do you ever wonder about the smartest way to spend your allowance (零用钱)? Twelve-year-old Fabian
Fernandez-Han might have a few good ideas for you. Fabian won the NYSE Financial Future Challenge,
sponsored by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Foundation. He received a prize of $2500 and had the
honor of ringing the closing bell at the stock exchange on January 11.
     The contest aimed at getting young people to think about money management and investing. Kids ages 6 to
19 were asked to create a product idea that would teach their peers about finances and the stock market, and
inspire them to think about saving or investing money. Financial experts chose five finaltsts, including Fabian,
from thousands of entries. Voters on Bykids-forkids.com picked Fabian's "Oink-a-Saurus" as the winner.
     Fabian's Oink-a-Saurus is an idea for an iPhone or iPod app, a computer program that runs on Apple phones
and MP3 players. Oink-a-Saurus would gather information about people's interests and spcnding habits by
tracking what they browsed online or bought in stores. Like an imaginary piggy bank. Oink-a-Saurus would then
show how much money a user might have earned by saving and/or investing the money, instead of spending it.
     The other finalists offered their own cool ideas for teaching kids about finance. Eight-year-old Tyra Smith
proposed "Stock Pocket", a game that would use electronic flashcards. Players would learn facts about the
stock market and win points by answering questions correctly. Twelve-year-old Kelsey Foss suggested a reality
TV show called "Stock Market Tycoon Idol". On the show, kids would compete to make or lose virtual money
by investing in the stock market. Her plan included adult experts helping the kids and teaching the audience about
money at the same time.
     Fabian and the other contestants tackled (处理) a very tough topic. Investing in the stock market is tricky
even for many adults to understand. The New York Stock Exchange is the biggest American marketplace for
buying and selling stocks, or parts of public companies. While some companies are privately owned by a person
or family, many big companies divide ownership into share or many little pieces of the company's total value.
Together, the shares are called stock. People can invest their money in a company by buying one or more of its
shares. If the company does well, the value of the investment usually goes up. If they wish, investors can then
sell their shares at a profit. Money can be lost in the stock market as well, when the value of shares falls. Many
investors lost money during the recent economic downturn.
1. In the New York Stock Exchange Financial Future Challenge, the goal was to _____.
[     ]
A. make as much money as possible in the stock market
B. create an idea for a product that would help kids learn about money management and investing
C. compete for jobs on the floor of the stock exchange
D. pass a test about money management and investing
2. Finalists in the Financial Future Challenge were chosen by _____.
[     ]
A. kids aged 6 to 19
B. teachers and principals
C. computer experts
D. money experts
3. To use Oink-a-Saurus, a kid would need _____.
[     ]
A. a cell phone or an MP3 player
B. a computer and a partner
C. stock in at least one company
D. a low-interest credit card
4. Which of the following is NOT the example of the great ideas of the finalists?
[     ]
A. Oink-a-Saurus.
B. iPod app.
C. Stock Pocket.
D. Stock Market Tycoon Idol.
5. In the last paragraph the writer tries to explain _____.
[     ]
A. what the stock market is
B. what adults should help kids with
C. how to make an investment
D. how to make a great idea

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