
  Many students have hobbies,such as reading,painting,growing vegetables in their gardens,and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and 1 are creative (有创造性的) . Hobbies can develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

   David Smith is a student His hobby is writing. 2 the summer of 2000,he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities,such as sailing,climbing and mounting biking,there was a writing workshop with a professional 3 “She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our 4 at the camp."

   In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life,and it 5 as a book in 2003. Many teenagers love his book,and as a result,David has become a 6 young writer.

   David has been very lucky 7 his hobby has brought him enjoyment and success. But he is 8 interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball,too,” says David. “I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.9 I’ll write more books in the future,but Tm not sure.

   It's sometimes difficult 10 that we shouldn’t spend all our time on our favorite hobby. There are many other interesting things to do in life,and we should try to do something new or different.

() 1. A. other   B. others   C. the other   D. another

() 2. A. During   B. At   C. For   D. On

() 3. A. manager   B. doctor   C. singer   D. writer

() 4. A. experiences   B. examples   C. excuses   D. experiments

() 5. A. took out   B. tried out   C. came out   D. went out

() 6. A. successful   B. normal   C. polite   D. lonely

() 7. A. or   B. but   C. because   D. though

() 8. A. too   B. also   C. only   D. either

() 9. A. Usually   B. Immediately   C. Maybe   D. Once

() 10. A. remember   B. remembers   C. remembered   D. to remember

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D

阅读提示:本文是记叙文,主要介绍了 David参加夏令营激发自己的兴趣并努力尝试取得成功的故事。他还有许多其他爱好,这让他真正享受了生活。说明爱好需要自己不断培养,还要尝试新鲜和不同的事物。

1. B some…others…一些,其他的,是固定搭配。故选B.

2. A在2000年夏天,他花了四个星期参加夏令营。during在…… 期间。

3. D由上文的关键词writing workshop写作工作室可知这里只有 writer与之相符。

4. A他让我们想象我们在一个故事里。然后我们写下这次野营的经历。

5. C并且2003年出版了一本书。come out出版。

6. A David成为一名成功的年轻作家。由上文许多青年人喜欢他 的书可以看出他成为了一位成功的年轻作家。

7. C David很幸运,因为他的爱好带给他享受和成功。这里表示原 因,因此选C.

8. B由下文可知他也有许多其他的爱好。also用在系动词后面,表 示“也”,用于肯定句。

9. C由下文“I'm not sure”可知,他不确定,也许会写更多书。

10. D记住不要把所有的时间放在最喜欢的爱好上,这件事虽然有 时候做起来很难。


   The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month,usually in February or occasionally (偶尔) in March in the Gregorian calendar.

   The important activity on this day is watching lanterns. Throughout the Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 220) ,Buddhism (佛教) was very popular in China. One emperor ordered to light lanterns in his palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. Later,the Buddhist rite (仪式) developed into a great festival among common people.

   Till now,the Lantern Festival is still held each year around the country. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets,attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to hang out,very excited.

   “Guessing lantern riddles” is a central part of the festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have answers to the riddles,they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right,they will get a little gift. The activity started in the Song Dynasty (960—1279) . As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom,it has become popular among people of all ages.

   People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings on this day. So it is also called the “Yuanxiao Festival. ”Yuanxiao also has another name,tang yuan. It tastes sweet and delicious. What’s more,tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with Utuanyuany,meaning getting together. So people eat them and hope they can take happiness to the family.

() 1. The Lantern Festival may be in .

   A. January   B. February

   C. March   D. February or March

() 2. The emperor of the Han Dynasty ordered to light lanterns because.

   A. it was too dark in his palaces

   B. he liked lanterns so much

   C. he wanted to show respect to Buddha

   D. he wanted to show respect to common people

() 3. What is the central part of the Lantern Festival?

   A. Watching lanterns.

   B. Guessing lantern riddles.

   C. Making lanterns.

   D. Eating yuanxiao.

() 4. What is the best title for the article?

   A. The Lantern Festival.

   B. The Beautiful Lanterns.

   C. People Respect Buddhism.

   D. When did the Lantern Festival Begin?


Li Yugang dresses like a woman and sings like a   bird. He won the third prize in (XTV^ Star Road in 2006. He sings folk songs. However,he   seems to have the spirit of “Mei Lanfang”. In fact,the young man had learnt   something from Mei LanfangJs students.

People in China usually don’t like cross-dressing(反串).But people are really surprised at Li’s beauty and   grace when he sings and dances.



Do you know who invented QQ? It was Ma Huateng.   He was born in Guangdong in 1971. He chose computer science when he entered   Shenzhen University in 1989. He worked as a computer programmer for a company   in Shenzhen for five years after he graduated in 1993. Later he left the company   and started his own company in 1998.




Yue   Fei was a famous hero of Southern Song Dynasty. He was born in a poor family   in Henan Province. He was very brave and won many battles with his soldiers.   But Qin Hui killed Yue Fei for Mo Xu You. Later a temple about Yue was built   in memory of him at the foot of Qixia Lin by West Lake, in Hangzhou.【2013湖北恩施】

() 1. Who did Li Yugang once learn from according to the passage?

   A. Mei Lanfang. B. Mei Lanfang's students.

   C. Mei Yanfang's students. D. Mei Lanfang's friends.

() 2. The underlined word “grace” means in Chinese.

   A. 粗犷   B. 做作   C. 傲慢   D. 优雅

() 3. From the passage,we know Yue Fei.

   A. was not born in a rich family

   B. was not brave

   C. killed Qin Hui

   D. built a temple

() 4. Ma Huateng set up his own company when he was.

   A. 18   B. 22   C. 27   D. 42

() 5. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. Li Yugang invented QQ.

   B. Ma Huateng used to work as a computer programmer for a company.

   C. Li Yugang won the first prize in CCTV’s Star Road.

   D. Yue Fei seldom won battles with his soldiers.

  A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clean plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didn't want to forgive (原谅) in their lives,they chose a potato,wrote the person's 1 and the date on it and put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were very 2 . They were then told to carry this bag with them 3 for one week. They would put it beside their bed at night,on the seat when sitting in a car or on a bus,and next to their desks at 4 . The 5 carrying the bag around with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. They had to pay attention to (注 意) it all the time so that they wouldn’t 6 it or leave it in embarrassing (?尬的) places. As time passed by,the potatoes went 7 and smelt terrible. Too often we think of tolerance (宽容) as a 8 to other people,but it clearly is for 9!If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred (仇恨) in our hearts,we will have to 10 them around all our lives.(江苏江阴)

() 1. A. age   B. name   C. hobbies   D. weight

() 2. A. small   B. beautiful   C. light   D. heavy

() 3. A. everywhere   B. nowhere   C. somewhere   D. where

() 4. A. home   B. work   C. night   D. school

() 5. A. students   B. days   C. potatoes   D. teachers

() 6. A. forget   B. buy   C. remember   D. find

() 7. A. big   B. wrong   C. bad   D. good

() 8. A. feeling   B. waste   C. gift   D. greeting

() 9. A. themselves   B. ourselves   C. yourself   D. itself

() 10. A. miss   B. meet   C. carry   D. enjoy

  Napoga is a 12-year-old girl in Ghana (加纳) ,Africa. It is hard for her family to get clean water. Every morning,she leaves home at half past five to get clean water for her family in a village far away. It takes her six hours to get enough clean water for daily cooking and drinking. She has no time to go to school or to play with her friends. Millions of people in the world are like Napoga. They can't get enough clean water to keep healthy.

   Earth Day is on April 22. But on all other days?we must also remember it. The water we use is the most important natural resource (自然资源) on the earth.

   Water covers 70% of the earth's surface. But most of that is sea water. We can't use it for very many things. Fresh water covers only 1% of the earth's surface.

   You probably feel lucky that your life isn’t as hard as Napoga's. But that doesn’t mean you don't have to worry about water. We all face serious water problems. One of them is water pollution. All kinds of things from cars,factories,farms and homes make our rivers,lakes,and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish,too. Now,34% of all kinds of fish are dying out.

   How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First,they pollute the air. Then,when it rains,the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain,called acid rain (酸雨) ,is also bad for plants,animals and buildings.

   Scientists say that in 30 years,more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children. Here is some advice for saving water:

   . Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450 liters (升) each month.

   . Leaky taps (漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away!

   . You can easily cut your 10-minute showers in half— and you’ll be just as clean.

   . When you wash dishes,don't let the water run.

   . Only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn’t full,you’re wasting water!

() 1. Every morning Napoga went to get clean water.

   A. before she went to school   B. after she finished school

   C. without going to school   D. after she played with her friends

() 2. On the earth, .

   A. sea water is widely used than fresh water

   B. there is very little water for our living

   C. there is 71% of fresh water

   D. we don't need to worry about water

() 3. Acid rain .

   A. is only bad for living things

   B. can be produced in factories

   C. doesn’t do harm to people,but it's bad for plants,animals and buildings

   D. doesn’t just do harm to human beings but to animals,plants and buildings

() 4. Which of the following wastes water?

   A. We need ten minutes if we want a clean shower.

   B. We should put in enough clothes when we wash clothes in washing machines.

   C. You can keep yourself clean by having a shower for five minutes.

   D. Don’t let the water run when we brush our teeth and wash dishes.

() 5. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A. Something must be done to prevent water form being polluted.

   B. Clean water means much to human beings and living things around us.

   C. It's time to take care of the water we use.

   D. Water is the most important natural resource on the earth.

  Daniel began to learn Chinese when he was three. He could read and write after half a year. He could 1 newspapers and books 2 a dictionary (字典) .

   He began to learn English when he was five. Now he is seven years old. He can 3 with foreigners in English. He went to school last autumn. He didn't like 4 homework and he didn't listen to the teacher carefully in class.

He was the first in the first exam (考试) . He was the second in the second exam. And he was the third in the third exam. His teacher worried about him.

   “Do you know the story 5 the rabbit and the tortoise?” asked the teacher.

   “Yes,I know it very 6 ” answered Daniel.

   “Why did the rabbit fail at 7 ?” asked the teacher again.

   “Because the rabbit is very proud (骄傲的) ”’answered the boy quickly.

   “Yes,you are right. If the rabbit wants to win the game,8 would he do it?” said the teacher.

   “Oh,it's very 9 . You can let a wolf (狼) 10 the game instead of the tortoise,I think ,” said the boy with a smile.(江苏省苏州市2012—2013学年八年级下学期期中模拟考试英语试题)

() 1. A. look at   B. read   C. see   D. watch

() 2. A. from   B. for   C. in   D. with

() 3. A. speak   B. talk   C. tell   D. say

() 4. A. do   B. did   C. doing   D. does

() 5. A. about   B. to   C. off   D. from

() 6. A. good   B. well   C. nice   D. interesting

() 7. A. home   B. school   C. first   D. last

() 8. A. when   B. where   C. which   D. how

() 9. A. hard   B. easy   C. full   D. fine

() 10. A. join   B. to join   C. joined   D. joining

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