
1.Widely a________ as the best person to take charge of the company, Jeff must live up to his promise.

2.The little girl was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of c_______ in red ink.

3.Tina, do you have all the r__________ documents ready? The meeting is about to start soon.

4.I doubt his c_____________ to do the work

5.All the villagers went out to c___________ through the missing boy.

6.He gave us very _____________(明确的) instructions.

7.He found their address in the telephone d_____________.

8.He worked hard and got the q____________ of being a teacher.

9.Within her __________(一生) this old lady witnessed two World Wars.

10.Our visitors arrived at the ____________(约定的) time.


Imagine you got paid to go shopping,and could keep the things you bought with other people's money.Does this sound like a dream?Well,for some,like Amy Knott,from Chicago,this is their job.

Amy Knott is a mystery shopper.She is paid to visit a store,eat in a restaurant,go to a bank,stay in a hotel,get her hair cut,fill up her gas tank,or see a movie.She pretends to be an ordinary customer,but afterwards she writes a report about her experience,commenting on things like: How long did you wait in line?Was the flood hot?Did the cashier say "thank you"?Did the restroom have soap and tissue?This gives companies useful information about how they can improve their customer service.

So who can become a mystery shopper?You do not need any special qualifications or experience,but you need a good memory,an eye for detail,and good writing skills.When you apply for the job,instead of an interview,you will be asked to write about something like:"What was your best shopping experience?"

What is the pay like?For a 15-minute visit to a store,you might get $10 and the cost of what you buy.For a haircut,you might get $35 and the cost of the haircut.Most mystery shoppers do this job in their spare time,like Byron Jenner,who visits a restaurant on his lunch break every day and earns about $500 extra a month.But others, like Amy,make it their full-time career,and earn up to $40,000 a year.

"I love mystery shopping.I can't believe I actually get paid to have fun,"she says."For example,tonight my husband and I will go out,have a $150 dinner,go to stay at a luxury hotel,and I'll walk away with $300."

1.Amy Knott is paid to go shopping_______ .

A. to see whether the cashier says "thanks you"

B. to do a research for a company to improve its service

C. to comment on some things

D. to see whether the restroom has soap and tissue

2.Which of the following is Not the qualification for a mystery shopper?

A. A good memory. B. An eye for detail.

C. Good writing skills. D. Passing an interview.

3.How much does Byron Jenner earn as a mystery shopper a year?

A. $6,000. B. $40.000.

C. $420. D. $30,000.

Would it surprise you to learn that, like animals, trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?

UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined. Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are competing for survival of the fittest, Simard shows just how wrong he was. In fact, the opposite is true: trees survive through their co-operation and support, passing around necessary nutrition “depending on who needs it”.

Nitrogen (氮) and carbon are shared through miles of underground fungi (真菌) networks, making sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy. This hidden system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons (神经元) in our brains, and when one tree is destroyed, it affects all.

Simard talks about “mother trees”, usually the largest and oldest plants on which all other trees depend. She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation, transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow. When humans cut down “mother trees” with no awareness of these highly complex “tree societies” or the networks on which they feed, we are reducing the chances of survival for the entire forest.

“We didn’t take any notice of it.” Simard says sadly. “Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying, but we never give them a chance.” If we could put across the message to the forestry industry, we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Old Trees Communicate Like Humans

B. Young Trees Are In Need Of Protection

C. Trees Contribute To Our Society

D. Trees Are More Complex Than You Think

2.In Simard’s opinion, trees .

A. protect their own wealth B. depend on each other

C. compete for survival D. provide support for dying trees

3.We can learn from the passage that .

A. if “mother trees” are cut down, the survival for the entire forest will be affected

B. “mother trees” are usually of no use to other trees

C. Charles Darwin had the same thought as Simard

D. people know much about the complex “tree societies”

Internet data shows that younger adults have become the main audience crazy about changing their appearance. Once the world of the female in her fifties, plastic surgery(整形手术) has become the focus of the younger Internet users.

The recent death of Stephanie Kuleba, an 18-year-old high school cheerleader who died as a result of plastic surgery, brought our attention to the fashion of becoming a more “ideal” body among teenagers. In fact, search data confirms this phenomenon. One of the most popular sites visited from the search term “plastic surgery” is the official site of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (www. plastic surgery. org). Over 25% of the visitors, which is up from 19.6% two years ago, fell within the 18 to 24 years old.

Plastic surgery has become an American obsession (痴迷). Checking other countries, such as the UK and Australia, the 18 to 24-year-old’s being interested in plastic surgery is an obvious US phenomenon. Unlike the other groups who visit sites related to diseases and keeping healthy, younger Internet users rush to sites that deal with personal appearance, such as those focused on body-building, weight loss and skin-care, and obviously plastic surgery.

While television on surgery may be driving the interest of a younger audience, one factor appears to be a key in preventing such teens from changing their bodies: the failing U.S. economy. There has been a decline in all plastic surgery topics over the last year. While older age continue to search for information on procedures such as liposuction(抽脂), it’s younger Internet users who in tough economic times are focusing on improving their outer beauty, though at a discount price.

1.Why does the author mention the death of the 18-year-old cheerleader?

A. To show cheerleaders pay more attention to their appearance.

B. To warn people that plastic surgery is not as safe as it is said to be.

C. To prove the fact that people will pursue beauty at any cost.

D. To draw attention to the issue of young people having plastic surgery.

2.While young people are surfing on the Internet, they are very interested in____________.

A. how to be physically and mentally healthy.

B. how to make themselves look young.

C. how to prevent and cure diseases.

D. how to have more attractive appearance.

3.What may affect young people’s decision on whether to have plastic surgery?

A. The safety of the operation

B. The total expense of the surgery.

C. The need for having the operation.

D. The results of the surgery.

A poem starts with a thought, an idea, or an emotion felt from the heart.Poems can be happy or sad, deep-thinking or even humorous.The choice is up to you and your imagination as to what you will create.

Your first step is to write down the idea or thought that you have and you want to turn into a poem.Next, you should turn the thought into a free verse(自由诗体)poem.Free verse poems are much easier to write as there are no steadfast rules to write them.Some free verse doesn’t even have any rhyme or meter.

Now, rewrite your thoughts into lines.Now is the time to look at your lines and remember that the poem should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, just like a story, a book, or a movie.

Reread your poem several times and listen to the words and to the rhythm of each line.Now is the time to shorten or lengthen each line in order to create a smooth-sounding poem.Even though it is a free verse poem, you can choose to make each line rhyme with the next line if you want to.

Now go back and reread your poem again. Check for proper punctuation(标点)as well as for the proper spelling of each word. Think up a suitable title for your poem. It would be a good idea to set your poem aside for a while and then return to it later.

Then, reread it again with a fresh mind and make some necessary changes.

If you decided to continue writing poetry, it would be a good idea to investigate(研究) some books about creating poetry, and to attend some local workshops. Check out the available resources on the Internet as well as what is available at your local public library.

1.The underlined word steadfast in Paragraph 2 is similar in meaning to______.

A. advanced B. strict

C. changeable D. reliable

2.In the author’s opinion, what is the right order of writing a good poem?

a.Turn an idea or thought into a poem.

b.Check for proper spelling and think up a title.

c.Rewrite your thoughts into 1ines.

d.Reread it and try to make your poem sound smooth.

e.Reread it again with a fresh mind.

f. Write down the idea or thought.

A. a-f-d-b-c-e B. a-f-c-d-e-b

C. f-a-d-c-e-b D. f-a-c-d-b-e

3.What can we infer from the end of the passage?

A. There is still a lot to learn about writing good poems.

B. Poems must depend on the Internet, workshops and libraries.

C. Writing poems is meaningful but rather difficult.

D. Not all people can succeed in writing poems.

It’s that time of year again, when college graduates attend graduation ceremony, half-listening to celebrity speakers’ wisdom and advice. Here are the don’t-miss graduation speeches of 2016.

◆President Obama at Howard

At Howard University, Obama had some tough love for young people with enthusiasm, saying that’s just not enough: “Change requires more than anger. It requires a program and it requires organizing. Enthusiasm is very important, but you have got to have a strategy.”

◆Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School

“ I want you to keep pushing forward. Just keep pushing forward. And I want you to reach out and ask for help. I know your teachers tell you that all the time, but please understand that no one gets through college---or life, for that matter—alone. No one. I certainly didn’t.

◆SheryI Sandberg at Berkeley

As the chief operating officer of Facebook, SheryI Sandberg is one of the most famous figures in tech. last year, her husband suddenly died. In a speech at Berkeley a year later, Sandberg spoke about his death and her experience for the first in public: “My hope for you is that you can find that thankfulness—not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.”

◆Elizabeth Warren at Suffolk

“Knowing who you are will help when it’s time to fight. Fight for the job you want, fight for the people who mean the most to you and fight for the kind of world you want to live in. It will help when people say that’s impossible or you can’t do that. Look, if you take the unexpected opportunities when they come up, if you know yourself, and if you fight for what you believe in, I can promise that you will live a life that is rich with meaning.”

1.Who stressed the importance of strategies in the speeches?

A. President Obama B. Michelle Obama

C. SheryI Sandberg D. Elizabeth Warren

2.If you like struggling alone, whose speech may touch you most?

A. President Obama’s B. Michelle Obama’s

C. SheryI Sandberg D. Elizabeth Warren

3.In which university did the speaker mention appreciation?

A. Howard B. Santa Fe Indian School

C. Berkeley D. Suffolk

4.What does Elizabeth Warren want to tell the graduates?

A. Fight for the job you want B. Fight for the people you love

C. Fight for the world you want D. Fight for what you believe in

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