
【题目】SECTION B (共12小题;每小题 1.5分,满分18

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

In 1919, Princess Bazzar of Luxembourgs royal family met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights, Leon went into the kitchen and made ice-cream for Bazzar. They soon fell in love. But because of their different social status, both of them burried the feelings.

Soon, Bazzar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage. For days, Leon could not see Bazzar, he was with impatience. Finally, Bazzar at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon the letters DOVE, which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaars ice-cream. Leon that Bazzar could understand his feelings.

A few days later, Bazzar got . One year later, Leon could not the mental suffering and left the royal kitchen. Years later, he and his own family a candy store.

Many years later, Bazzar remembered that that afternoon she ate the ice-cream made by Leon, but didnt see the letters.

Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears, and he finally understood the past misunderstandings. If that chocolate had been , those letters would never have melted, and he would not have lost his last chance. Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can a long time.

After lots of , the chocolate Dove was finally made and each piece of chocolate was engraved with the letter DOVE. Its a symbol of the love between Leon and Bazzar.

Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the whisper of love: DO YOU LOVE ME?

1A. calling B. burning C. working D. talking

2A. stood up B. turned up C. stayed up D. dressed up

3A. wrote B. sent C. mixed D. noticed

4A. expected B. declared C. allowed D. promised

5A. sick B. angry C. married D. bored

6A. reduce B. stop C. repeat D. bear

7A. left B. visited C. ran D. found

8A. confusing B. interesting C. melting D. annoying

9A. stable B. powerful C. frozen D. solid

10A. stand B. spare C. take D. preserve

11A. breaks B. research C. pressure D. problems

12A. firmly B. immediately C. quickly D. luckily















1A. calling叫B. burning燃烧C. working工作D. talking讲;burn with ……所煎熬一连几天莱昂见不到芭莎心急如焚。

2A. stood up站起来B. turned up 出现,卷起C. stayed up熬夜D. dressed up打扮;终于在一个月后芭莎出现在餐桌上。

3A. wrote B. sent送C. mixed混合D. noticed注意;莱昂在准备甜点的时候,在芭莎的冰激凌上用热巧克力写了几个英文字母“DOVE”

4A. expected 期待B. declared宣布C. allowed允许D. promised许诺;莱昂期望芭莎能明白他的心意。

5A. sick 生病的B. angry 生气的C. married 结婚的D. bored厌烦的;根据上文的Bazzar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage,可知,这里是说get married.

6A. reduce减少B. stop停止C. repeat 重复D. bear出生,承受;忍受不了相思之苦的折磨,莱昂离开了王室的后厨。

7A. left 离开B. visited参观 C. ran 跑;经营D. found发现;莱昂和他的家人经营着一家糖果店。

8A. confusing 困惑的B. interesting有趣的C. melting融化的,溶解的D. annoying恼人的;根据下文的those letters would never have melted,芭莎记起来自己吃了莱昂给她做的冰激凌,但是她却没有看到那些已经融化的字母。

9A. stable稳定的,牢固的B. powerful有权利的C. frozen 冷酷的D. solid固体的,可靠地;下面提到create a solid chocolate 如果那些巧克力是固定的,那些字就永远不会融化

10A. stand B. spare节约,节省C. take拿D. preserve保存,保护;莱昂决定要制作出固体巧克力,使其可以保存更久。

11A. breaks间断B. research 研究C. pressure压力D. problems问题;经过苦心研制,香醇的巧克力终于制成

12A. firmly牢固的;坚定地B. immediately立刻地C. quickly 快地D. luckily幸运地;每一块巧克力上都被牢牢的刻上了“DOVE”


【题目】Of the several films Hirokazu has made about childhood and children, this one is the most modest, but no less pleasing for its delicate style and small setting. I Wish was originally called Miracle, and the change is for the better. The two-word title makes you want to know who’s wishing for what, while the single word sounds plain and self-praising. This wise and funny film works small miracles in describing such a moment when kids turn from the wishfulness of childhood into shaping the world for themselves.

The sweetly reflective hero, a sixth-grader named Koichi, starts out by wishing for a volcano to erupt. Not just any volcano, but the one that towers above his town, smoking heavily and giving off ash. An eruption would lead to a withdrawing, which would lead, at least in his mind, to a reunion with his father and kid brother, who’ve been living in Hakata while Koichi lives with his mother and retired grandparents in Kagoshima. The volcano, knowing nothing of this, refuses to erupt, but Koichi hears of another approach to realizing the desired miracle.

One of the pleasures of I Wish is watching how kids behave how Koichi attacks his dinner, for example. Another pleasure is rediscovering how kids think. These kids can be logical and ever so tricky. But children’s thought processes can also be fancy. A boy wishes he could play baseball like one of baseball stars, who eats curry for breakfast; so he, too, starts eating curry for breakfast, instead of practicing on the field. Another boy tries to wish his dead dog, Marble, back to life. And what does Koichi finally wish for? I wish you’d see this delightful film to find out.

【1】Why has the name of the film been changed from Miracle to I Wish?

A. The former is controversial and self-praising.

B. The former isn’t related to the content of the film.

C. The latter is easy for audience to remember.

D. The latter is easier to arouse audience’s interest.

【2】Koichi wishes the volcano to erupt so that he can ________.

A. enjoy the wonderful scene of a volcano

B. help those who suffer from the eruption

C. get together with his family members

D. work miracles during the disaster

【3】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. I Wish is a film set in a volcano eruption.

B. I Wish shows a lively and thoughtful world of children.

C. I Wish shows audience some dull and ridiculous behaviors.

D. I Wish is a serious science fiction movie.

【4】What does the writer intend to do in this text?

A. To share pleasures of watching a film.

B. To make a review on a film.

C. To discuss kids’ behavior and thoughts.

D. To recommend a film.



Having a happier life is something we all always struggle for. One of the key foundations of that is to be consistent in doing things that bring happiness. 【1】

Consider these 4 habits:

1. Laugh in the middle of a busy day.

It’s 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon and you’re desperate to leave for school. On top of the homework, you’re running close to super important deadline. 2】 Just take a moment to laugh. You should laugh more often, especially on a busy day.

2. Do not compare yourself to others.

Measure your own successes based on your progress and only yours.3】 No one is better than any one else.

3. Find time to work out regularly and eat well.

Exercise can produce tons of feel-good hormones(荷尔蒙).4】 Feeding your body with whole and nutritious foods, on the other hand, can positively affect your body in both short and long term. Find time to schedule in a workout even if it’s only thirty minutes and do something you love. Eat well because foods can help you stay focused and more energized, and happier as a whole.

4. End each day with gratitude.

5】 It might be something as small as a child’s laugh or something as huge as a praise from the headmaster. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.

A. All of our lives are unique.

B. Surround you with people who matter.

C. Don’t blame everything not going your way.

D. Try to think you are better than anyone else.

E. Develop right habits to ensure we live a happy life.

F. These hormones can help avoid stress and depression.

G. Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened.

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