





字数:100—120个词。 参考词汇:筷子chopsticks

【答案】Dear John,I was excited to hear that you would come to China next month.Now let me tell you something different you may meet here.To begin with, the weather here is totally different from that in your place.It hardly ever rains but whenever it does, it rains heavily.So you’d better bring a raincoat and overcoat.Another big difference is foodThe Chinese food is quite different from yours.You have to try to get used to it, and learn how to use chopsticks.I’m sure you can do it.Finally please bring me a big American map if possible.Thank you very much.I am looking forward to meeting you.YoursLi Ping






Starting high school means changes in your life. Most teenagers look forward to the first day of high school, but still feel a little bit nervous. In order to make your high school life easier, 【1】________

Learn all you can about your first day before the first school day. Take part in some activities that are held at the school for new students to know the school better. If parents are invited to these activities, take yours with you. Carefully look over all the materials you receive. 2________

Get the things you will need for class. But the things suggested on your teachers’supply lists and place your materials for each class separately.

3________If you find you’re not doing well in a subject, make use of after-school study groups or ask your teacher to help you with your schoolwork. Consider private tutoring to get you through a difficult time.

There’s more extracurricular(课外的) activities in high school than in middle school, such as clubs, music and theatre groups, student government, and sports teams. Make friends and be seen at such school activities.4________

Ask someone in the school office about opportunities to take part in school activities if you don’t know how. This is a good time to do what you like doing and an opportunity to try new things. Who said school has to be all work and no play?

Since you’re attending more activities in high school than in middle school,5________

A. you can follow these tips.

B. Keep u with your high school workload.

C. Here are some tips for you to follow,

D. All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.

E. you’ll have to learn to manage your time.

F. Be sure you know where the school’s buildings are.

G. Join a club or other organizations to meet people and develop friendships.

【题目】In Eastern Europe, blue jeans symbolize (象征) American culture and “the good life”. In Spain they are known as “cowboys”. In China, jeans are known as “niuzaiku”, also, “cowboy trousers”, which means they are connected with the American West cowboy culture and outdoor work.

Jeans are usually made from denim (粗布), but may also be made from other materials. The earliest known cloth for jeans was a thick cotton cloth from the Indians. At first they were working clothes. They became popular among teenagers in the 1950s. Today jeans are a very popular form of casual wear around the world and come in many styles and colors.

Jeans were first made in Genoa in Italy. The trousers were made for the Genoese navy (海军) because they needed trousers which could be worn wet or dry, and whose legs could be easily rolled up while the men were cleaning the ships. These jeans would be washed by pulling them in large fishing nets behind the ship, and the sea water would make them white.

In the 1850s Levi Strauss, a business man living in San Francisco, was selling blue jeans under the “Levi’s” name to the coal workers of California.

During World War II, the coal workers liked jeans very much because they were strong and did not tear easily. In the 1950s, jeans became popular with young people in the United States. Wearing of blue jeans by teenagers was the symbol of rebels (反叛者) in TV programmes and movies. Some cinemas and restaurants refused to let people in if they wore blue jeans. In the 1980s, jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them. Sales of jeans went up and up.

【1】From the first paragraph we know that ________.

A. cowboys wear jeans only

B. cowboys live a good life

C. American culture is cowboy culture

D. cowboy culture is usually related to the West of America

【2】Jeans were first made in ______.

A. Italy B. America C. Spain D. China

【3】From Paragraph 4 we know that “Levi’s” was ____.

A. the name of a worker

B. the brand (名牌) of a kind of jeans

C. the name of a kind of cloth

D. the nickname of a businessman

【4】Why the people who wore blue jeans were refused to go into the cinema in the 1950s?

A. Because jeans were made for workers.

B. Because jeans were made of denim.

C. Because it was during the time of war.

D. Because wearing jeans was the symbol of rebels.

【题目】An extinct mountain goat that was once common in the Pyrenees became the first animal to be brought back from extinction. Researchers used frozen DNA to produce a clone, but the newborn kid died within minutes of birth due to breathing difficulties.

The Pyrenean ibex is a type of mountain goat,which is believed to have died out completely in 2000. Before the death of the last known individual(a13-year-old female known as Celia), biologists took cells from her skin and ears. An earlier cloning attempt to use the skin cells failed. But the latest attempt involved the creation of 439 cloned embryos. Of these cloned embryos, 57 were put into the female domestic goats, but only one goat gave birth and the newborn cloned kid died after seven minutes as a result of lung disease.

Researchers say that other cloned animals, including sheep, have been born with similar lung disease, but they say that overall the experiment was a major step forward in the effort to bring the ibex back to its mountain home. The leading researcher Jose Folch says, “the cloned kid was genetically like the ibex;in species such as the ibex,cloning is the only possibility to avoid its complete disappearance.”

The failure to produce a living clone from DNA that was frozen only a decade ago shows the difficulty researchers would face in trying to bring back species that have been extinct(灭绝的) for decades or centuries. Researchers have had the idea of bringing back the Tasmanian tiger, which went extinct in 1936. There are, however, other species that have been seriously suggested for cloning,such as the giant panda, the African bongo antelope, the Sumatran tiger and the pygmy hippo. Supporters believe cloning provides hope of keeping these endangered animals alive before they die out.

【1】What do we know about the cloned ibex?

A. It died of lung disease.

B. It was the first cloned animal in the world.

C. It lived for thirteen years.

D. It was born in 2000.

【2】Jose Foleh would agree that cloning

A. is not suitable and should be banned.

B. requires immediate attention.

C. should be carried out cautiously.

D. may help prevent animal extinction.

【3】We can conclude from the passage that

A. cloning has developed quickly in developed countries.

B. no more animals will die out in the future.

C. cloning makes it possible to preserve endangered species.

D. cloning seldom results in physical problems for animals.

【4】What’s the best title for this passage?

A、Great advancement in cloning goats.

B、Difficulties in saving extinct animals.

C、Public concerns about cloning.

D、Cloning brought back an extinct species for a while.

【题目】SECTION B (共12小题;每小题 1.5分,满分18

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

In 1919, Princess Bazzar of Luxembourgs royal family met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights, Leon went into the kitchen and made ice-cream for Bazzar. They soon fell in love. But because of their different social status, both of them burried the feelings.

Soon, Bazzar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage. For days, Leon could not see Bazzar, he was with impatience. Finally, Bazzar at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon the letters DOVE, which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaars ice-cream. Leon that Bazzar could understand his feelings.

A few days later, Bazzar got . One year later, Leon could not the mental suffering and left the royal kitchen. Years later, he and his own family a candy store.

Many years later, Bazzar remembered that that afternoon she ate the ice-cream made by Leon, but didnt see the letters.

Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears, and he finally understood the past misunderstandings. If that chocolate had been , those letters would never have melted, and he would not have lost his last chance. Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can a long time.

After lots of , the chocolate Dove was finally made and each piece of chocolate was engraved with the letter DOVE. Its a symbol of the love between Leon and Bazzar.

Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the whisper of love: DO YOU LOVE ME?

1A. calling B. burning C. working D. talking

2A. stood up B. turned up C. stayed up D. dressed up

3A. wrote B. sent C. mixed D. noticed

4A. expected B. declared C. allowed D. promised

5A. sick B. angry C. married D. bored

6A. reduce B. stop C. repeat D. bear

7A. left B. visited C. ran D. found

8A. confusing B. interesting C. melting D. annoying

9A. stable B. powerful C. frozen D. solid

10A. stand B. spare C. take D. preserve

11A. breaks B. research C. pressure D. problems

12A. firmly B. immediately C. quickly D. luckily

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