
1.She ____________(滑倒)over on the ice and broke her leg.

2.At 60, he was now approaching _____________(退休).

3.He ____________ (遗弃;抛弃)his wife and his child and went away with all their money.

4.We didn’t know you were in trouble at that time,__________ (否则)we would have given you a hand.

5.Teachers and students make regular ___________ (捐赠) to the students in need.

6.Our country has a large population, vast land and _____________(丰富的)natural resources.

7.It’s a great comfort to have a ____________(代替)family to be with when you miss your home.

8.The president of our school wrote a letter ________(祝贺)on the opening of the annual sports meeting.

9.Research ______________(表明;指出)that eating habits are changing fast.

10.She was shocked by the violent scene she _____________(目击).


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Q My husband and I would like to spend five or six days in the Maldives. Could you

suggest some low-priced hotels? We'll be there in November. Jan Davies, email.

A Prices in the Maldives are high. The cheaper hotels (and there aren't many) mightn't

be much to look at, with unpleasant rooms, iron roofs, old buildings, poor and rough

vegetation and basic facilities, but they get their atmosphere from cheerful customers

and an untidy, free island feel.

Angaga (South Ari Atoll, phone 0011 960 450510), Asdu Sun Island (North Male

Atoll, email info@asdu.com.mv) are both a bit like this.

You'll be there in the low season (May to November), when its' still warm, but

there's a greater likelihood of rain, so you should be able to get a double (standard )

room with full board (three meals a day) for $ 100 a night.

However, pricing structures for the hotels are enormously complex for standard,

superior and luxurious rooms.

Q My husband and I are from Australia. We are planning a four-week trip to London, Dublin and Paris in October and we are shocked by the cost of hotels. We have

searched the Internet and hotel books given to us by tourist authorities but we can't

find anything cheaper than $ 150 a night.

Joan Maloney, email.

A For Australians traveling Europe, especially its capital cities, is expensive. You may

have to increase your budget . However, if you can't afford these costs, then you

should consider staying in hotels where the cheapest twin rooms with shared bathroom

cost about$20 a person in Dublin and Paris and $35 in London. The minimum you

would pay for a double room in a central area is $50 a person in Dublin and Paris and

$70 in London. These prices are for shared bathroom facilities, though you will get a

wonderfully unhealthy cooked breakfast thrown in.

Not all hotels are equal, of course, and it's a good idea to consult a guidebook with

a good reputation.

1.The hotel Angaga in the Maldives_________.

A. attracts untidy people B. has some basic facilities

C. has the best landscape D. can be contacted by email

2.If you spend your holiday in the Maldives in February, _________

A. there is a greater likelihood of rain

B. standard, superior and luxurious rooms are all available

C. the weather will probably be better than that of the low season

D. a standard room with full board will cost less than $100 a night.

3.What is the advice for the couple planning to visit Europe in October?

A. They should stay in hotels in a central area

B. They could live in hotel rooms of lower standard

C. They should put up with the wonderfully unhealthy cooked breakfast.

D. They should buy a reliable guidebook instead of increasing the budget.

The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing. Since 2009, a new form of sharing economy has been appearing in neighborhoods throughout the US and around the world—— Little Free Library. The libraries are boxes placed in neighborhoods from which residents can withdraw (取出) and deposit (存入) books. Little Free Libraries come in all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults, or tour guides.

In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library as a gift to his mother, who was a devoted reader. When he saw the people of his community gathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take his simple idea further. “I think Little Free Libraries open the door to conversations we want to have with each other,” Bol said.

Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country to country. According to Little FreeLibrary.org, there are now 18,000 of the little structures around the world, located in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.

The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article says the little structures serve as a cure for a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes are refreshingly physical and human. For many people, the sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries’ main appeal. “A girl walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; a man on his way to the bus stop might find a volume of poetry that changes his outlook on life,” says the Atlantic article. “Every book is a potential source of inspiration”.

1.How do Little Free Libraries get their books?

A. The communities bought them. B. Tod Bol donated them.

C. US government provided them. D. Citizens shared them.

2.Why did Tod Bol want to build more Little Free Libraries?

A. They can offer neighbors more chances to talk.

B. He was inspired by the sharing economy.

C. He wanted to promote his idea worldwide.

D. They are a gift to please his mother.

3.What does the author of the Atlantic article believe?

A. Little Free Libraries are more popular than e-reader downloads.

B. E-reader downloads are undoubtedly beneficial.

C. Little Free Libraries are physical and human.

D. The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries.

4.Little Free Libraries attract readers most because ________.

A. they are in various shapes and sizes

B. they are located all over the world

C. they connect strangers together

D. they may give readers a sense of discovery

The English have a difficult and, generally speaking, dysfunctional (不协调的) relationship with clothes. Their main problem is dial they have a desperate need for rules, and are unable to get along without them. Tins helps to explain why they have an international reputation for dressing in general very badly, but with specific areas of excellence, such as high-class men’s suits, ceremonial costume, and innovative (革新的) street fashion. In other words, we English dress best when we are “in uniform”.

You may be surprised that I am including “innovative street fashion” in the category of uniform. Surely the parrot-haired punks (朋克摇滚乐迷) or the Victorian vampire Goths are being original, not following rules? It’s true that they all look different and eccentric(奇特的) but in fact they all look eccentric in exactly the same way. They are wearing a uniform. The only truly eccentric dresser in this country is the Queen, who pays no attention to fashion and continues to wear what she likes, a kind of 1950s fashion, with no regard for anyone else’s opinion. However, it is true that the styles invented by young English people are much more eccentric than any other nation’s street fashion. We may not be individually eccentric, apart from the Queen, but we have a sort of collective eccentricity, and we appreciate originality in dress even if we do not individually have it.

Another “rule” of behavior I had discovered was that it is very important for the English not to take themselves too seriously, to be able to laugh at themselves. However, it is well known that most teenagers tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.

The Goths, in their scaring black costumes, certainly look as if they are taking themselves seriously. But when I got into conversation with them, I discovered that they too had a sense of humor. I was once chatting to a Goth in the full vampire costume—with a white face, deep purple lipstick, and black parrot-hair. I saw he was also wearing a T-shirt with “Goth”. “Why are you wearing that?” I asked. “It’s in case you don’t realize I’m a Goth,” he answered, pretending to be serious. We both burst out laughing.

1.What can we know about the English people?

A. They need rules to dress well. B. They are in need of uniforms.

C. They are creative in general. D. They lead the world trend.

2.Who is individually eccentric in dressing?

A. A high-class man. B. A parrot-haired punk.

C. The Queen. D. The fashion innovator.

3.Which of the following can best describe the Goths?

A. They dress badly.

B. They dress in an amusing way.

C. They are unable to laugh at the way they dress.

D. They are less fashionable than the other English people.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. How the English Dress

B. How the English Admire Fashion

C. Why the English Like Uniforms

D. Why the English Are Eccentric in Dress

How to Improve Vocabulary Fast

Your vocabulary refers to the words in a language you are familiar with. We should learn some ways to expand it.

Read every day. 1. Choose reading material that is slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know.

2.If you do not meet with an unfamiliar word in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search for one.

Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word. Pronunciation is as important as definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary, you must be able to use it in speech.

Elaborate(阐释)on the meaning of the word. Use imagery and personal relevance. If you have just learned that the word “stubborn” , think about the neighbor who will not lend you his car. 3.

Use your new word in speech and in writing. E-mail your sister about how your cat is stubborn about sleeping on your pillow.  4.But the more you use it, the more fluent you will become in its use. Soon it will be a regular part of your active vocabulary.

Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary. Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is 5..The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone, the more likely you are to remember it.

A. Or let them ask for the definition of a new word you have used.

B. Your vocabulary contains the words you understand.

C. The vocabulary can be increased.

D. Imagine him shaking his head, and think of him as “stubborn in his refusal”.

E. The first time you use a new word in speech it may seem strange.

F. Find a new word every day.

G. The more often you read, the faster your vocabulary can grow.

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